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javascript - Fade in Text Animation 根本不出现

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 00:34:59 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我想创建一个在用户向下滚动到所需部分时淡入的文本动画。我正在尝试重新创建这个示例 - - 在带有内联样式的 React 中,我不知道为什么它不起作用。谁能帮忙说出我的错误在哪里?

import React from 'react';

const styles = {
body: {
padding: '0px',
margin: '0px',
height: '100vh',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',

h1: {
fontFamily: 'Montserrat Medium',
maxWdth: '40ch',
textAlign: 'center',
transform: 'scale(0.94)',
animation: 'scale 3s forwards cubic-bezier(0.5, 1, 0.89, 1)',
'@keyframes scale': {
'100%': {
transform: 'scale(1)',

span: {
display: 'inline-block',
opacity: 0,
filter: 'blur(4px)',

'span:nth-child(1)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.1s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(2)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.2s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(3)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.3s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(4)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.4s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(5)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.5s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(6)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.6s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(7)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.7s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(8)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.8s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(9)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 0.9s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(10)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(11)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.1s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(12)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.2s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(13)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.3s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(14)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.4s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(15)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.5s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(16)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.6s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'span:nth-child(17)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.7s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',
'span:nth-child(18)': {
animation: 'fade-in 0.8s 1.8s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0)',

'@keyframes fade-in': {
'100%': {
opacity: 1,
filter: 'blur(0)',

function TextAnimation() {
return (
<h1 style={styles.h1}>
<span style={styles.span}>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(1)']}>There</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(2)']}>are</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(3)']}>no</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(4)']}>limits</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(5)']}>to</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(6)']}>what</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(7)']}>you</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(8)']}>can</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(9)']}>accomplish,</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(10)']}>except</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(11)']}>the</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(12)']}>limits</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(13)']}>you</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(14)']}>place</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(15)']}>on</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(16)']}>your</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(17)']}>own</span>
<span style={styles['span:nth-child(18)']}>thinking.</span>

export { TextAnimation };


我转载了密码笔 styled-components 为例并使其更加自定义,当句子长度发生变化时,您无需每次都添加或删除额外的伪类。而且这种方法没有任何内部HTML 注入(inject)。

import styled, { keyframes } from 'styled-components';

const fadeIn = keyframes`
100% {
opacity: 1;
filter: blur(0);

const H1Style = styled.h1`
max-width: 500px;
display: flex;
gap: 0.5rem;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;

const ChunksStyle = styled.span<{ order: number }>`
display: inline-block;
color: aliceblue;
opacity: 0;
filter: blur(4px);
animation: ${fadeIn} 0.8s forwards cubic-bezier(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0);
animation-delay: ${props => `${props.order}s`};

const TextAnimation = ({ text }: { text: string }) => {
const words = text.split(' ');

const chunks =, index) => {
// index + 1 - our index start from 1
// 10 - number of decimal seconds in one second
const count = (index + 1) / 10;

return (
<ChunksStyle key={index} order={count}>

return <H1Style>{chunks}</H1Style>;
import "./styles.css";
import { TextAnimation } from './TextAnimation';

export default function App() {
const text =
'There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking.';
return (
<TextAnimation text={text} />
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关于javascript - Fade in Text Animation 根本不出现,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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