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excel - 静默 VBA 添加新的 Excel 工作表而无需屏幕更新

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Application.ScreenUpdating = False
SheetExists = False
For Each WS In Worksheets
If WS.Name = "BLANK" Then
SheetExists = True
End If
Next WS
If Not SheetExists Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "BLANK"
End If
有没有办法在不将焦点集中到或激活新添加的工作表的情况下静默添加 sheet.add?我只想留在当前处于事件状态的工作表(即 Sheet1)上并在后台添加新工作表。



  • 在运行代码
  • 之前可能会选择更多工作表
  • 所选工作表可能是图表工作表
  • 可以保护工作簿
  • 您可能不想设置 Application.ScreenUpdating = True在方法结束时,因为您可能在另一个仍然需要它的方法中运行它
  • 只有激活了正确的窗 Eloquent 能恢复选择

  • 你可以使用这个方法:
    Sub AddWorksheet(ByVal targetBook As Workbook, ByVal sheetname As String)
    Const methodName As String = "AddWorksheet"

    'Do input checks
    If targetBook Is Nothing Then
    Err.Raise 91, methodName, "Target Book not set"
    ElseIf sheetname = vbNullString Then
    Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Sheet name cannot be blank"
    ElseIf Len(sheetname) > 31 Then
    Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Sheet name cannot exceed 31 characters"
    Dim arrForbiddenChars() As Variant
    Dim forbiddenChar As Variant

    arrForbiddenChars = Array(":", "\", "/", "?", "*", "[", "]")
    For Each forbiddenChar In arrForbiddenChars
    If InStr(1, sheetname, forbiddenChar) > 0 Then
    Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Sheet name cannot contain characters: : \ / ? * [ or ]"
    End If
    Next forbiddenChar
    End If

    Dim alreadyExists As Boolean

    'Check if a sheet already exists with the desired name
    On Error Resume Next
    alreadyExists = Not (targetBook.Sheets(sheetname) Is Nothing)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If alreadyExists Then
    MsgBox "A sheet named <" & sheetname & "> already exists!", vbInformation, "Cancelled" 'Can remove
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Check if Workbook is protected
    If targetBook.ProtectStructure Then
    'Maybe write code to ask for password and then unprotect
    'Or simply exit
    MsgBox "Workbook is protected. Cannot add sheet", vbInformation, "Cancelled"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim bookActiveWindow As Window
    Dim appActiveWindow As Window
    Dim selectedSheets As Sheets
    Dim screenUpdate As Boolean
    Dim newWSheet As Worksheet

    'Store state
    Set bookActiveWindow = targetBook.Windows(1)
    Set appActiveWindow = Application.ActiveWindow 'Can be different from the target book window
    Set selectedSheets = bookActiveWindow.selectedSheets
    screenUpdate = Application.ScreenUpdating

    'Do main logic
    screenUpdate = False
    If bookActiveWindow.Hwnd <> Application.ActiveWindow.Hwnd Then
    End If
    If selectedSheets.Count > 1 Then selectedSheets(1).Select Replace:=True
    Set newWSheet = targetBook.Worksheets.Add
    newWSheet.Name = sheetname

    'Restore state
    selectedSheets.Select Replace:=True
    If appActiveWindow.Hwnd <> Application.ActiveWindow.Hwnd Then
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = screenUpdate
    End Sub
    Sub Test()
    AddWorksheet ThisWorkbook, "BLANK"
    End Sub
    Sub Test()
    AddWorksheet ActiveWorkbook, "BLANK"
    End Sub

    关于excel - 静默 VBA 添加新的 Excel 工作表而无需屏幕更新,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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