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是否可以使用 python 上的 pymoo 运行3 个目标、16 个约束、12 个变量问题,如果还有其他程序可以提供帮助,请告知?我使用了 pymoo 代码,但它一直提供此错误。
File "C:\Users\omar.elfarouk\Anaconda3\lib\sitepackages\pymoo\model\problem.py", line 286, in evaluate
CV = Problem.calc_constraint_violation(out["G"])
KeyError: 'G'
```#from pyomo.environ import *
from pymoo.algorithms.nsga2 import NSGA2
from pymoo.factory import get_problem
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
from pymoo.visualization.scatter import Scatter
from pymoo.factory import get_termination
from pymoo.util import plotting
import autograd.numpy as anp
import numpy as np
from pymoo.util.misc import stack
from pymoo.model.problem import Problem
import numpy as np
import math```
```#Factors for the third party in the supply chain%%
U_Demand = 12000#normrnd(mn,std)%Monte carlo simulation mean 12000 unit%
alpha = 0.1#Percentage of rate of return of products from third party%
lamda = alpha * U_Demand
miu =0.1#Probability of havieng a returned product in a good working condition%
gamma=0.7#Probability of having a rerurned part after disassembly with good working condition%
Q_TP=(lamda*(miu))+(lamda*(1-miu)*gamma)#Quantity of the third party%
std = 200 # 10000 runslamda and %
#for daikin australia
pd_1 = 600#round(random('Normal',600,24.49));q
pd_2 = 60#round(random('Normal',60,7.749));
Z_var = U_Demand - pd_1-pd_2
#Transportation Costs#
TS_s = 5000 #Transportation cost for the supplier(From alexandria road to downtown cairo)%
TS_m = 5000 #Transportation cost for the manufacturer(Assumed to be almost fixed due to practicallity)%
TS_d = 5000 #Transportation cost for the distributer%
TS_rt = 5000 #Transportation cost for the retailer%
TS_tp = 5000 #Transportation cost for the third party%
#collection Costs%%
C_tp = 5.1 #collection cost of recovering used product from the customer%
#facility opening Costs%%
F_rt = 10000000 #facility opening cost for the recovery center(Assumed to be 10 million Egyptian pound)%
#Ordering Costs%%
S_s = 5.1
S_ms = 58.956
S_m1 = 700
S_m2 = 800
S_m3 = 850
S_d = 173.4
S_r = 204
S_tp = 42.5
#Holding Costs%%
H_s = 50.126
H_ms = 589.56
H_m = 1473.9
H_dr = 1734
H_rt = 2040
H_tp = 425.9571
#Production Rates%%
P_m1=200 #Production Rates assumed to be 200 unit per day for the power plant %%
#U_Demand = 400000 #Demand rate is asumed to be 400,000 unit per month%
P_m = P_m1+P_m2+P_m3 # Production rate of the manufacuter
#i_m #conunting of manufacturer%
#i_d #Counting of Distributer
##Factors for the third party in the supply chain##
alpha = 0.1 #Percentage of rate of return of products from third party%
lamda =(alpha*U_Demand)
miu =0.1 #Probability of havieng a returned product in a good working condition%
gamma=0.7 #Probability of having a rerurned part after disassembly with good working condition%
Q_TP =(lamda*(miu))+(lamda*(1-miu)*gamma) #Quantity of the third party%
#Values of supplied chain quantities
n_s = 5
n_m = 1 #1:2
n_d = 1
定义Pyomo 问题和约束
class MyProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self):
def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs): #Defining the Objective and constrains#
Q_rt1 = x[:,0] # quantity of the retailer in the forward cycle
Q_rt2 = x[:,1] # quantity of the retailer in the forward cycle
Q_rt3 = x[:,2] # quantity of the retailer in the forward cycle
Q_d1 = x[:,3] # Quantity of the distributer
Q_d2 = x[:,4] # Quantity of the distributer
Q_d3 = x[:,5] # Quantity of the distributer
Q_m1 = x[:,6] # Quantity of the Manufacturer
Q_m2 = x[:,7] # Quantity of the Manufacturer
Q_m3 = x[:,8] # Quantity of the Manufacturer
Q_s1 = x[:,9] #Quantity of Supplied Parts
Q_s2 = x[:,10] #Quantity of Supplied Parts
Q_s3 = x[:,11] #Quantity of Supplied Parts
t_r= (U_Demand)/(x[:,0]) #Cycle time of the supply chain# #cycle time of the retailer
t_d = n_d * t_r #cycle time of the Distribiter
t_m = (n_m * n_d* t_r) #cycle time of the Manufacturer
t_s = n_s *n_m *n_d *t_r #cycle time of the supplier
t_tp = t_s #cycle time of the third party
S_jfS=30 #Job Index factor number of fixed jobs at the supplier assumed to be 30 fixed employees %
