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reveal.js - 显示.js : how to reduce space on top of slides?

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</section><section id="logarithmic-strains---principle" class="slide level2">
<h1>Logarithmic strains - Principle</h1>
<li class="fragment"><span class="math">\({\underline{T}}\)</span> is the dual of the logarithmic strain <span class="math">\({\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{log}}\)</span>
<li class="fragment"><span class="math">\(P={\underline{T}}\,\colon\,{\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{log}}={\underline{S}}\,\colon\,{\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{GL}}\)</span></li>
<li class="fragment">if the small strain behaviour is <strong>thermodynamically consistent</strong>, so does the corresponding finite strain behaviour.</li>
<li class="fragment">the behaviour is <strong>objective</strong> due to its lagrangian nature.</li>
<li class="fragment"><strong>no restriction</strong> on the small strain behaviour (initial and induced <strong>orthotropy</strong> can be handled appropriately: application to Zircaloy ?)
<li class="fragment">much more appealing than the hypoelastic <a href="">Cast3M</a> formulation</li>
<li class="fragment"><em>drawbacks:</em> the pre- and post-processing stage are non trivial and may have a significant computation costs.</li>
<li class="fragment"><span class="math">\({\underline{T}}\)</span> is the dual of the logarithmic strain <span class="math">\({\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{log}}\)</span>
<li class="fragment"><span class="math">\(P={\underline{T}}\,\colon\,{\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{log}}={\underline{S}}\,\colon\,{\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{GL}}\)</span></li>
<li class="fragment"><span class="math">\({\underline{T}}\)</span> is the dual of the logarithmic strain <span class="math">\({\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{log}}\)</span>
<li class="fragment"><span class="math">\(P={\underline{T}}\,\colon\,{\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{log}}={\underline{S}}\,\colon\,{\underline{\epsilon}^{\mathrm{to}}}{}_{\text{GL}}\)</span></li>
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