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r - 如何计算更快的月加权平均值

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 00:44:59 27 4
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电能表不会在月初和月底开始和结束,而是与日历重叠不均匀,这是很常见的。我正在尝试使用加权平均逻辑来排列这些读取日期并计算单个月份的值。我附上了我的代码示例,该示例构建了一个与我正在使用的数据集类似的数据集。每行是一个单独的电能表。每 3 列代表一个开始日期和结束日期,以及该时间段使用的能源值(value)。

我一直在处理数十万行,这个过程需要二十多分钟。我很想能够使用 data.table但我对它太陌生,我不确定如何获得 seq.Date在给定数据的列结构的情况下工作。

# Making the Fake Dataset
fake_rows = 10
testdata <- replicate(fake_rows, {
start_it <- as.Date('2019/01/01') + sample(-20:20, 1, T)
track <- start <- end <- value <- c()
for(i in 1:12){
a <- seq.Date(start_it, length.out = sample(28:34,1), by="day")
start[i] <- a[1]
end[i] <- start_it <- a[length(a)]
value[i] <- sample(1:200,1)
track <- c(track, start[i], end[i], value[i])

testdata <-

month_labels <- c(paste0("0",1:9), "10","11","12")
start_dates <- sapply(month_labels, function(x) paste0("Start_Date_",x))
end_dates <- sapply(month_labels, function(x) paste0("End_Date_",x))
values <- sapply(month_labels, function(x) paste0("Value_",x))

colnames(testdata) <- c(rbind(start_dates,end_dates,values))

# replace columns with the dates
for(i in c(start_dates, end_dates)){
testdata[,i] <- as.Date(testdata[,i], origin = "1970-01-01")

testdata[2, 7:36] <- NA # some are missing dates and values
#   Start_Date_01 End_Date_01 Value_01 Start_Date_02 End_Date_02 Value_02
#1 2019-01-11 2019-02-13 179 2019-02-13 2019-03-17 195
#2 2018-12-20 2019-01-21 164 2019-01-21 2019-02-22 81
#3 2019-01-05 2019-02-02 69 2019-02-02 2019-03-04 63
#4 2018-12-28 2019-01-29 50 2019-01-29 2019-02-25 34
#5 2019-01-15 2019-02-16 199 2019-02-16 2019-03-17 151
#6 2019-01-15 2019-02-16 94 2019-02-16 2019-03-21 24
#7 2019-01-05 2019-02-07 54 2019-02-07 2019-03-07 137
#8 2019-01-16 2019-02-15 108 2019-02-15 2019-03-19 177
#9 2018-12-25 2019-01-25 16 2019-01-25 2019-02-27 125
#10 2019-01-09 2019-02-07 10 2019-02-07 2019-03-10 54

我已经使用了下面的 data.frame 方法:
# for each row, determine what monthly values would be
output <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(testdata), ncol = 12)
month_cols <- as.character(1:12)

for(i in 1:nrow(testdata)){
x <- y <- vector("list", 12)

