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haskell - 多态 "flip"在 7.10 中失败

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 22:45:18 26 4
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monomorphic库包含以下代码段(希望可以在 7.8 中编译):

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes, PolyKinds, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}

class Monomorphicable k where
type MonomorphicRep k :: *

withPolymorphic :: Monomorphicable k
=> MonomorphicRep k -> (forall a. k a -> b) -> b
withPolymorphic k trans = undefined

-- | Flipped version of 'withPolymorphic'.
liftPoly :: Monomorphicable k
=> (forall a. k a -> b) -> MonomorphicRep k -> b
liftPoly = flip withPolymorphic

但是在 7.10 中,GHC 提示:
Couldn't match type ‘k2 a0 -> b’ with ‘forall (a :: k0). k1 a -> b’
Expected type: MonomorphicRep k2 -> (k2 a0 -> b) -> b
Actual type: MonomorphicRep k1
-> (forall (a :: k0). k1 a -> b) -> b
Relevant bindings include
liftPoly :: (forall (a :: k). k2 a -> b) -> MonomorphicRep k2 -> b
(bound at Data/Type/Monomorphic.hs:45:1)
In the first argument of ‘flip’, namely ‘withPolymorphic’
In the expression: flip withPolymorphic

当然如果我改变了 liftPoly的定义到
liftPoly a b = withPolymorphic b a

那么7.10是快乐的。这里发生了什么?在以某种方式处理多态函数时,7.10 是否应该更严格?它似乎不是单态限制,因为一切都有一个签名。



flip :: (x -> y -> z) -> (y -> x -> z)

键入检查 liftPoly ,我们必须实例化变量 y在多态型 forall a. k a -> b .这是一个不可预测的多态性的例子。 的页面说,

We've made various attempts to support impredicativity, so there is a flag -XImpredicativeTypes. But it doesn't work, and is absolutely unsupported. If you use it, you are on your own; I make no promises about what will happen.

所以,当 ImpredicativeTypes 的行为时不要太惊讶GHC 版本之间的变化。

关于haskell - 多态 "flip"在 7.10 中失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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