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android - 使用单个查询在 Android Room 中搜索多个表

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 23:49:07 30 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

鉴于有 3 张 table

data class Pet(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val colour: String,
height: Int
ownerId: String,
householdId: String

data class Owner(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val address: String,
val telephoneNumer: Int

data class Household(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val address: String,
val region: String
执行返回 Pet 中的所有条目的查询的最佳方式是什么? , OwnerHousehold在哪里 name包含“Dav”
Pet("Dave"...) // Pet
Owner("David"...) //Owner
Owner("Davina"...) //Owner
Household("Davenport Close"...) //Address
  • 有没有办法用 SQLite 查询和自定义 POJO 来做到这一点?
  • 您是否对 3 个表执行 3 个单独的查询并将它们进一步组合在一起(例如 Repository/Usecase with Flow)?
  • 最佳答案

    如果您想要的只是一个 LIST,那么您可以使用自定义 POJO 和使用 UNION 的查询。
    例如,您可以有一个 POJO,例如:-

    data class searchPOJO(
    val id: String,
    val type: String,
    val name: String
        @Query("SELECT id,'Pet' AS type,name FROM pet WHERE name LIKE :search UNION SELECT id, 'owner' AS type, name FROM owner WHERE name LIKE :search UNION SELECT id, 'household' AS type, name FROM household WHERE name LIKE :search")
    abstract fun search(search: String): List<searchPOJO>
  • 注意:-
  • UNION 要求列数与初始选择匹配。
  • type 是用于标识数据来自哪个表的文字
  • 然后 id 将能够根据其类型识别可以从中获取特定对象的行。

  • 例如以下代码:-
        db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
    dao = db.getAllDao()

    dao.insert(Pet("pet1","Dave","brown",10,"Fred","1 Maria Cresent"))
    dao.insert(Pet("pet2","George","red",11,"Bert","2 Somewhere Place"))
    dao.insert(Owner("owner1","David","10 Somewhere Place",1111111111))
    dao.insert(Owner("owner2","Laura","14 Overthere Way", 222222222))
    dao.insert(Owner("owner3","Davina","3 Wayland Way",333333333))
    dao.insert(Household("h1","Davenport Close","1 Davenport Close","region 1"))
    dao.insert(Household("h2","Daintree House","100 Smith Street","region 2"))

    for(s: searchPOJO in"%dav%")) {
    Log.d("DBINFO","ID is ${} Name is ${} Type is ${s.type}")
    结果是 :-
    D/DBINFO: ID is h1 Name is Davenport Close Type is household
    D/DBINFO: ID is owner1 Name is David Type is owner
    D/DBINFO: ID is owner3 Name is Davina Type is owner
    D/DBINFO: ID is pet1 Name is Dave Type is Pet
    如果您想要在每次查找时返回每个对象中的一个(1 个有效对象和其他 2 个无效对象(例如空白))并指示返回的类型,那么您可以使用类似以下的 POJO:-
    data class searchPOJOAll (
    val type: String,
    @Embedded(prefix = Companion.pet_prefix)
    val pet: Pet,
    @Embedded(prefix = owner_prefix)
    val owner: Owner,
    @Embedded(prefix = household_prefix)
    val household: Household
    ) {

    companion object {
    const val pet_prefix: String = "pet_"
    const val owner_prefix: String = "owner_"
    const val household_prefix: String = "household_"
  • 请注意,由于列名不明确(如命名字段/变量),因此使用了前缀。

