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file - Haskell 中的二维数组处理

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-05 00:25:06 25 4
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很抱歉我的问题对某些人来说似乎微不足道(我是新手)。我有一个文件,其中包含一个看起来像这样的 map :




在这个文件中, 字符表示您可以朝这个方向自由移动。 #字符表示你不能在这个方向上进一步移动,你应该去别的地方。 @字符表示宝藏的位置。在本例中,它位于右下角,但可以位于 map 中的任何位置。所以我必须通过这些线路,看看我是否可以到达 @ .在这里,我们从左上角开始。到目前为止,我已经设法阅读了文件的内容。我想知道如何在 Haskell 中处理它。在 Java 中使用二维数组会很容易,但是我如何在 Haskell 中解决这个问题?




这是我必须在 Java 中实现它的算法:
Dfs(i,j) {
if (arr[i][j+1] == "-" && i >=0 && i<=row.size && j>=0 && j<=column.size) {
} else if(arr[i][j+1] == "@") {


if (arr[i][j-1] == "-" && i >=0 && i<=row.size && j>=0 && j<=column.size) {
} else if(arr[i][j-1] == "@") {


if (arr[i+1][j] == "-" && i >=0 && i<=row.size && j>=0 && j<=column.size) {
} else if(arr[i+1][j] == "@") {




在 Haskell 中有很多制作二维数组的方法,这里有一个有点费力的例子,将字符读入 Data.Array 数组,然后用所谓的 state monad 移动东西。 :

import Data.Array
import Control.Monad.State.Strict

main = do str <- getContents -- accepts string from stdin
let array = mkThingArray str -- we parse the string
limits = snd (bounds array) -- we remember (height,width)
initialState = ((0::Int,-1::Int),limits,array)
((position,(h,w),a)) <- execStateT findpath initialState
let chars = elems $ fmap toChar a
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ splitText (w+1) chars

parseArray str = listArray ((0,0),(height-1, width-1)) total where
rawlines = lines str
ls = filter (not . null) rawlines
lens = map length ls
height = length ls
width = minimum lens
proper = map (take width) ls
total = concat proper

data Thing = Open | Closed | Home | Taken deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
toThing c = case c of '-' -> Open; '#' -> Closed; '@' -> Home;
'+' -> Taken; _ -> error "No such Thing"
toChar c = case c of Open -> '-'; Closed -> '#';
Home -> '@'; Taken -> '+'

mkThingArray str = fmap toThing (parseArray str)

并继续一个 absurd 的原始状态变化“逻辑”:
-- we begin with moveright, which may then pass on to movedown 
-- and so on perhaps in a more sophisticated case
findpath = moveright
moveright = do ((n,m), (bound1,bound2), arr) <- get
if m < bound2
then case arr ! (n,m+1) of
Open -> do liftIO (putStrLn "moved right")
put ((n,m+1), (bound1,bound2), arr // [((n,m+1),Taken)])
Closed -> movedown
Home -> return ()
Taken -> movedown
else movedown

movedown = do ((n,m), (bound1,bound2), arr) <- get
if n < bound1
then case arr ! (n+1,m) of
Open -> do liftIO (putStrLn "moved down")
put ((n+1,m), (bound1,bound2), arr // [((n+1,m),Taken)])
Closed -> moveright
Home -> return ()
Taken -> moveright
else moveright

splitText n str = unlines $ split n [] str
where split n xss [] = xss
split n xss str = let (a,b) = splitAt n str
in if not (null a)
then split n (xss ++ [a]) b
else xss

$ pbpaste | ./arrayparse
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved down
moved right
moved right
moved down
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right


逻辑必须更复杂,使用 moveleftmoveup ,等等,等等,但这应该给出想法,或想法。

编辑:这是一个不使用中间类型并且不向状态机抛出任何 IO 的版本。它应该在 ghci 中更有用,因此您可以更轻松地将其拆开:
import Data.Array
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict

main = do str <- readFile "input.txt"
((pos,(h,w),endarray)) <- execStateT findpath
(mkInitialState str)
putStrLn $ prettyArray endarray

-- the following are just synonyms, nothing is happening:
type Pos = (Int, Int) -- Our positions are in 2 dimensions
type Arr = Array Pos Char -- Characters occupy these positions
type ArrState = (Pos, Pos, Arr) -- We will be tracking not just
-- an array of Chars but a
-- current position and the total size
parseArray :: String -> Arr
parseArray str = listArray ((1,1),(height, width)) (concat cropped) where
ls = filter (not . null) (lines str)
width = minimum (map length ls)
height = length ls
cropped = map (take width) ls -- the map is cropped to shortest line

prettyArray :: Arr -> String
prettyArray arr = split [] (elems arr)
where (ab,(h,w)) = bounds arr
split xss [] = unlines xss
split xss str = let (a,b) = splitAt w str
in if null a then unlines xss else split (xss ++ [a]) b

mkInitialState :: String -> ArrState
mkInitialState str = ((1::Int,0::Int), limits, array)
where array = parseArray str -- we parse the string
limits = snd (bounds array) -- we remember (height,width)
-- since we don't resize, tracking this could be avoided

makeStep :: Arr -> Pos -> Arr
makeStep arr (n, m) = arr // [((n,m),'+')] -- this is crude

moveRight, moveDown, findpath :: Monad m => StateT ArrState m ()
moveRight = do ((n,m),bounds,arr) <- get
put ((n,m+1), bounds, makeStep arr (n,m+1))
moveDown = do ((n,m),bounds,arr) <- get
put ((n+1,m), bounds, makeStep arr (n+1,m))
findpath = tryRight
where -- good luck for most paths ...
tryRight = do ((n,m), (_,bound2), arr) <- get
if m < bound2
then case arr ! (n,m+1) of
'@' -> return ()
'-' -> do moveRight
_ -> tryDown
else tryDown

tryDown = do ((n,m), (bound1,_), arr) <- get
if n < bound1
then case arr ! (n+1,m) of
'@' -> return ()
'-' -> do moveDown
_ -> tryRight
else tryRight

runInput :: String -> String
runInput str = prettyArray endarray
where ((position,(h,w),endarray)) = execState findpath (mkInitialState str)
-- If I wanted to include IO things in the state machine,
-- I would have to use execStateT not execState, which presupposes purity
test :: String -> IO ()
test str = putStrLn (runInput str)

t1 = unlines ["---#--###----"
, ""
, "-#---#----##-"
, ""
, "------------@"
] :: String
t2 = unlines ["---#--###----"
] :: String

关于file - Haskell 中的二维数组处理,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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