gpt4 book ai didi

python - 形状摘要图上的颜色图栏未正确显示

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 01:05:50 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

更新:我找到了 color_bar 和 color_bar_label 参数,它们不会影响它。我还发现,如果我显示 26 个或更多功能,该条会出现,但会像下面的 LoL 示例中那样显得又小又细。我也尝试过更改绘图的大小和功能名称之间的空格,但没有成功。

我正在创建一个 SHAP 汇总图,当该图出现时,y 轴上的垂直“特征值”颜色条根本不会出现。 SHAP real data plot

力图和决策图都可以正常工作。我尝试更改最大功能数量以查看是否只需要扩展轴,但它没有解决任何问题。我在 jupyter notebook 中使用 python 3.9.7(因为 3.10 和我认为的一些拱门包的问题)和 SHAP 0.39.0。我尝试通过 conda (4.10.3) 更新/卸载/重新安装 SHAP。我什至去了 SHAP 演练 here并且,在此之后,会出现一个垂直的特征值条确实,但它看起来非常小。 SHAP test plot作为引用,这就是演练所说的样子。

enter image description here


演练的数据集来自 kaggle,here ,生成示例图的演练代码在这里:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import shap
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl


# read in the data
prefix = "local_scratch/data/league-of-legends-ranked-matches/"
matches = pd.read_csv(prefix+"matches.csv")
participants = pd.read_csv(prefix+"participants.csv")
stats1 = pd.read_csv(prefix+"stats1.csv", low_memory=False)
stats2 = pd.read_csv(prefix+"stats2.csv", low_memory=False)
stats = pd.concat([stats1,stats2])

# merge into a single DataFrame
a = pd.merge(participants, matches, left_on="matchid", right_on="id")
allstats_orig = pd.merge(a, stats, left_on="matchid", right_on="id")
allstats = allstats_orig.copy()

# drop games that lasted less than 10 minutes
allstats = allstats.loc[allstats["duration"] >= 10*60,:]

# Convert string-based categories to numeric values
cat_cols = ["role", "position", "version", "platformid"]
for c in cat_cols:
allstats[c] = allstats[c].astype('category')
allstats[c] = allstats[c]
allstats["wardsbought"] = allstats["wardsbought"].astype(np.int32)

X = allstats.drop(["win"], axis=1)
y = allstats["win"]

# convert all features we want to consider as rates
rate_features = [
"kills", "deaths", "assists", "killingsprees", "doublekills",
"triplekills", "quadrakills", "pentakills", "legendarykills",
"totdmgdealt", "magicdmgdealt", "physicaldmgdealt", "truedmgdealt",
"totdmgtochamp", "magicdmgtochamp", "physdmgtochamp", "truedmgtochamp",
"totheal", "totunitshealed", "dmgtoobj", "timecc", "totdmgtaken",
"magicdmgtaken" , "physdmgtaken", "truedmgtaken", "goldearned", "goldspent",
"totminionskilled", "neutralminionskilled", "ownjunglekills",
"enemyjunglekills", "totcctimedealt", "pinksbought", "wardsbought",
"wardsplaced", "wardskilled"
for feature_name in rate_features:
X[feature_name] /= X["duration"] / 60 # per minute rate

# convert to fraction of game
X["longesttimespentliving"] /= X["duration"]

# define friendly names for the features
full_names = {
"kills": "Kills per min.",
"deaths": "Deaths per min.",
"assists": "Assists per min.",
"killingsprees": "Killing sprees per min.",
"longesttimespentliving": "Longest time living as % of game",
"doublekills": "Double kills per min.",
"triplekills": "Triple kills per min.",
"quadrakills": "Quadra kills per min.",
"pentakills": "Penta kills per min.",
"legendarykills": "Legendary kills per min.",
"totdmgdealt": "Total damage dealt per min.",
"magicdmgdealt": "Magic damage dealt per min.",
"physicaldmgdealt": "Physical damage dealt per min.",
"truedmgdealt": "True damage dealt per min.",
"totdmgtochamp": "Total damage to champions per min.",
"magicdmgtochamp": "Magic damage to champions per min.",
"physdmgtochamp": "Physical damage to champions per min.",
"truedmgtochamp": "True damage to champions per min.",
"totheal": "Total healing per min.",
"totunitshealed": "Total units healed per min.",
"dmgtoobj": "Damage to objects per min.",
"timecc": "Time spent with crown control per min.",
"totdmgtaken": "Total damage taken per min.",
"magicdmgtaken": "Magic damage taken per min.",
"physdmgtaken": "Physical damage taken per min.",
"truedmgtaken": "True damage taken per min.",
"goldearned": "Gold earned per min.",
"goldspent": "Gold spent per min.",
"totminionskilled": "Total minions killed per min.",
"neutralminionskilled": "Neutral minions killed per min.",
"ownjunglekills": "Own jungle kills per min.",
"enemyjunglekills": "Enemy jungle kills per min.",
"totcctimedealt": "Total crown control time dealt per min.",
"pinksbought": "Pink wards bought per min.",
"wardsbought": "Wards bought per min.",
"wardsplaced": "Wards placed per min.",
"turretkills": "# of turret kills",
"inhibkills": "# of inhibitor kills",
"dmgtoturrets": "Damage to turrets"
feature_names = [full_names.get(n, n) for n in X.columns]
X.columns = feature_names

# create train/validation split
Xt, Xv, yt, yv = train_test_split(X,y, test_size=0.2, random_state=10)
dt = xgb.DMatrix(Xt, label=yt.values)
dv = xgb.DMatrix(Xv, label=yv.values)

params = {
"eta": 0.5,
"max_depth": 4,
"objective": "binary:logistic",
"silent": 1,
"base_score": np.mean(yt),
"eval_metric": "logloss"
model = xgb.train(params, dt, 300, [(dt, "train"),(dv, "valid")], early_stopping_rounds=5, verbose_eval=25)

# compute the SHAP values for every prediction in the validation dataset
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(model)
shap_values = explainer.shap_values(Xv)

shap.summary_plot(shap_values, Xv)


好像someone else在我在这里提问几周后,我遇到了与我相同的问题,一种解决方案是将 matplotlib 从 3.5 降级。我已降级到 3.4.3,问题已解决。

关于python - 形状摘要图上的颜色图栏未正确显示,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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