S_jfM=30 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by Mamufacturer assumed to be 30 fixed employees %
S_jfD=30 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by distributer assumed to be 30 fixed employees%
S_jfRT=30 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by retialer assumed to be 30 fixed employees%
S_jfTP=20 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by third party recovery assumed to be 20 fixed employees%
S_jvS=270 #Job Index factor number of variable jobs at the supplier assumed to be 270 workers per facility%
S_jvM=270 #Job index for the number of variable jobs by Mamufacturer 270 workers per facility%
S_jvD=270 #Job index for the number of variable jobs by distributer 270 workers per facility%
S_jvRT=270#Job index for the number of variable jobs by retialer 270 workers per facility%
S_jvTP=100#Job index for the number of variable jobs by third party recovery 100 workers per facility%
S_u=20 #Employee satisfaction factor of the refurbrished parts for the third party disassembler%
S_rt=30 #Customer satisfaction factor of the refurbrished parts%
S_ds=5 #Number of lost days at work% # Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the suppliers / month%
S_dm=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the manufactuer%
S_dd=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the distributer%
S_drt=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the retailer%
S_dtp=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the third party%
#Enviromental Aspect of the supply chain (Emissions calculated from carbon footprint)%
E_q=10 #Emission factor from production line
E_tp=10 #Emission from wastes removal%
#Transportation emission cost%
E_ts=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the supplier%
E_tm=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the manufacturer%
E_td=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the distributer%
E_trt=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the retailer%
E_ttp=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the third party
i_s = 1
tc_s1= list(range(i_s,n_s+1))
for i_s in i_ss:
tc_s1 = np.sum(((i_ss)/n_s)*Q_s1*t_s)
i_s=i_s + 1 # Adding value of Supplier integer#
tc_s4 = (tc_s1)
TC_s1 = (S_s*(1/(n_s*t_s)))+(((H_s+TS_s)/(n_s*(t_s)))*tc_s4) #cost of the supplier for component 1%
i_s= 1 #starting of the loop#
#for w1 in w11:
tc_s2= list(range(i_s,n_s+1))
for i_s in i_ss:
tc_s2=np.sum((i_ss/n_s)*Q_s2*t_s) #((x(11)) +Q_TP#
i_s = i_s + 1 #Adding value of Supplier integer
tc_s5 = (tc_s2)
TC_s2 = (S_s*(1/(n_s*t_s)))+(((H_s+TS_s)/(n_s*(t_s)))*tc_s5)
i_s=1 #starting of the loop#
tc_s3= list(range(i_s,n_s+1))
for i_s in i_ss:
tc_s3=np.sum((i_ss/n_s)*Q_s3*t_s) #((x(12)+ Q_TP))%
i_s = i_s + 1 #Adding value of Supplier integer
tc_s6 = tc_s3
TC_s3 = (S_s*(1/(n_s*t_s)))+(((H_s+TS_s)/(n_s*(t_s)))*tc_s6)
i_m = 1 #starting of the loop#
#for w1 in w11:
tc_m2= list(range(i_m,n_m+1))
for i_m in i_mm:
tc_m1 =np.arange(1,n_m,1) #Defining range with starting and ending point
tc_m2 = np.sum((1-((i_mm)/(n_m)))*((Q_m1)+Q_TP)) #Defining range with start & ending point#
i_m=i_m + 1 # Adding value of manufacturer integer#
tc_s7 =np.arange(1,n_s,1)
#Total cost of manufacturer#
tc_m = sum(tc_m1)
tc_s8 = sum(tc_s7)
TC_m =(H_m*((0.5*(Q_m1**2)*(1/P_m1))\
TC_m2 =(H_m*((0.5*(Q_m2**2)*(1/P_m2))\
TC_m3 =(H_m*((0.5*(Q_m3**2)*(1/P_m3))\
i_d = 1
#for w1 in w11:
tc_d1= list(range(i_d,n_d+1))
tc_d2= list(range(i_d,n_d+1))
tc_d3= list(range(i_d,n_d+1))
for i_d in i_dd:
tc_d1=np.sum(((i_dd)/(n_d))*(Q_d1)) #Cost of the Distributer for Product 1%%
tc_d2=np.sum(((i_dd)/(n_d))*(Q_d2)) #Cost of the Distributer for Product 2%%
tc_d3=np.sum(((i_d)/(n_d))*(Q_d3)) #Cost of the Distributer for Product 3%%
i_d = i_d + 1
tc_d_f = (tc_d1)+(tc_d2)+(tc_d3)
TC_d = (H_dr*(tc_d_f/n_d))+((S_d+TS_d)*(1/t_d)) #Total cost of the distributer of the supply chain%
#Total cost of retailer
TC_rt = (H_rt*((Q_rt1)/2))+((S_r+TS_rt)*(1/t_r)) #Cost of the retailer%%
TC_rt2 = (H_rt*(Q_rt2/2))+((S_r+TS_rt)*(1/t_r)) #Cost of the retailer for product 2%%
TC_rt3 = (H_rt*((Q_rt3)/2))+((S_r+TS_rt)*(1/t_r)) #Cost of the retailer for product 3%%
