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ASP Classic 中的 Excel ADO - 返回第 2 行作为标题

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通过 ADODB.Connection 读取 Excel(xls 和 xlsx)中的第二行作为列标题时,如何使用它???

  • Excel 来自客户
  • Excel 在上传到 ASP 页面之前无法更改
  • 第一行是 Excel 报告的 TITLE(我想忽略)

  • 当前解决方案(代码在最后):
  • 客户上传 Excel
  • 将备份副本创建为“原始”
  • 打开并读取 Excel 的前 2 行
  • 用第 2 行的值覆盖第 1 行
  • 前 2 行现在相同
  • 关闭并重新打开 Excel
  • 选择除等于列名的值之外的所有内容
    -例如。从 [Sheet1$] 中选择 column1、column2、column3... 其中 ucase(column1) <> 'COLUMN1'
  • 阅读 Excel 并打印 HTML

  • 我想不通的可能想法:
  • 将“命名范围”分配给第二行
  • 删除第一行(使用 ADO 和 Excel 似乎不可能)
  • 使用 VBA 中的 HeaderRowRange.Address 将标题行更改为第 2 行
  • 不要在当前解决方案中创建副本,而是读取第 2 行及以下的所有内容,然后保存到新的 Excel

  • 当前解决方案的代码:
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' 1. Client uploads Excel
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    xlsfolder = "D:\website\excels\"
    filename = request("filename_from_asp_upload_form")
    xlsfile = xlsfolder & filename
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' 2. Create backup copy as "original"
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    dim fscopy
    set fscopy=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    exceltypelower = fscopy.GetExtensionName(xlsfile)
    replace_text = "_BACKUP." & exceltypelower
    xlsfile_copy = replace(xlsfile, ("." & exceltypelower), replace_text)
    fscopy.CopyFile xlsfile,xlsfile_copy
    set fscopy=nothing
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    if exceltype = "XLS" then
    exceldriver = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""
    elseif exceltype = "XLSX" then
    exceldriver = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"""
    exceldriver2 = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=No;"""
    '*** Second driver allows first row to be read as data and not header allowing Excel cells to be overwritten
    '**** default to 97-2003 format. ELSE just in case
    exceldriver = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""
    end if
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' 3. Open and Read first 2 rows of Excel
    ' 4. Overwrite row 1 with values from row 2
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' NOTE: There is another step at UPLOAD that the user flags what kind of Excel Report it is.
    ' Since there are just a few now, I have the skip_title variable hard-coded
    ' IF SKIP_TITLE = "Y"... that means the column headers are on row 2
    ' IF SKIP_TITLE = "N"... that means the column headers are on row 1 and this is unnecessary
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    if skip_title = "Y" then
    excel_query2 = "Select * from [Sheet1$] "
    Const adOpenStatic = 3
    Const adLockOptimistic = 3
    Const adUseClient = 3
    Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    objConn.Open (exceldriver2)
    objRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    objRecordset.Open excel_query2 , objConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

    counter = 1
    headcount = 0
    colcount = objRecordSet.Fields.Count ' How many columns there are to traverse
    p = objRecordSet.GetRows(colcount,0) ' Write excel_query2 results for number of columns above

    do until objRecordSet.EOF or counter = 0
    for each x in objRecordSet.Fields
    objRecordSet.Fields(headcount).Value = p(headcount, 1) 'overwrite row 1 with row 2
    headcount = headcount + 1
    counter = counter - 1
    end if
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' 5. The first 2 rows are now identical
    ' 6. Close and Re-Open Excel
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    set objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConnection.Open (exceldriver)
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' 7. Select everything except values that equal name of column names
    ' -e.g. Select column1, column2, column3... from [Sheet1$] where ucase(column1) <> 'COLUMN1'
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    excel_query = "Select column1, column2, column3... from [Sheet1$] where ucase(column1) <> 'COLUMN1' " 'example
    set objRS = objConnection.execute(excel_query)
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' 8. Read Excel and Print HTML
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    response.write "<table><thead><tr>"
    for each x in objRS.Fields
    response.write("<th>" & ucase( & "</th>")
    response.write "</tr></thead>"

    response.write "<tbody>"
    do until objRS.EOF
    response.write "<tr>"
    for each fld in objRS.Fields
    response.write "<td>" & fld.value & "</td>"
    response.write "</tr>"
    response.write "</tbody></table>"
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Le Fin or Da End


    Sub Test22()

    Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rsT As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim numCols As Long, numRows As Long, x As Long

    With cn
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
    .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & _
    "\ADOXSource.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    End With

    'read the whole sheet
    rsT.Open "select * from [Sheet1$]", cn

    'get # of rows/cols
    numCols = rsT.Fields.Count
    numRows = rsT.RecordCount


    'get data from specific range
    rsT.Open "select * from [Sheet1$A2:" & Chr(64 + numCols) & (numRows - 1) & "]", cn

    'I'm testing this in excel...
    For x = 0 To rsT.Fields.Count - 1
    Sheet1.Range("a1").Offset(0, x).Value = rsT.Fields(x).Name
    Next x
    Sheet1.Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset rsT

    End Sub

    关于ASP Classic 中的 Excel ADO - 返回第 2 行作为标题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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