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amazon-web-services - 如何翻译 AWS 任务 1 : Create a Canonical Request for Signature Version 4

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 00:56:02 28 4
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(免责声明:这是一个“操作方法”,因为我在实现 AWS 签名版本 4 时找不到任何 CF 示例)

你是如何实现的Task 1: Create a Canonical Request for Signature Version 4在CF?


  • 从 HTTP 请求方法(GET、PUT、POST 等)开始,后跟换行符。
  • 添加规范 URI 参数,后跟换行符。
  • 添加规范查询字符串,后跟换行符
  • 添加规范标题,后跟换行符。
  • 添加已签名的 header ,后跟换行符。
  • 使用 SHA256 之类的哈希(摘要)函数从请求正文中的有效负载创建哈希值
  • 通过将每个步骤的组件组合为单个字符串来构建完成的规范请求。
  • 使用用于散列有效负载的相同算法创建规范请求的摘要(散列)。
  • 最佳答案

    下面是 Task 1: Create a Canonical Request for Signature Version 4 的 cfscript 实现



  • 从 HTTP 请求方法(GET、PUT、POST 等)开始
    requestMethod = "GET";
    writeOutput("<br>requestMethod: <code>"& requestMethod &"</code>");
  • 添加(编码的)规范 URI 参数,后跟换行符。
    originalURI = "";
    // If the absolute path is empty, use a forward slash (/)
    originalURI = len(trim(originalURI)) ? originalURI : "/"& originalURI;
    // Encode URI and preserve forward slashes
    canonicalURI = replace( encodeRFC3986( originalURI ), "%2F", "/", "all");
    writeOutput("<br>canonicalURI: <code>"& canonicalURI &"</code>");
  • 添加规范查询字符串,后跟换行符
    queryParams = { "Action"="ListUsers", "Version"="2010-05-08" };

    // a) Encode parameter names and values
    encodedParams = {};
    structEach( queryParams, function(key, value) {
    encodedParams[ encodeRFC3986(arguments.key) ] = encodeRFC3986( arguments.value);

    // b) Sort the encoded parameter in ascending order (ASCII order)
    encodedKeyNames = structKeyArray( encodedParams );
    arraySort( encodedKeyNames, "text" );

    // c) Build the canonical query string. Starting with first parameter, append encoded
    // parameter name, followed by character '=' (ASCII code 61), followed by the encoded value
    encodedPairs = [];
    for (key in encodedKeyNames) {
    arrayAppend( encodedPairs, key &"="& encodedParams[ key ] );
    // d) Append the character '&' (ASCII code 38) after each parameter value, except for the last value in the list.
    canonicalQueryString = arrayToList( encodedPairs, "&");
    writeOutput("<br>canonicalQueryString: <code>"& canonicalQueryString &"</code>");
  • 添加规范标题,后跟换行符。
    requestHeaders = { "Content-type"= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"
    , "Host" = ""
    , "X-Amz-Date" = "20150830T123600Z"

    // a) Convert all header names to lowercase and remove leading spaces and trailing spaces.
    // Convert sequential spaces in the header value to a single space.
    cleanedHeaders = {};
    structEach( requestHeaders, function(key, value) {
    headerName = reReplace( trim(arguments.key), "\s+", " ", "all");
    headerValue = reReplace( trim(arguments.value), "\s+", " ", "all");
    cleanedHeaders[ lcase(headerName) ] = headerValue;

    // b) [sort] the (lowercase) headers by character code
    sortedHeaderNames = structKeyArray( cleanedHeaders );
    arraySort( sortedHeaderNames, "text" );

    // c) Append the lowercase header name followed by a colon.
    // Do not sort the values in headers that have multiple values.
    cleanedPairs = [];
    for (key in sortedHeaderNames) {
    arrayAppend( cleanedPairs, key &":"& cleanedHeaders[ key ] );

    // d) Append new line after each header pair. Should END WITH a new line
    canonicalHeaderString = arrayToList( cleanedPairs, chr(10) ) & chr(10) ;
    writeOutput("<br> canonicalHeaderString: <code>"& canonicalHeaderString &"</code>");
  • 添加已签名的 header ,后跟换行符
    // To create the signed headers list, convert all header names to lowercase, 
    // sort them by character code, and use a semicolon to separate the header names.
    // Note, we already have the sorted names from the canonical header logic (step 4)
    signedHeaderString = arrayToList( sortedHeaderNames, ";" );
    writeOutput("<br>signedHeaderString: <code>"& signedHeaderString &"</code>");
  • 在 http/https 请求的正文中创建有效负载的哈希
    requestPayload = "";
    payloadChecksum = lcase( hash( requestPayload , "SHA256" ) );
    writeOutput("<br>payloadChecksum: <code>"& payloadChecksum &"</code>");
  • 通过将每个步骤的组件组合为单个字符串来构建规范请求
    canonicalRequest = requestMethod & chr(10)
    & canonicalURI & chr(10)
    & canonicalQueryString & chr(10)
    & canonicalHeaderString & chr(10)
    & signedHeaderString & chr(10)
    & payloadChecksum ;

    writeOutput("<br>canonicalRequest: <pre>"& canonicalRequest &"</pre>");
  • 使用用于散列有效负载的相同算法创建规范请求的摘要(散列)
    requestDigest = lcase( hash( canonicalRequest , "SHA256" ) );
    writeOutput("<br>requestDigest: <code>"& requestDigest &"</code>");

  • UDF 编码RFC3986:
    * URI encoding per RFC 3986:
    * <ul>
    * <li>Unreserved characters that should not be escaped: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" </li>
    * <li>Spaces should be encoded as %20 instead of +</li>
    * <li>Reserved characters that should be escaped include: ? ## [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; =</li>
    * </ul>
    * @text String to encode
    * @returns URI encoded text
    public function encodeRFC3986(required string text) {
    // Requires CF10+
    Local.encoded = encodeForURL(arguments.text);

    // Undo encoding of tilde "~"
    Local.encoded = replace( Local.encoded, "%7E", "~", "all" );
    // Change space encoding from "+" to "%20"
    Local.encoded = replace( Local.encoded, "+", "%20", "all" );
    // URL encode asterisk "*"
    Local.encoded = replace( Local.encoded, "*", "%2A", "all" );

    return Local.encoded;

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