#Total cost of third party recovery
TC_tp = ((H_tp/2)*Q_TP)+((S_tp+TS_tp)*(1/t_tp))
S_jfS=30 #Job Index factor number of fixed jobs at the supplier assumed to be 30 fixed employees %
S_jfM=30 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by Mamufacturer assumed to be 30 fixed employees %
S_jfD=30 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by distributer assumed to be 30 fixed employees%
S_jfRT=30 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by retialer assumed to be 30 fixed employees%
S_jfTP=20 #Job index for the number of fixed jobs by third party recovery assumed to be 20 fixed employees%
S_jvS=270 #Job Index factor number of variable jobs at the supplier assumed to be 270 workers per facility%
S_jvM=270 #Job index for the number of variable jobs by Mamufacturer 270 workers per facility%
S_jvD=270 #Job index for the number of variable jobs by distributer 270 workers per facility%
S_jvRT=270#Job index for the number of variable jobs by retialer 270 workers per facility%
S_jvTP=100#Job index for the number of variable jobs by third party recovery 100 workers per facility%
S_u=20 #Employee satisfaction factor of the refurbrished parts for the third party disassembler%
S_rt=30 #Customer satisfaction factor of the refurbrished parts%
#Number of lost days at work%
S_ds=5 # Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the suppliers / month%
S_dm=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the manufactuer%
S_dd=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the distributer%
S_drt=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the retailer%
S_dtp=5 #Number of lost days from injuries or work damage at the third party%
#Enviromental Aspect of the supply chain (Emissions calculated from carbon footprint)%
E_q=10 #Emission factor from production line
E_tp=10 #Emission from wastes removal%
#Transportation emission cost%
E_ts=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the supplier%
E_tm=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the manufacturer%
E_td=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the distributer%
E_trt=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the retailer%
E_ttp=20 #Emission from Transportation made by the third party%
#Cycle time%
EQO = TC_s1+TC_s2+TC_s3+TC_m+TC_m2+TC_m3+TC_d+TC_rt\
# Economical aspect#
LSC =(S_jfS+S_jfM+S_jfD+S_jfRT+S_jfTP)\
+(S_dtp*Q_TP)#Social aspect equation%
+(E_ts*(1/t_tp))+(E_tp*Q_TP) #Enviromental aspect
w1 = 1
w2 = 1
w3 = 1
f1 = EQO*w1
f2 = LSC*w2
f3 = ESC*w3
g1 = -x[:,0]+U_Demand
g2 = -x[:,1]+U_Demand
g3 = -x[:,2]+U_Demand
g4 = -f1-f2-f3
g5 = -((x[:,9])+Q_TP)+(n_s*x[:,6])
g6 =-((x[:,10])+Q_TP)+(n_s*x[:,7])
g7 =-((x[:,11])+Q_TP)+(n_s*x[:,8])
g8 =(n_m*(x[:,3]))-x[:,6]
g9 =(n_m*(x[:,4]))-x[:,7]
g10 = (n_m*(x[:,5]))-x[:,8]
g11 = -x[:,3]+(n_d*x[:,0])
g12 = -x[:,4]+ (n_d*x[:,1])
g13 = -x[:,5]+ (n_d*x[:,2])
g14 = -x[:,0]
g15 = -x[:,1]
g16 = -x[:,2]
out["F"] = anp.column_stack([f1, f2, f3])
out["G"] = anp.column_stack([g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12,\
g13, g14, g15, g16])
problem = MyProblem()
运行 算法```
from pymoo.algorithms.nsga2 import NSGA2
algorithm = NSGA2()
#from pymoo.factory import get_algorithm
algorithm = NSGA2(pop_size=100)
termination = get_termination("f_tol", tol=0.001, n_last=20, n_max_gen=1000, nth_gen=10)
algorithm = NSGA2(pop_size=100, eliminate_duplicates=True)
res = minimize(MyProblem(),
#res = minimize(objective,x0,algorithm,bounds=bnds,constraints=cons('n_gen', 200))
plot = Scatter()
plot.add(problem.pareto_front(), plot_type="line", color="black", alpha=0.7)
plot.add(res.F, color="red")
可以使用 Pymoo 优化工具运行模型,或者如果有另一个 Python 中的工具 可以支持多目标 (3 objective , 16 约束和 12 变量类型的问题)
免责声明:我是 pymoo 的主要开发人员。
我刚刚看了你的代码。请下次尝试发布一个最小的例子。这让我和其他人更容易帮助你。另外,我想提一下 pyomo 和 pymoo 是两个不同的框架。
问题不在于 pymoo 本身,而在于您如何定义 _evaluate
方法。如果仔细查看 __init__
方法,您会发现您没有覆盖 _evaluate
方法,而是在构造函数中定义它。如果您在 def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):
请查看我们的入门指南,了解如何正确定义问题: https://pymoo.org/getting_started.html
关于python - pymoo 运行多目标函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59444909/
C语言sscanf()函数:从字符串中读取指定格式的数据 头文件: ?
