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c# - 为什么在获取访问 token 时在 C# 中出现 AADSTS50196 请求循环?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 02:40:08 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我想通过 C# 向 Azure Active Directory 进行身份验证并从 SharePoint 检索大量数据。因此我添加了并行请求和中央身份验证方法。在方法中我确实缓存了 token ,所以我只需要请求一次 token 。

public class AuthHelper
string authorityUrl = "{0}/";
public string TenantId { get; set; } = "<GUID>";
public string ClientId { get; set; } = "<GUID>";
public string Username { get; set; } = "MyUsername";
public string UserPW { get; set; } = "MyPa$$w0rd!";
public string HostURL { get; set; } = "";

private string tmpToken;
public string GetJWTToken()
// get new Token from service
if (IsTokenExpired(tmpToken))
var scopes = new List<string>();
// parse uri, to use hostname like '' with the default rights
var uri = new Uri(HostURL);
var resource = uri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + uri.Host + "/.default";

IPublicClientApplication app = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(ClientId)
.WithAuthority(string.Format(authorityUrl, TenantId))

var securePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in UserPW) securePassword.AppendChar(c);
// following line throw the exception
var result = app.AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword(scopes, Username, securePassword).ExecuteAsync().Result;
tmpToken = result.AccessToken;
return tmpToken;

public bool IsTokenExpired(string token)
if (token == null)
return true;
// check if tmpToken is still valid
var handler = new System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
var tokenDecoded = handler.ReadJwtToken(token);
if (tokenDecoded.ValidTo < DateTime.UtcNow)
return true;
return false;

从 SharePoint 并行请求多个资源时,出现以下异常:

AADSTS50196: The server terminated an operation because it encountered a client request loop. Please contact your app vendor. Trace ID: <GUID> Correlation ID: <GUID> Timestamp: ...


我的问题是,我为每个并行运行的线程使用了该类的新实例。因此,每次请求访问 token 时,缓存总是新创建的。

根据 Microsoft 的说法,请求 token 存在限制,即使是成功的请求也是如此:

multiple requests (15+) in a short period of time (5 minutes) willreceive an invalid_grant error


现在我使用我的访问 token 的静态列表 实现了一个全局缓存。我根据 clientId 和用户名进行检查,但如果需要可以扩展。

private string tmpToken; 替换为:

    protected class CustTokenCacheItem
public string ClientId { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string AccessToken { get; set; }

private static readonly List<CustTokenCacheItem> TokenCache = new List<CustTokenCacheItem>();
private string tmpToken
return TokenCache.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ClientId == this.ClientId && t.Username == this.Username)?.AccessToken;
var tkn = TokenCache.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ClientId == this.ClientId && t.Username == this.Username);
if (value == null && tkn != null)
else if (tkn == null)
TokenCache.Add(new CustTokenCacheItem { AccessToken = value, Username = this.Username, ClientId = this.ClientId });
tkn.AccessToken = value;

关于c# - 为什么在获取访问 token 时在 C# 中出现 AADSTS50196 请求循环?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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