gpt4 book ai didi

arrays - ReDim 上的 2D 数组下标超出范围

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 22:25:39 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 VBA (Excel 365) 中有一个二维数组。

它给了我一条错误消息Subscript out of Range
代码停在 ReDim 行。

ReDim arrs(1 To 1, 1 to 6) As Variant
For idx = 1 To lr
If staff_group(idx) = "" Then Exit For
If InStr(LCase(staff_group(idx)), "al - ") Then
arrs(UBound(arrs,1), 1) = sg(idx)
arrs(UBound(arrs,1), 2) = nd(idx)
arrs(UBound(arrs,1), 3) = intv(idx)
arrs(UBound(arrs,1), 4) = rq(idx)
arrs(UBound(arrs,1), 5) = prd(idx) + id(idx)
arrs(UBound(arrs,1), 6) = IIfw(idx) = "Y", "1", IIfh(idx) = "-1", "OVR", ""))

ReDim Preserve arrs(1 To UBound(arrs,1) + 1, 1 to 6)
End If

ReDim arrs(1 To 1) As Variant
For idx = 1 To lr

If staff_group(idx) = "" Then Exit For

If InStr(LCase(staff_group(idx)), "al - ") Then
ReDim temp(6) As Variant
temp(0) = sg(idx)
temp(1) = nd(idx)
temp(2) = intv(idx)
temp(3) = rq(idx)
temp(4) = prd(idx) + id(idx)
temp(5) = IIf(waive(idx) = "Y", "1", IIf(hold(idx) = "-1", "OVR", ""))
arrs(UBound(arrs)) = temp
ReDim Preserve arrs(1 To UBound(arrs) + 1)
End If


您可能想使用 ReDim尽可能少地声明

Dim arrDim As Long ' long value to store arrs actual dimension

ReDim arrs(1 To lr) As Variant ' initial dimming of arrs to its maximum possible size
For idx = 1 To lr

If staff_group(idx) = "" Then Exit For

If InStr(LCase(staff_group(idx)), "al - ") Then

ReDim temp(6) As Variant
temp(0) = sg(idx)
temp(1) = nd(idx)
temp(2) = intv(idx)
temp(3) = rq(idx)
temp(4) = prd(idx) + ID(idx)
temp(5) = IIf(waive(idx) = "Y", "1", IIf(hold(idx) = "-1", "OVR", ""))

arrDim = arrDim + 1 ' update arrs currently needed size
arrs(arrDim) = temp ' update arrs item at currently needed size index
End If

ReDim Preserve arrs(1 To arrDim + 1) ' finally, redim arrs to final size

请注意 ReDim Preserve arrs(1 To arrDim + 1)导致一个空的 arrs最后一项,根据您的示例。

如果您不需要它,那么只需使用 ReDim Preserve arrs(1 To arrDim)

关于arrays - ReDim 上的 2D 数组下标超出范围,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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