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excel - 在事件的 Excel 文档中使用 VBA 从 powershell 连接到 Excel

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我有一些名为 merge1-6 的 vba 脚本,它从不同的 Excel 表中提取数据。
这 6 个生成的文本文件使用另一个宏“MergeALL”合并为 1 个文本文件,因此所有内容都在一个字符串上。
所以我想制作一个powershell脚本来访问我打开的当前excel文档,并获取J29单元格数据,并将这些数据与值“0 |”合并组合给定的字符串。
宏:调用 BID_MergeXCleanup_TextOut

#This script opens H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt and replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
#stripping away all entries not needed. Out-File used as output, with -NoNewline to prevent carriage return inserting empty line.
#$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open("H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.xlsm") #open workbook

$xl = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject(Excel.Application')
$workbook = $xl.workbooks | ?{$_.FullName -eq "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.xlsm"}
$workbook.sheets.item(1).activate() #opens the sheet and activates it
$WorkbookTotal=$workbook.Worksheets.item(1) #Set sheet data to variable
$value = $WorkbookTotal.Cells.Item(29, 10) # Fetches data in Column 10, Row 29 which is the cell reference J29 where domain is.
$domain = $value.Text #Fetches "domain/users/" from the Fetch-tab of the excel file, to match the correct domain in use and stores result in the $domain variable
$leftoverdomain = '0|' #last part of domain string after the domain/user part
$joinedvariables = -join($domain,$leftoverdomain,"") #Joines the above variables together to form "domain/users/0|" as searchtag to replace as leftover bits.

$b = Get-Content -Path "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt" #Opens text file to replace in.

#Next part uses the $joinedvariables variable of merged search parametres and replaces it with "nothing" and saves the file back.

@(ForEach ($a in $b) {$a.Replace($joinedvariables, '')}) | Out-File "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt" -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.3

### INFO ###
#I used a reference to the EXCEL cell here, instead of directly from the TXT-file as given what domain has been specified, the info in the TEXT file would vary
#But text in J29 would always equal the domain being used, and thus also correnspond with the one in the text file at all times.
#This way it will automatically always use the correct domain.
因此,如果我使用对 excel 文档的独立引用,
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open("H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.xlsm") 
...并直接打开工作簿,在powershell ISE中,命令成功。但是,如果我调用 PS1 脚本或从 excel 文件中手动运行它,则无法正确执行。这就是为什么我开始寻找如何访问当前的 excel session ,从而引导我使用下一个方法......
$xl = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') 
要引用当前正在运行的应用程序,当我手动运行时,它从 ISE 和 Excel 内部都成功。
在这两种情况下,只要要修改的 TXT 文件存在并且其中包含要搜索的信息,这项工作就有效。
这是在同一个 Excel 工作表中用于启动宏的 VBA 代码。
Call BID_1_TextOut 
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
Call BID_2_TextOut
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
Call BID_3_TextOut
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
Call BID_4_TextOut
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
Call BID_5_TextOut
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
Call BID_6_TextOut
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
Call BID_MergeALL_TextOut 'Macro MergeALL - Merges all BID-TEXTOUT files to 1 file
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3)
Call BID_MergeXCleanup_TextOut 'Macro MergeXCleanup - This script replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
第二个最后一个宏准备要在“BID_MergeXCleanup”中使用的文件,这是我正在调用的 PS1 脚本。
' Script to merge all the BID-TEXT-OUT files into 1 string with UTF32LE encoding.

Sub BID_MergeALL_TextOut()

Set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run ("powershell.exe H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\MergeALL_UTF32.ps1")

End Sub

'This script opens H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt and replace empty parts of "domain/users/0|" with "nothing"
'stripping away all entries not needed.

Sub BID_MergeXCleanup_TextOut()

Set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run ("powershell.exe -noexit H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\REPLACE_IN_EmptyDomainUsersPart.ps1")

End Sub
奇怪的是,如果我使用“调用脚本”自动连续运行这些命令,最后一个脚本 总是 失败
"cannot call a method or null-valued expression.
如果我之后检查 TXT 文件,我看到只有 '0|' 变量已被删除,因为它似乎无法从 Excel 文档中获取 J29 信息。
如果我在 Excel 中手动逐个运行每个宏,那么它们会正确执行,并且脚本会按照我的意愿执行,不会出现错误
因此,据我所知,我的 powershell 脚本能够调用事件的 Excel 工作簿、工作表、单元格、获取数据等等。
...但是我不能通过从另一个宏调用宏来做到这一点?在此示例中,如果我使用“Call BID_MergeXCleanup_TextOut”引用来访问宏,它将失败。
PS:我也尝试“共享”工作簿,以防是权限问题,但在运行 Call-VBA 脚本时仍然报错,但没有连续手动运行每个宏。
我有一种感觉,我可能不允许原始 PS1 文件退出 $NULL 表达式,但我不确定如何添加它。
我试图在 Powershell ISE 中向它添加 $NULL ,然后它失败了
$null = $workbook.sheets.item(1).activate()     <<<--- Fails with *"You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression."*


所以 @postanote 在这里建议我使用 COM 而不是 InteropService.Marshal 来访问 Excel。
我最初认为这行不通,因为它会打开工作簿的一个新实例,但是 COM 版本有一种隐藏您运行的实例的方法

$objExcel.Visible = $false
现在,[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject 版本也有这个值,它似乎有所不同,因为如果我将代码更改为 COM,如下所示:
$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$objExcel.Visible = $false
$WorkBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open("H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.xlsm")
$WorkSheet = $WorkBook.sheets.item("Fetch")
$domain = $worksheet.Rows.Item(29).Columns.Item(10).Text
$leftoverdomain = '0|' #last part of domain string after the domain/user part
$joinedvariables = -join($domain,$leftoverdomain,"") #Joines the above variables together to form "domain/users/0|" as searchtag to replace as leftover bits.

$b = Get-Content -Path "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt" #Opens text file to replace in.

@(ForEach ($a in $b) {$a.Replace($joinedvariables, '')}) | Out-File "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt" -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.3

...从 VBA 调用脚本调用时,脚本执行没有错误...
$xl = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') #opens an already open excel session
$xl.Visible = $false
$workbook = $xl.workbooks | ?{$_.FullName -eq "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.xlsm"}
$value = $WorkbookTotal.Cells.Item(29, 10)
$domain = $value.Text
$leftoverdomain = '0|'
$joinedvariables = -join($domain,$leftoverdomain,"")

$b = Get-Content -Path "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt"

@(ForEach ($a in $b) {$a.Replace($joinedvariables, '')}) | Out-File "H:\Temp\PublicFolder-powershell\Create-String-For-Email-Fetch.txt" -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.3
Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))
rpc reject error message
所以我想最终的结果是,只要你从 Windows 窗口处理程序中隐藏新的 excel 实例,COMs 就可以用相同的名称多次打开同一个文档。

关于excel - 在事件的 Excel 文档中使用 VBA 从 powershell 连接到 Excel,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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