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entity-framework - 如何更改EntityFramework中自动生成的 "Discriminator"列?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 00:34:24 25 4
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public class User
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Username {get;set;}

public class Admin : User { }

EF用 Discriminator列生成了数据库表。添加 Admin记录后, Discriminator="Admin"和用户记录将具有 Discriminator="User"

我的问题是,如果我想将 Discriminator放入和 User中,如何更新 Admin列?






I wrote about this idea in an old blog post:

One of the mental barriers that you have to get over when designing a good object relational mapping is the tendency to think primarily in object oriented terms, or relational terms, whichever suits your personality. A good object relational mapping, though, incorporates both a good object model and a good relational model. For example, let’s say you have a database with a table for People, and related tables for Employees and Customers. A single person might have a record in all three tables. Now, from a strictly relational point of view, you could construct a database VIEW for employees and another one for customers, both of which incorporate information from the People table. When using a one VIEW or the other, you can temporarily think of an individual person as "just" an Employee or "just" a Customer, even though you know that they are both. So someone coming from this worldview might be tempted to do an OO mapping where Employee and Customer are both (direct) subclasses of Person. But this doesn’t work with the data we have; since a single person has both employee and customer records (and since no Person instance can be of the concrete subtype Employee and Customer simultaneously), the OO relationship between Person and Employee needs to be composition rather than inheritance, and similarly for Person and Customer.


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