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Public Class LoginManager
Implements ILoginManager
Private ReadOnly _iLoginRepository As ILoginRepository
Public Sub New()
_iLoginRepository = New LoginRepository()
End Sub
Public Async Sub InsertFailedLoginAttempt(failedLoginAttempt As FailedLogin) Implements ILoginManager.InsertFailedLoginAttempt
'Example of the S in Solid (Single Repsonsibilty)
'Need to call these method async. But await errors
End Sub
End Class
Public Interface ILoginRepository
Function IsUserAuthenticatedAsync(ByVal cID As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal IsExternalUser As Boolean) As Task(Of Boolean)
Sub InsertFailedLoginAttemptAsync(ByVal failedLoginAttempt As FailedLogin)
Sub InsertFailedLoginAttemptIntoLoginMasterAsync(ByVal failedLoginAttempt As FailedLogin)
End Interface
Public Class LoginRepository
Implements ILoginRepository
Public ReadOnly _applicationDBContext As New ApplicationDBContext()
Public Async Sub InsertFailedLoginAttemptAsync(failedLoginAttempt As FailedLogin) Implements ILoginRepository.InsertFailedLoginAttemptAsync
Using _applicationDBContext
Await _applicationDBContext.SaveChangesAsync()
End Using
End Sub
Public Async Sub InsertFailedLoginAttemptIntoLoginMasterAsync(failedLoginAttempt As FailedLogin) Implements ILoginRepository.InsertFailedLoginAttemptIntoLoginMasterAsync
Using _applicationDBContext
Await _applicationDBContext.SaveChangesAsync()
End Using
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Determine whether a user is authenticated, be it an internal or external user
''' I have condensed two methods into one
''' </summary>
''' <param name="cID"></param>
''' <param name="password"></param>
''' <param name="IsExternalUser"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Async Function IsUserAuthenticatedAsync(cID As String, password As String, IsExternalUser As Boolean) As Task(Of Boolean) Implements ILoginRepository.IsUserAuthenticatedAsync
If (IsExternalUser And String.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("External user requires password")
End If
Dim user As Chaser
Dim toRet As Boolean
Using _applicationDBContext
'Two ways to use LINQ
'First is LINQ Lambda sybntax(little harder to read)
user = Await _applicationDBContext.Chasers.Where(Function(x) x.CID = cID).FirstOrDefaultAsync()
'Second is LINQ Query syntax(looks more like SQL just more verbose
'user = From x In _applicationDBContext.Chasers
' Where x.CID = cID
' Select x
End Using
If IsNothing(user) Then
toRet = False
ElseIf Not IsExternalUser And Not IsNothing(user) Then
toRet = True
ElseIf IsExternalUser And user.Hash_Password = password Then
toRet = True
End If
Return toRet
End Function
End Class
s 不应该是异步的。事件处理程序是该规则的唯一异常(exception)。你等着Task
只能从 Function
返回.如果打算使该接口(interface)异步,则所有成员都需要是返回 Task
连同 ILoginRepository
引用:Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming
关于vb.net - 如何在 VB.NET 中编写异步子程序?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45870469/
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