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所以我正在尝试制作一个音乐机器人,它只是加入、播放、停止和恢复音乐。但是,我的机器人可以正常加入并离开语音 channel ,但是当我执行/play 命令时,它会卡在 [youtube] oCveByMXd_0: Downloading webpage
(这是在 vscode 中的输出),然后什么也不做。我放了一些打印语句(您可以在下面的代码中看到它打印 1 和 2 但不是 3)。有人有这个问题吗?
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import youtube_dl
class music(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def join(self, ctx):
if(ctx.author.voice is None):
await ctx.reply("*You're not in a voice channel.*")
voiceChannel = ctx.author.voice.channel
if(ctx.voice_client is None): # if bot is not in voice channel
await voiceChannel.connect()
else: # bot is in voice channel move it to new one
await ctx.voice_client.move_to(voiceChannel)
async def leave(self, ctx):
await ctx.voice_client.disconnect()
async def play(self,ctx, url:str = None):
if(url == None):
await ctx.reply("*Check your arguments!*\n```/play VIDEO_URL```")
ctx.voice_client.stop() # stop current song
# FFMPEG handle streaming in discord, and has some standard options we need to include
FFMPEG_OPTIONS = {'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5', 'options': '-vn'}
YTDL_OPTIONS = {"format":"bestaudio"}
vc = ctx.voice_client
# Create stream to play audio and then stream directly into vc
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YTDL_OPTIONS) as ydl:
info = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False)
url2 = info["formats"][0]["url"]
source = await discord.FFmpegOpusAudio.from_probe(url2,FFMPEG_OPTIONS)
vc.play(source) # play the audio
await ctx.send(f"*Playing {info['title']} -* 🎵")
async def pause(self, ctx):
await ctx.voice_client.pause()
await ctx.reply("*Paused -* ⏸️")
async def resume(self, ctx):
await ctx.voice_client.resume()
await ctx.reply("*Resuming -* ▶️")
def setup(bot):
from discord.ext import commands
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from lxml import html
import youtube_dl
import requests
import random
import discord
import requests
import os
import music
# Load .env file
COGS = [music]
PREFIX = "/"
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=PREFIX, intents=discord.Intents.all())
for x in range(len(COGS)):
async def on_ready():
await bot.get_channel(888736019590053898).send(f"We back online! All thanks to *sploosh* :D")
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
replies = ["Err is that even a command?", "Can you type bro?", "Yeah... thats not a command buddy.", "Sorry forgot you can't spell"]
await ctx.send(random.choice(replies))
async def on_message(message):
if str(message.channel) == "images-videos" and message.content != "":
await message.delete()
await bot.process_commands(message)
async def hello(ctx):
# Get a random fact
url = 'http://randomfactgenerator.net/'
page = requests.get(url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
hr = str(tree.xpath('/html/body/div/div[4]/div[2]/text()'))
await ctx.reply("**Hello Bozo!**\n" + "*Random Fact : *" + hr[:-9]+"]")
async def randomNum(ctx, start:int = None, end:int = None):
if(start == None or end == None):
await ctx.reply("*Check your arguments!*\n```/randomNum START_NUMBER END_NUMBER```")
randNum = random.randint(start, end)
await ctx.reply(f"*{randNum}*")
async def kick(ctx, member:discord.Member = None, *, reason="You smell bozo."):
if(member == None):
await ctx.reply("*Check your arguments!*\n```/kick @MEMBER REASON(optional)```")
elif ctx.author.id in (member.id, bot.user.id):
await ctx.reply("*You cant kick yourself/me you silly.*")
await member.kick(reason=reason)
async def ban(ctx, member:discord.Member = None, *, reason="Bye Bye! :D."):
if(member == None):
await ctx.reply("*Check your arguments!*\n```/kick @MEMBER REASON(optional)```")
elif ctx.author.id in (member.id, bot.user.id):
await ctx.reply("*You cant ban yourself/me you silly.*")
await member.ban(reason=reason)
async def close_bot(ctx):
replies = ["Well bye!", "Guess I go now?", "Please let me stay..."]
await ctx.send(random.choice(replies))
await bot.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
async def play(self, ctx, *, song=None):
commandd = "play"
print(f"{ctx.author.name}, {ctx.author.id} used command "+commandd+" used at ")
print(" ")
if song is None:
return await ctx.send("You must include a song to play.")
if ctx.voice_client is None:
return await ctx.send("I must be in a voice channel to play a song.")