最近,我有一个关于工作预评估的问题,即使查询了每个功能的工作原理,我也不知道如何解决。这是一个伪代码。 下面是一个名为foo()的函数,该函数将被传递一个值并返回一个值。如果将以下值传递给foo函数,
CStr 函数 返回表达式,该表达式已被转换为 String 子类型的 Variant。 CStr(expression) expression 参数是任意有效的表达式。 说明 通常,可以
CSng 函数 返回表达式,该表达式已被转换为 Single 子类型的 Variant。 CSng(expression) expression 参数是任意有效的表达式。 说明 通常,可
CreateObject 函数 创建并返回对 Automation 对象的引用。 CreateObject(servername.typename [, location]) 参数 serv
Cos 函数 返回某个角的余弦值。 Cos(number) number 参数可以是任何将某个角表示为弧度的有效数值表达式。 说明 Cos 函数取某个角并返回直角三角形两边的比值。此比值是
CLng 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被转换为 Long 子类型的 Variant。 CLng(expression) expression 参数是任意有效的表达式。 说明 通常,您可以使
CInt 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被转换为 Integer 子类型的 Variant。 CInt(expression) expression 参数是任意有效的表达式。 说明 通常,可
Chr 函数 返回与指定的 ANSI 字符代码相对应的字符。 Chr(charcode) charcode 参数是可以标识字符的数字。 说明 从 0 到 31 的数字表示标准的不可打印的
CDbl 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被转换为 Double 子类型的 Variant。 CDbl(expression) expression 参数是任意有效的表达式。 说明 通常,您可
CDate 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被转换为 Date 子类型的 Variant。 CDate(date) date 参数是任意有效的日期表达式。 说明 IsDate 函数用于判断 d
CCur 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被转换为 Currency 子类型的 Variant。 CCur(expression) expression 参数是任意有效的表达式。 说明 通常,
CByte 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被转换为 Byte 子类型的 Variant。 CByte(expression) expression 参数是任意有效的表达式。 说明 通常,可以
CBool 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已转换为 Boolean 子类型的 Variant。 CBool(expression) expression 是任意有效的表达式。 说明 如果 ex
Atn 函数 返回数值的反正切值。 Atn(number) number 参数可以是任意有效的数值表达式。 说明 Atn 函数计算直角三角形两个边的比值 (number) 并返回对应角的弧
Asc 函数 返回与字符串的第一个字母对应的 ANSI 字符代码。 Asc(string) string 参数是任意有效的字符串表达式。如果 string 参数未包含字符,则将发生运行时错误。
Array 函数 返回包含数组的 Variant。 Array(arglist) arglist 参数是赋给包含在 Variant 中的数组元素的值的列表(用逗号分隔)。如果没有指定此参数,则
Abs 函数 返回数字的绝对值。 Abs(number) number 参数可以是任意有效的数值表达式。如果 number 包含 Null,则返回 Null;如果是未初始化变量,则返回 0。
FormatPercent 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被格式化为尾随有 % 符号的百分比(乘以 100 )。 FormatPercent(expression[,NumDigitsAfterD
FormatNumber 函数 返回表达式,此表达式已被格式化为数值。 FormatNumber( expression [,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,Inc