for(j in 1:12){
if(![i, start_dates[j]])){
# get the counts of days in each month within the meter read period
x[[j]] <- table(month(seq.Date(testdata[i, start_dates[j]], testdata[i, end_dates[j]], "day")))
# multiply the meter read value by days in each month (the numerator of a day wtd avg)
y[[j]] <- testdata[i, values[j]] * x[[j]]
months <- names(unlist(y))
# day weighted average = Σ(value x Days) / Σ(Days)
final <- tapply(unlist(y), months, sum) / tapply(unlist(x), months, sum)
output[i,] <- final[match(month_cols, names(final))] # ordered in the case of missing months
其中行是原始数据集的行,列代表 1 月到 2 月的估计值,没有附加特定年份,因为我正在对跨月的所有值进行日加权,而不考虑年份。
#         [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]     [,7]      [,8]       [,9]    [,10]     [,11]     [,12]
# [1,] 140.77778 187.82759 127.03125 46.16129 28.50000 81.25806 125.8750 91.00000 91.516129 120.1250 108.80645 32.87500
# [2,] 135.46875 81.00000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 164.00000
# [3,] 80.61290 63.41379 92.75000 91.77419 39.96970 45.74194 87.6875 20.87500 100.838710 196.4375 86.00000 154.43750
# [4,] 48.50000 31.10345 30.81250 130.35484 128.43750 48.70968 117.8125 27.81250 55.322581 137.0312 123.38710 145.65714
# [5,] 142.03571 177.48276 137.40625 106.48387 102.53125 116.00000 86.0000 102.25000 112.032258 153.4375 183.29032 96.50000
# [6,] 88.34286 62.62069 52.53125 126.87097 132.62500 128.19355 157.9688 103.43750 9.612903 30.6250 93.67742 131.09375
# [7,] 62.91429 116.96552 67.46875 72.83871 102.25000 171.32258 178.5000 112.50000 38.645161 131.0000 127.22581 96.43750
# [8,] 86.08696 141.31034 129.06250 35.77419 97.00000 122.93548 146.3125 128.18750 151.161290 199.1250 172.90323 74.75000
# [9,] 39.84375 119.13793 70.00000 180.64516 85.12500 49.64516 116.5000 92.28125 117.225806 46.1250 27.35484 29.16129
#[10,] 37.77143 43.37931 90.43750 51.45161 25.71875 120.22581 111.6562 126.81250 123.193548 46.0625 84.74194 97.53125



这里即 data.table + lubridate 方法。

我的输出与您想要的输出不同。但我不确定哪个是正确的 ;-)

library( data.table )
#make data.table
setDT( testdata )
#insert row_id
testdata[, row_id := .I ]
dt <- melt( testdata,
id.vars = "row_id",
measure.vars = patterns(
Start_Date = "^Start",
End_Date = "^End",
Value = "^Value" ) )
#drop the meaningless variable
dt[, variable := NULL ]
#Calculate daily value
dt[, value_day := Value / as.numeric( difftime( End_Date, Start_Date, units = "days") ) ]
#create a table per day over the entire period
dt.days <- data.table( date = seq( min( dt$Start_Date, na.rm = TRUE ),
max( dt$End_Date, na.rm = TRUE ),
by = "1 days" ) )
#left join
answer <- dt[ dt.days, on = .(Start_Date <= date, End_Date >= date ), mult = "all", allow.cartesian = TRUE ]
#and summarise by monthly period
.( = sum( value_day ) ),
by = .(row_id, month = sprintf( "%02d", lubridate::month( Start_Date ) ) ) ],
row_id ~ month )

#    row_id        01        02        03        04        05        06        07        08         09        10        11        12
# 1: 1 115.40909 168.01515 130.37946 47.84375 28.72581 78.94456 131.56250 98.65323 98.550777 142.37037 114.04421 34.49194
# 2: 2 135.46875 55.68750 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 61.50000
# 3: 3 85.80844 61.62857 96.01290 103.51613 48.06810 45.21408 85.07879 22.26667 103.366667 196.43750 80.62500 149.92045
# 4: 4 49.09028 33.21481 32.18387 131.71635 141.57241 53.88889 138.18287 27.51420 52.765152 136.45833 116.20833 159.31250
# 5: 5 124.28125 167.18966 145.70474 102.10985 102.34897 117.64627 96.46305 113.35714 120.302381 167.90000 202.06667 107.49537
# 6: 6 99.73750 56.45455 58.86532 131.43098 135.22944 131.92857 156.06061 100.60065 9.714286 31.29032 97.69077 143.41494
# 7: 7 69.83699 119.09740 70.61364 71.99413 108.17419 163.96667 195.71717 120.27778 38.170833 131.30000 127.80000 105.21839
# 8: 8 66.60000 131.43750 132.48661 39.21429 114.31111 131.80208 149.83266 135.40601 149.424569 219.95833 186.07407 81.61905
# 9: 9 39.41838 105.23569 81.37566 200.00000 96.94355 47.00587 115.61039 101.48333 119.333333 44.72727 26.52456 30.92325
# 10: 10 42.05603 40.73637 93.35484 52.61958 27.69195 113.56970 108.27273 131.72121 134.688889 52.06452 82.30242 97.53125

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