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vba - 宏来检查值是否在另一个列表中,如果是,则添加今天的日期

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 21:36:39 25 4
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我有两张 Excel 表,A 包含产品,B 是库存用完时我们将停产的产品。

我想要一个宏,这样我们就可以在 B 中创建一个列表,点击运行功能,它会找到它在工作表 A 中的位置,转到该行的 E 列并输入今天的日期。



Sub Deletions()
Dim LastRow As Long
With Sheets("A") '<-set this worksheet reference properly
LastRow = .Range("A" & Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With .Range("E2:E" & LastRow)
.Formula = "=IF(A1='B'!A1,TODAY(),)"
.Cells = .Value2
End With
End With
End Sub

我需要使用 VBA 的原因是我们有超过 10 万个项目,并不是每个使用它的人都会非常了解 excel。所以我们希望能够制作一个列表,把它放在excel中,然后点击宏按钮,瞧。

此外,删除的项目列表随后会被删除,因为信息保存在表 A 中。我们还需要保留产品停产的日期,所以这个宏不要删除以前的条目是非常重要的。



Sub discontinue_Prods()
'the button need to be on sheet B
'In sheet B need to have a header
Dim r
Dim c
Dim disRange As Range
Dim i
Dim shtA As Worksheet
Dim shtB As Worksheet
Dim dLine
Dim E 'to store the column number of column E
Dim A 'to store the column number of column A

Set shtA = Sheets("A") 'storing the sheets...
Set shtB = Sheets("B")

shtB.Activate 'no matter you are in the workbook, always run from the sheet B,
'this code will do that for you.

r = Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row 'the last row of the list
'with the discounted prods
'If you do not want headers,
'use A1 here
c = 1 'column A... changed if you need
Set disRange = Range(Cells(2, c), Cells(r, c)) 'here need to change the 2 for
'1 if you do not want headers
E = 5 'column E and A, just the numbers
A = 1

shtA.Activate 'go to sheet A
For Each i In disRange 'for each item inside the list of prod going to discount
dLine = Empty
On Error Resume Next
dLine = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(i.Value, shtA.Columns(A), False)
'here we find the row where the prod is,
'searching for the item on the list (Sheet B).
If Not dLine = Empty Then
shtA.Cells(dLine, E).Value = Date 'heres we add the today date (system date)
'to column E, just as text
'if you want the formula uncomment and use this:
'Cells(dLine, E).FormulaR1C1 = "=TODAY()"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
End Sub

只需遍历 Sheet B 列表中的单元格即可,然后转到 Sheet A并找到产品,如果代码找到任何 Match产品,设置栏目 E作为今天的日期,使用系统日期。请注意,如果您想使用公式,请参阅注释。

Sheet A

| Products | Qty |
| Prod001 | 44 |
| Prod002 | 27 |
| Prod003 | 65 |
| Prod004 | 135 |
| Prod005 | 95 |
| Prod006 | 36 |
| Prod007 | 114 |
| Prod008 | 20 |
| Prod009 | 107 |
| Prod010 | 7 |
| Prod011 | 22 |
| Prod012 | 142 |
| Prod013 | 99 |
| Prod014 | 144 |
| Prod015 | 150 |
| Prod016 | 44 |
| Prod017 | 57 |
| Prod018 | 64 |
| Prod019 | 17 |
| Prod020 | 88 |

Sheet B

| Products |
| Prod017 |
| Prod011 |
| Prod005 |
| Prod018 |
| Prod006 |
| Prod009 |
| Prod006 |
| Prod001 |
| Prod017 |

Result in Sheet A

| Products | Qty | | | |
| Prod001 | 44 | | | 2/23/2016 |
| Prod002 | 27 | | | |
| Prod003 | 65 | | | |
| Prod004 | 135 | | | |
| Prod005 | 95 | | | 2/23/2016 |
| Prod006 | 36 | | | 2/23/2016 |
| Prod007 | 114 | | | |
| Prod008 | 20 | | | |
| Prod009 | 107 | | | 2/23/2016 |
| Prod010 | 7 | | | |
| Prod011 | 22 | | | 2/23/2016 |
| Prod012 | 142 | | | |
| Prod013 | 99 | | | |
| Prod014 | 144 | | | |
| Prod015 | 150 | | | |
| Prod016 | 44 | | | |
| Prod017 | 57 | | | 2/23/2016 |
| Prod018 | 64 | | | 2/23/2016 |
| Prod019 | 17 | | | |
| Prod020 | 88 | | | |

关于vba - 宏来检查值是否在另一个列表中,如果是,则添加今天的日期,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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