gpt4 book ai didi

python - 在python中进行正则表达式匹配后获取 token 序列号

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 02:28:21 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


list_a = ["4123", "7648", "afjsdn", "ujaf", "huh23"]
regex_num = r"\d+"
string_a = " ".join(list_a)
num_matches = re.findall(regex_num, string_a)


list_a:  ['4123', '7648', 'afjsdn', 'ujaf', 'huh23']
matches: ['4123', '7648', '23']


"23" == "huh23"

但为此,我需要 token 序列号。哪个不能直接使用。正则表达式匹配唯一可以提供的位置信息是字符级别的匹配范围。



是否有更 pythonic 的方法来确定匹配项是否只是 token 的一部分,或者是否有更 pythonic 的方法来查找匹配单词的序列号,以便可以利用初始列表进行字符串比较?


编辑 1:


list_a = ["4123", "7648", "afjsdn", "ujaf", "huh23", "n23kl3l24"] 就像@Artyom Vancyan 在评论中建议的那样


matches_with_slno = [[0,'4123'], [1,'7648'], [4, '23'], [5, '23'], [5,'3'], [5, '24']


使用 itertools 的函数式编程方法:

from itertools import chain, zip_longest

list_a = ["4123", "7648", "afjsdn", "ujaf", "huh23", "n23kl3l24"]

regex = r'\d+'
# pre-compilation of the regex
pattern = re.compile(regex)

# group the matches
grps = ((i, m) for i, m in enumerate(chain(map(pattern.findall, list_a))) if m)

# coupling the groups + flatting
out = list(chain.from_iterable(tuple(zip_longest((i,), matches, fillvalue=i)) for i, matches in grps))
#[(0, '4123'), (1, '7648'), (4, '23'), (5, '23'), (5, '3'), (5, '24')]



  • v1:使用正则表达式预编译,pattern.findall
  • v2:没有预编译,re.findall


在所有情况下,预编译都会使代码的性能更高。列表理解似乎是更好的解决方案,然后是生成器,最后是 itertool。

1 位有效数字,对于小数据,它们的工作原理都是一样的。

使用 timeit 完成的时间测量.

from timeit import timeit
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
import re

def with_itertools_v1(lst):
grps = ((i, m) for i, m in enumerate(chain(map(lambda x: re.findall(r'\d+', x), lst))) if m)
return list(chain.from_iterable(list(zip_longest((i,), matches, fillvalue=i)) for i, matches in grps))

def with_itertools_v2(lst):
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
grps = ((i, m) for i, m in enumerate(chain(map(pattern.findall, lst))) if m)
return list(chain.from_iterable(list(zip_longest((i,), matches, fillvalue=i)) for i, matches in grps))

def with_generators_v1(lst):
def gen():
for index, item in enumerate(lst):
yield from [[index, match] for match in re.findall(r"\d+", item)]
return list(gen())

def with_generators_v2(lst):
def gen():
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
for index, item in enumerate(lst):
yield from [[index, match] for match in pattern.findall(item)]
return list(gen())

def with_list_comprehension_v1(lst):
return [[index, match] for index, item in enumerate(lst) for match in re.findall(r"\d+", item)]

def with_list_comprehension_v2(lst):
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
return [[index, match] for index, item in enumerate(lst) for match in pattern.findall(item)]

funcs = (with_itertools_v1, with_itertools_v2, with_generators_v1, with_generators_v2, with_list_comprehension_v1, with_list_comprehension_v2)

def tester(repetition=5, length_factor=1):
data = ["4123", "7648", "afjsdn", "ujaf", "huh23", "n23kl3l24"] * length_factor
print(f'Test with repeated {repetition}-times with data with {len(data)*length_factor} terms')
for func in funcs:
t = timeit(lambda: func(data), number=repetition)
print(func.__name__, f'ms: {t / repetition * 1e3:3f}')

tester(5, 1)
tester(5, 10)
tester(5, 100)
tester(5, 1000)


Test with repeated 5-times with data with 6 terms
with_itertools_v1 ms: 0.060872
with_itertools_v2 ms: 0.019029
with_generators_v1 ms: 0.023321
with_generators_v2 ms: 0.015797
with_list_comprehension_v1 ms: 0.017898
with_list_comprehension_v2 ms: 0.010917

Test with repeated 5-times with data with 600 terms
with_itertools_v1 ms: 0.248608
with_itertools_v2 ms: 0.142064
with_generators_v1 ms: 0.201945
with_generators_v2 ms: 0.116305
with_list_comprehension_v1 ms: 0.160765
with_list_comprehension_v2 ms: 0.076942

Test with repeated 5-times with data with 60000 terms
with_itertools_v1 ms: 2.165053
with_itertools_v2 ms: 1.612787
with_generators_v1 ms: 1.484747
with_generators_v2 ms: 0.639824
with_list_comprehension_v1 ms: 11.219491
with_list_comprehension_v2 ms: 0.809310

Test with repeated 5-times with data with 6000000 terms
with_itertools_v1 ms: 46.531748
with_itertools_v2 ms: 35.922768
with_generators_v1 ms: 77.271880
with_generators_v2 ms: 20.042708
with_list_comprehension_v1 ms: 22.927475
with_list_comprehension_v2 ms: 16.760901

关于python - 在python中进行正则表达式匹配后获取 token 序列号,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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