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qt - 将 AVFrame 转换为 RGB32 时在 sws_scale 处崩溃

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 23:08:40 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

转换 AVPicture 时在 sws_scale 处崩溃

起初我使用 sws_scale 来实际放大帧,但 cpu 开销太高,所以我决定只转换帧并调整 QImage 大小。在它工作之前,我在渲染时得到了视频显示,但现在它在 sws_scale 处崩溃。

这是用 Qt for Android 编写的,使用 FFMpeg 3.1.4。


有人知道我为什么会在 sws_scale 崩溃吗?

VideoFrameCopy 的类

class VideoFrameCopy {
VideoFrameCopy() {}
VideoFrameCopy(AVFrame *frame) { copyAVFrame(frame); }
void copyAVFrame(AVFrame *frame); // copy essential data from AVFrame

AVPicture picture;

int64_t pkt_pts = -1; // show it hasn't been initialised
int64_t best_pts;
int interlaced_frame;
int width = 0, height = 0;
int format = -1;

将帧转换为 RGBA8888 QImage 的代码
if (frame) {

if (image->width() != vid_ctx->width || image->height() != vid_ctx->height) {
QSize old_size(image->size());

// block until renderer has finished with it

while (parent->buffer_ready) {

delete image;

image = new QImage(vid_ctx->width, vid_ctx->height, QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
parent->image = image;

if (scale_context) sws_freeContext(scale_context);
scale_context = nullptr;

qDebug() << "Video image size" << image->size() << "old" << old_size;

// the src width and height may need to change to use the context info instead

if (!scale_context) { // create the scale context
int src_width = vid_ctx->width;
int src_height = vid_ctx->height;
AVPixelFormat src_format = vid_ctx->pix_fmt;//(AVPixelFormat)frame->format;

int dst_width = vid_ctx->width;
int dst_height = vid_ctx->height;
AVPixelFormat dst_format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA;

scale_context = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, src_format,
dst_width, dst_height, dst_format,

av_image_fill_linesizes(scale_linesizes, dst_format, vid_ctx->width);

qDebug() << "Created scale context" << scale_context;

if (scale_context) { // valid
scale_data[0] = image->bits();

frame->, // deprecated
frame->picture.linesize, // deprecated
0, image->height(),

qDebug() << "Frame converted";


//if (quit) av_frame_free(&frame);
if (quit) delete frame;
else vid_frames_unused.push_back(frame);

//qDebug() << "got frame" << clock_current_frame_last << "clock" << clock_current_time;


return frame != nullptr;

VideoFrameCopy 类中的函数
void VideoFrameCopy::copyAVFrame(AVFrame *frame) {
if (pkt_pts != -1 &&
(width != frame->width ||
height != frame->height ||
format != frame->format)
) { // picture changed?
avpicture_free(&picture); // deprecated
pkt_pts = -1;

width = frame->width;
height = frame->height;
format = frame->format;
interlaced_frame = frame->interlaced_frame;

if (pkt_pts == -1) { // alloc picture
if (avpicture_alloc(&picture, (AVPixelFormat)format, width, height) < 0) return; // deprecated
int size = avpicture_get_size((AVPixelFormat)format, width, height); // deprecated
uint8_t *picture_data = (uint8_t*)av_malloc(size);
avpicture_fill(&picture, picture_data, (AVPixelFormat)format, width, height); // deprecated

qDebug() << "New frame" << width << "x" << height << format;

pkt_pts = frame->pkt_pts;
best_pts = av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp(frame);

av_picture_copy(&picture, (AVPicture*)frame, (AVPixelFormat)format, width, height); // deprecated

qDebug() << "picture" << picture.linesize[0] << picture.linesize[1]; // deprecated

VideoFrameCopy::~VideoFrameCopy() {
if (pkt_pts != -1) {
/*if ( {
av_free(; = nullptr;
avpicture_free(&picture); // deprecated

