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excel - 使用 if 语句时移动到下一个单元格

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:41:50 24 4
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我是使用 VBA 的新手。这就是我所做的:

Dim ADT As String
Dim Speed As String
Dim SpaceAvailable As Integer
Dim MinSpaceNMT As Integer
Dim UserADT As Integer
Dim UserSpeed As Integer

Worksheets(1).Range("C9").Value = spnBridgeWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("C10").Value = spnVehLnWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("C12").Value = spnNoOfLn.Value

Worksheets(1).Range("G9").Value = spnBridgeWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("G10").Value = spnVehLnWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("G12").Value = spnNoOfLn.Value

Worksheets(1).Range("K9").Value = spnBridgeWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("K10").Value = spnVehLnWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("K12").Value = spnNoOfLn.Value

Worksheets(1).Range("O9").Value = spnBridgeWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("O10").Value = spnVehLnWidth.Value
Worksheets(1).Range("O12").Value = spnNoOfLn.Value


ADT = ActiveCell.Value
Speed = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value

SpaceAvailable = ActiveCell.Offset(10, 0).Value
MinSpaceNMT = ActiveCell.Offset(14, 0).Value

UserADT = UserTool.txtADT.Value
UserSpeed = UserTool.txtSpeed.Value

If UserADT < ADT And UserSpeed < Speed Then

If SpaceAvailable > MinSpaceNMT Then

MsgBox "Safe passage can be within the bridge with Alt. 1"


ADT = ActiveCell.Value
Speed = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value

SpaceAvailable = ActiveCell.Offset(10, 0).Value
MinSpaceNMT = ActiveCell.Offset(14, 0).Value

UserADT = UserTool.txtADT.Value
UserSpeed = UserTool.txtSpeed.Value

If UserADT >= ADT And UserSpeed >= Speed Then

If SpaceAvailable > MinSpaceNMT Then

MsgBox "Safe passage can be within the bridge with Alt. 1.2"


MsgBox "Safe passage can be outside the bridge"

End If
End If
End If
End If

我试图让程序移动到包含信息的下一列,并检查是否满足“If 语句”。但是,它并没有在“Else”之后做它应该做的事情。请帮我!



Dim co As Long

    With Sheet1
.Range("C9, G9, K9, O9").Value = spnBridgeWidth.Value
.Range("C10, G10, K10, O10").Value = spnVehLnWidth.Value
.Range("C12, G12, K12, O12").Value = spnNoOfLn.Value

UserADT = UserTool.txtADT.Value
UserSpeed = UserTool.txtSpeed.Value

For co = 0 To 12 Step 4
With .Range("C4").Offset(0, co)
ADT = .Value
Speed = .Offset(1, 0).Value 'could also be .Range("C5")
SpaceAvailable = .Offset(10, 0).Value
MinSpaceNMT = .Offset(14, 0).Value
End With

'At this point I am unclear on why the logic changes
'from less than to greater than or equal

'If UserADT < ADT And UserSpeed < Speed Then
' If SpaceAvailable > MinSpaceNMT Then

'If UserADT >= ADT And UserSpeed >= Speed Then
' If SpaceAvailable > MinSpaceNMT Then
' MsgBox "Safe passage can be within the bridge with Alt. 1.2"
' Else
' MsgBox "Safe passage can be outside the bridge"
'When you have cycled through and met your conditions, use:
Exit For
'and you will jump out of the loop
Next co
End With
End Sub

后一部分循环通过 C9、G9、K9、O9,每次通过时向列添加 4。您只需要检查每次传递的值,看看它们是否符合您的突破标准。

How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros了解更多摆脱依赖选择和激活来实现目标的方法。

关于excel - 使用 if 语句时移动到下一个单元格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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