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haskell - 从函数返回 GADT

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 22:19:00 26 4
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我正在使用 Haskell 编写一个红黑树实现


data NaturalNum = Z
| S NaturalNum
deriving Show

data Color :: * where
Red :: Color
Black :: Color
deriving Show

data Tree :: Color -> NaturalNum -> * -> * where
Empty :: Tree Black Z a
RTree :: Tree Black natNum a -> a -> Tree Black natNum a -> Tree Red natNum a
BTree :: Tree leftColor natNum a -> a -> Tree rightColor natNum a -> Tree Black (S natNum) a
deriving instance (Show a) => Show (Tree c n a)

findSubtree :: (Ord a) => Tree c n a -> a -> Tree cc nn a
findSubtree Empty _ = Empty
findSubtree (RTree left curr right) item
| curr == item = RTree left curr right
| curr < item = findSubtree left item
| otherwise = findSubtree right item
findSubtree (BTree left curr right) item
| curr == item = BTree left curr right
| curr < item = findSubtree left item
| otherwise = findSubtree right item


• Could not deduce: cc ~ 'Black
from the context: (c ~ 'Black, n ~ 'Z)
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Empty :: forall a. Tree 'Black 'Z a,
in an equation for ‘findSubtree’
at lib/RedBlackTree.hs:246:13-17
‘cc’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
findSubtree :: forall (c :: Color) (n :: NaturalNum) a (cc :: Color) (nn :: NaturalNum).
Tree c n a -> a -> Tree cc nn a
at lib/RedBlackTree.hs:245:16
Expected type: Tree cc nn a
Actual type: Tree 'Black 'Z a
• In the expression: Empty
In an equation for ‘findSubtree’: findSubtree Empty _ = Empty
• Relevant bindings include
findSubtree :: Tree c n a -> a -> Tree cc nn a
(bound at lib/RedBlackTree.hs:246:1)


根据错误消息,我认为我无法返回由不受约束的颜色和黑色高度参数化的 GADT。然而,我觉得这相当不令人满意。我看到如果您有关于 findSubtree 函数的返回类型的少量信息,则很难检查程序其他部分的类型,但是找到子树似乎是一件相当合理的事情。这是使用 GADT 带来的限制吗?



问题在于 findSubtree 的类型签名中的量词。

findSubtree :: (Ord a) => Tree c n a -> a -> Tree cc nn a

尽管您显然希望 cna 被普遍量化,但 ccnn 不应该被存在量化(找到的子树会有一些颜色)。

在 Haskell 中处理存在项的方法是将它们包装在数据类型中。这不是很明显,但是在数据类型中包含 forall 等效于 exists(如果它存在于 Haskell 中)。
-- An existential type to represent a tree with _some_ color and depth
data SomeTree a where
SomeTree :: Tree c n a -> SomeTree a

findSubtree :: (Ord a) => Tree c n a -> a -> SomeTree a
findSubtree Empty _ = SomeTree Empty
findSubtree (RTree left curr right) item
| curr == item = SomeTree (RTree left curr right)
| curr < item = findSubtree left item
| otherwise = findSubtree right item
findSubtree (BTree left curr right) item
| curr == item = SomeTree (BTree left curr right)
| curr < item = findSubtree left item
| otherwise = findSubtree right item

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