来自 logcat 的示例输出
D/ ../cwengage2/ffmpegfile.cpp:659 (void VideoFrameCopy::copyAVFrame(AVFrame*)): New frame 640 x 358 0
D/ ../cwengage2/ffmpegfile.cpp:667 (void VideoFrameCopy::copyAVFrame(AVFrame*)): picture 640 320
D/ ../cwengage2/ffmpegfile.cpp:586 (bool FFMpegFile::getVideoFrame()): Video image size QSize(640, 358) old QSize(500, 320)
D/ ../cwengage2/ffmpegfile.cpp:659 (void VideoFrameCopy::copyAVFrame(AVFrame*)): New frame 640 x 358 0
D/ ../cwengage2/ffmpegfile.cpp:606 (bool FFMpegFile::getVideoFrame()): Created scale context 0x4bb49060
D/ ../cwengage2/ffmpegfile.cpp:667 (void VideoFrameCopy::copyAVFrame(AVFrame*)): picture 640 320
F/libc (20157): Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS) at 0x4e065008 (code=1), thread 20335 (QThread)
I/DEBUG ( 116): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 116): Build fingerprint: 'ODROID/odroidc/odroidc:4.4.2/KOT49H/odroidc-eng-s805_4.4.2_master-410:eng/test-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 116): Revision: '10'
I/DEBUG ( 116): pid: 20157, tid: 20335, name: QThread >>> org.qtproject.example <<<
I/DEBUG ( 116): signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1 (BUS_ADRALN), fault addr 4e065008
I/DEBUG ( 116): r0 00000280 r1 00000166 r2 4e065008 r3 00000a00
I/DEBUG ( 116): r4 4d9bd030 r5 00000280 r6 4d9f4f28 r7 00000140
I/DEBUG ( 116): r8 00000280 r9 00000010 sl 4da02ee8 fp 4e065a08
I/DEBUG ( 116): ip 4d9bd2a0 sp 4c1948f8 lr 4a8f1d2c pc 4a8f4dc0 cpsr 280f0010
I/DEBUG ( 116): d0 004a004a004a004a d1 0081ffccffe70066
I/DEBUG ( 116): d2 004a004a004a004a d3 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d4 0000000000000000 d5 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d6 0000000001010101 d7 0000000001010101
I/DEBUG ( 116): d8 0000000001010101 d9 ffffffffffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 116): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d12 0000000000000000 d13 ffffffffffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 116): d14 004a004a004a004a d15 004a004a004a004a
I/DEBUG ( 116): d16 0000000000000000 d17 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d28 004a004a004a004a d29 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): scr 20000010
I/DEBUG ( 116):
I/DEBUG ( 116): backtrace:
I/DEBUG ( 116): #00 pc 0000edc0 /data/app-lib/org.qtproject.example-1/
I/DEBUG ( 116): #01 pc 0000bd28 /data/app-lib/org.qtproject.example-1/
I/DEBUG ( 116):
I/DEBUG ( 116): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948b8 0000004b
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948bc 4bb2d270
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948c0 0000013c
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948c4 4011edbc /system/lib/ (dlmalloc+480)
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948c8 4c19494a [stack:20335]
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948cc 4015e384
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948d0 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948d4 489033ef /data/app-lib/org.qtproject.example-1/
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948d8 00001000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948dc 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948e0 4bb2d470
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948e4 4bb2d478
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948e8 4bb2d478
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948ec 4bb2d470
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948f0 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948f4 4012109c /system/lib/ (dlfree+996)
I/DEBUG ( 116): #00 4c1948f8 11111111
I/DEBUG ( 116): ........ ........
I/DEBUG ( 116): #01 4c1948f8 11111111
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c1948fc 3fa11111
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194900 40000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194904 40640d79 /system/lib/
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194908 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c19490c 3ff00000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194910 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194914 3ff00000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194918 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c19491c 3ff00000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194920 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194924 3f800000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194928 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c19492c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194930 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4c194934 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 116):
I/DEBUG ( 116): memory near r2:
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4e064fe8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000007


I/DEBUG ( 116): memory map around fault addr 4e065008:
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4dd15000-4df15000 rw- /dev/mali
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4df15000-4e199000 rw-
I/DEBUG ( 116): 4e676000-4e876000 rw- /dev/mali
I/BootReceiver( 479): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_07 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
W/ActivityManager( 479): Force finishing activity org.qtproject.example/
I/WindowState( 479): WIN DEATH: Window{64cf3a40 u0 org.qtproject.example/}
I/WindowState( 479): WIN DEATH: Window{64d0f6e0 u0 SurfaceView}
I/UsageStats( 479): No package stats for pkg:org.qtproject.example
I/art ( 118): Process 20157 terminated by signal (7)
W/ActivityManager( 479): Exception thrown during pause
W/ActivityManager( 479): android.os.DeadObjectException
W/ActivityManager( 479): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
W/ActivityManager( 479): at
W/ActivityManager( 479): at
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W/ActivityManager( 479): at$
D/ActivityManager( 479): resumeClassName is
D/ActivityManager( 479): resumePackageName is
I/ActivityManager( 479): Process org.qtproject.example (pid 20157) has died.
D/ActivityManager( 479): send app_CRASH broadcast, packageName:org.qtproject.example



关于崩溃:了解访问冲突是否与读取输入图片或写入输出图片有关会有所帮助。无论如何,到目前为止,我只能看到代码存在一个问题:您不能使用 av_image_fill_linesizes使用 QImage 作为目标时。 Linesizes 必须匹配实际的图像布局(就像数据指针必须匹配内存中的实际图像位置)所以使用这样的东西:

scale_linesizes[0] = image->bytesPerLine();

关于所有已弃用的功能:您永远不需要使用 AVPicture。 AVFrame可以做AVPicture可以做的所有事情,然后是一些。例如。如果你有一个“正常”的 AVFrame(例如来自 FFmpeg 的解码器)并且你想保留一个副本,请使用 av_frame_refav_frame_copy .这将分配内存并复制图片,或者如果可能的话,它将仅共享图片缓冲区。如果您有自己填写的 AVFrame,那么相同的函数调用应该是一样的(假设您没有填写 frame->buf[] 数组)。如果你有一个框架并且你想得到你自己的“私有(private)”/非共享副本,你可以使用 av_frame_make_writable它会制作一个副本(如果需要)。最后,如果你想无条件地复制图片数据(你不应该这样做,但如果出于某种原因你需要),那么 av_frame_alloc , av_frame_copy_props ,填充宽度/高度/格式字段, av_frame_get_buffer最后是 av_frame_copy .

关于qt - 将 AVFrame 转换为 RGB32 时在 sws_scale 处崩溃,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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