  • 然后,查询将是先前查询的扩展版本,三个 SELECTS 中的每一个都为其他对象提供列,由于需要消除列名的歧义,这再次变得复杂,例如:-
    @Query("SELECT 'PET' AS type, " +
    " id AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "id," +
    " name AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "name," +
    " colour AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "colour," +
    " height AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "height," +
    " ownerId AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "ownerId," +
    " householdId AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "householdId," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "id," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "name," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "address," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "telephoneNumer," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "id," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "name," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "address," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "region" +
    " FROM pet WHERE name LIKE :search " +
    " UNION SELECT 'OWNER' AS type, " +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "id," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "name," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "colour," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "height," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "ownerId," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "householdId," +
    " id AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "id," +
    " name AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "name," +
    " address AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "address," +
    " telephoneNumer AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "telephoneNumer," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "id," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "name," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "address," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "region" +
    " FROM owner WHERE name LIKE :search " +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "id," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "name," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "colour," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "height," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "ownerId," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.pet_prefix + "householdId," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "id," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "name," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "address," +
    " '' AS " + searchPOJOAll.owner_prefix + "telephoneNumer," +
    " id AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "id," +
    " name AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "name," +
    " address AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "address," +
    " region AS " + searchPOJOAll.household_prefix + "region" +
    " FROM household WHERE name LIKE :search"
    abstract fun searchAll(search: String): List<searchPOJOAll>
        /* List of all 3 object types (only one of which is of use) */
    for(s: searchPOJOAll in dao.searchAll("%dav%")) {
    if(s.type == "PET") {
    Log.d("DBINFO","${s.type}>>>" + getPetString(
    if (s.type == "OWNER") {
    Log.d("DBINFO","${s.type}>>>" + getOwnerString(s.owner))
    if (s.type == "HOUSEHOLD") {
    Log.d("DBINFO","${s.type}>>>" +getHouseholdString(s.household))
    fun getPetString(pet: Pet):String {
    return "ID is ${} Petname = ${} colour is ${pet.colour} height is ${pet.height} ownerID is ${pet.ownerId} householId is ${pet.householdId}"
    fun getOwnerString(owner: Owner): String {
    return "ID is ${} Ownername is ${} address is ${owner.address} telno is ${owner.telephoneNumer}"
    fun getHouseholdString(household: Household): String {
    return "ID is ${} name is ${} address is ${household.address} region is ${household.region}"
    D/DBINFO: HOUSEHOLD>>>ID is h1 name is Davenport Close address is 1 Davenport Close region is region 1
    D/DBINFO: OWNER>>>ID is owner1 Ownername is David address is 10 Somewhere Place telno is 1111111111
    D/DBINFO: OWNER>>>ID is owner3 Ownername is Davina address is 3 Wayland Way telno is 333333333
    D/DBINFO: PET>>>ID is pet1 Petname = Dave colour is brown height is 10 ownerID is Fred householId is 1 Maria Cresent
    data class PetWithOwnerAndHousehold (
    val pet: Pet,
    @Relation( entity = Owner::class, parentColumn = "ownerId",entityColumn = "id")
    val owner: Owner,
    @Relation(entity = Household::class, parentColumn = "householdId", entityColumn = "id")
    val household: Household
    @Query("SELECT pet.* FROM pet JOIN owner ON = pet.ownerId JOIN household ON = pet.householdId WHERE LIKE :search OR LIKE :search OR LIKE :search")
    abstract fun getPetWithOwnerAndHousehold(search: String): List<PetWithOwnerAndHousehold>
    将返回宠物、它的所有者和它的 houdehold(假设关系(pet->owener 和 pet->houdhold)是有效的(在上面的数据中它们不是))如果是 pat 名称、所有者的姓名或家庭名称匹配搜索项。
    例如如果添加了以下行(使用现有的所有者和 houdeholds):-
        dao.insert(Pet("p1","adava","grey",12,"owner1","h2")) /* multiple hits pet name and owner name*/
    dao.insert(Pet("p2","lady","blue",13,"owner2","h2")) /* no hits */
    dao.insert(Pet("p3","X","pink",14,"owner2","h1")) /* one hit household name */
    然后使用 查询的结果%dav% 因为搜索字符串是:-
    D/DBINFO: Pet ID is p1 pet's name is adava OwnerID is owner1  owner's name is David etc. HouseholdID is h2 household's name is Daintree House
    D/DBINFO: Pet ID is p3 pet's name is X OwnerID is owner2 owner's name is Laura etc. HouseholdID is h1 household's name is Davenport Close

    关于android - 使用单个查询在 Android Room 中搜索多个表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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