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某些类型的数据,例如BMI分数,有一个自然的中点。在matplotlib中,有几个发散的colormaps .我希望颜色图的中心,即光谱的“中间”位于“理想”BMI 分数上,与绘制的 BMI 分数分布无关。
BMI 类别阈值为:bmi_threshold = [16, 17, 18.5, 25, 30, 35]
在下面的代码中,我制作了一个包含 300 个随机 BMI 值的散点图,x 轴为体重,y 轴为高度,如下图所示。
在第一张图片中,我使用 np.digitize(bmi, bmi_threshold)
作为 c
-参数到 ax.scatter()
-call,但是颜色条中的每个值也都在 range(7)
中,而我希望颜色条刻度在 BMI 分数中(大约 15-40)。 (bmi
是 x
和 y
对应的 300 个随机 bmi 分数的数组)
BMI 阈值分布不均,因此与数字化类别索引的距离,例如在 2
和 3
在与如下所示代码一起使用的第二张图片中,似乎没有正确地以“理想”BMI 分数 22 为中心。我尝试使用“Make a scatter colorbar display only a subset of the vmin/vmax”中的技术来调整颜色栏中的颜色范围,但它似乎不像(我)预期的那样工作。
此外,我想我可以通过在 cmap( np.linspace(low, high, 7))
到 [0, 1] 之外的值,例如[-0.5,1.5],但我更难以将颜色条居中。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib as mpl
# Define BMI class thresholds
bmi_thresholds = np.array([16, 17, 18.5, 25, 30, 35])
# Range to sample BMIs from
max_bmi = max(bmi_thresholds)*0.9
min_bmi = min(bmi_thresholds)*0.3
# Convert meters into centimeters along x-axis
def m_to_cm(m, pos):
return f'{int(m*100)}'
# Number of samples
n = 300
# Heights in range 0.50 to 2.20 meters
x = np.linspace(0.5, 2.2, n)
# Random BMI values in range [min_bmi, max_bmi]
bmi = np.random.rand(n)*(max_bmi-min_bmi) + min_bmi
# Compute corresponding weights
y = bmi * x**2
# Prepare plot with labels, etc.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax.set_title(f'Random BMI values. $n={n}$')
ax.set_ylabel('Weight in kg')
ax.set_xlabel('Height in cm')
ax.set_ylim(min(y)*0.95, max(y)*1.05)
ax.set_xlim(min(x), max(x))
# plot bmi class regions (i.e. the "background")
for i in range(len(bmi_thresholds)+1):
area_min = bmi_thresholds[i-1] if i > 0 else 0
area_max = bmi_thresholds[i] if i < len(bmi_thresholds) else 10000#np.inf
area_color = 'g' if i == 3 else 'y' if i in [2,4] else 'orange' if i in [1,5] else 'r'
ax.fill_between(x, area_min * x**2, area_max * x**2, color=area_color, alpha=0.2, interpolate=True)
# Plot lines to emphasize regions, and additional bmi score lines (i.e. 10 and 40)
common_plot_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.5)
for t in (t for t in np.concatenate((bmi_thresholds, [10, 40]))):
style = 'g-' if t in [18.5, 25] else 'r-' if t in [10,40] else 'k-'
ax.plot(x, t * x**2, style, **common_plot_kwargs)
# Compute offset from target_center to median of data range
target_center = 22
mid_bmi = np.median(bmi)
s = max(bmi) - min(bmi)
d = target_center - mid_bmi
# Use offset to normalize offset as to the range [0, 1]
high = 1 if d < 0 else (s-d)/s
low = 0 if d >= 0 else -d/s
# Use normalized offset to create custom cmap to centered around ideal BMI?
cmap = plt.get_cmap('PuOr')
colors = cmap(np.linspace(low, high, 7))
cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my cmap', colors)
# plot random BMIs
c = np.digitize(bmi, bmi_thresholds)
sax = ax.scatter(x, y, s=15, marker='.', c=bmi, cmap=cmap)
cbar = fig.colorbar(sax, ticks=np.concatenate((bmi_thresholds, [22, 10, 40])))
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