# handle song where song isn't url
if not ("youtube.com/watch?" in song or "https://youtu.be/" in song):
await ctx.send("Searching for song, this may take a few seconds.")
result = await self.search_song(1, song, get_url=True)
if result is None:
return await ctx.send("Sorry, I could not find the given song, try using my search command.")
song = result[0]
if ctx.voice_client.source is not None:
queue_len = len(self.song_queue[ctx.guild.id])
if queue_len < 10:
return await ctx.send(f"I am currently playing a song, this song has been added to the queue at position: {queue_len+1}.")
return await ctx.send("Sorry, I can only queue up to 10 songs, please wait for the current song to finish.")
await self.play_song(ctx, song)
await ctx.send(f"Now playing: {song}")
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from random import choice
import string
from discord.ext.commands.cooldowns import BucketType
import asyncio
import youtube_dl
import pafy
import datetime
from discord_slash import cog_ext, SlashContext
x = datetime.datetime.now()
from ult import *
class music(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.song_queue = {}
def setup(self):
for guild in self.bot.guilds:
self.song_queue[guild.id] = []
async def check_queue(self, ctx):
if len(self.song_queue[ctx.guild.id]) > 0:
await self.play_song(ctx, self.song_queue[ctx.guild.id][0])
async def search_song(self, amount, song, get_url=False):
info = await self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"format" : "bestaudio", "quiet" : True}).extract_info(f"ytsearch{amount}:{song}", download=False, ie_key="YoutubeSearch"))
if len(info["entries"]) == 0: return None
return [entry["webpage_url"] for entry in info["entries"]] if get_url else info
async def play_song(self, ctx, song):
url = pafy.new(song).getbestaudio().url
ctx.voice_client.play(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(url)), after=lambda error: self.bot.loop.create_task(self.check_queue(ctx)))
ctx.voice_client.source.volume = 0.5
关于python - 带有 youtube dl 的不和谐机器人音乐不会卡在网页下载中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69257433/
是否有任何解决方案来禁用右键单击选项并从 Youtube 视频中删除右下角水印 Logo ?我在搜索 GOOGLE 后尝试过。谁能告诉我? 谢谢你。 最佳答案 试试 modestbranding范围:
我想使用 YouTube API (v3) 来启用仅音乐轨道的搜索(没有猫或藤蔓或任何其他非音乐视频)。我查看了 API Explorer 和文档以获取有关该问题的任何指示,但找不到任何有用的信息。
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我试图在Videos.insert和Videos.update查询中设置3d尺寸标志。但是标志不会改变。 更新查询示例: 请求: PUT https://www.googleapis.com/yout
使用此获取评论 评论主题:列表 GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet { "error": {
最近,我尝试使用OEmbed服务通过播放列表查询参数获取视频网址的iframe代码,但是OEmbed为我们提供了与我要求的视频不同的iframe代码。 这是带有播放列表查询参数的视频网址: https
我正在使用此代码: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?q=global+warming&part=id&maxResults=50&key=MY
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如果没有表单上的透明面板,YouTube Player将可以正常播放视频,或者可以全屏播放视频,透明面板中有一些图像没有什么特别的。如果我取出透明面板,则YouTube播放器会按需工作,并嵌入到应用程
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我想添加youtube视频列表,但不添加视频播放器。所以我需要的是 视频标题 视频缩略图 视频时长 我以某种方式设法通过使用此http://img.youtube.com/vi/4wew2uWoARw
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