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Excel VBA : Communicating via named pipe

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:41:46 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试通过 named pipe 设置通信不幸的是,由于某种原因,在 VBA 中它永远不会到达 Debug.Print "Connected 行。在服务器中,客户端也没有连接。似乎是一个简单的场景,但已经尝试了好几个小时。


Public Sub Server()
Const szPipeName = "\\.\pipe\bigtest"
Dim hPipe As Long, readVal As Long, readBytes As Long, sendVal As Long, sentBytes As Long

'Create the NULL security token for the pipe
res = InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)
res = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, -1, 0, 0)
sa.nLength = LenB(sa)
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD
sa.bInheritHandle = True

'Create the Named Pipe
hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(szPipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_WAIT Or PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE Or PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, 10, 1000, 1000, 10000, sa)

'Create separate thread as client
ID = CreateThread(nil, 0, AddressOf ClientThread, nil, 0, nil)

Debug.Print "Created thread: " & ID
Debug.Print "Connecting named pipe: " & hPipe

res = ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, ByVal 0)
Debug.Print "Connected"
'Read/Write data over the pipe

res = ReadFile(hPipe, readVal, LenB(readVal), readBytes, ByVal 0)
Debug.Print "Read file: " & readVal

'res = WriteFile(hPipe, sendVal , LenB(sendVal ), sendBytes, ByVal 0)
res = FlushFileBuffers(hPipe)
res = DisconnectNamedPipe(hPipe)

'Close the pipe handle
CloseHandle hPipe
GlobalFree (pSD)

End Sub

Public Sub ClientThread()
Const szPipeName As String = "\\.\pipe\bigtest"
Dim sentBytes As Long, sendVal As Long, fSuccess As Boolean, readVal As Long, readBytes As Long

sendVal = 500

'Give server time to ConnectNamedPipe
Sleep 2000
Debug.Print "Connecting to pipe..."
fSuccess= CallNamedPipe(szPipeName, sendVal, LenB(sendVal), readVal, LenB(readVal), readBytes, 5000)
Debug.Print "Successful: " & fSuccess

End Sub


让我给你看一个这个工作的例子。在下面的示例中,我将为您提供一个函数 Excel 向服务器发送消息、服务器读取消息、服务器编写响应以及接收响应的 VBA 宏模块代码。我们将使用作为字符串的消息来执行此操作,但您可以更进一步,并创建一个您希望在此管道上使用的协议(protocol)。
请记住,Excel 宏是单线程和事件驱动的——因此在 excel 中使用命名管道的方式是作为客户端——响应事件,向服务器发送请求并接收来自该服务器的响应服务器(很像 Web GET 或 POST 发送请求并获得响应然后关闭连接)
在这个例子中,我们使用了 kernel32 中的 CallNamedPipeA 方法
(注意这是为 64 位 excel 编写的。如果使用 32 位,则排除“PtrSafe”) 此方法以消息模式连接到命名管道,发送消息,接收消息,然后关闭连接。
c# 服务器代码主要取自 Microsoft 示例,但我们必须将其转换为处理消息模式,并在每个管道关闭时让它重新启动一个新线程。因此总是有 4 个线程等待客户端连接。
关于字符串的快速说明。请记住 Excel 使用 Unicode。我们应该在命名管道上使用 UTF8 或字节数组。
在 Excel 中调用子 testPipe 来查看这项工作。
Excel VBA(客户端)

Option Explicit

Declare PtrSafe Function CallNamedPipe Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"CallNamedPipeA" ( _
ByVal lpNamedPipeName As String, _
lpInBuffer As Any, _
ByVal nInBufferSize As Long, _
lpOutBuffer As Any, _
ByVal nOutBufferSize As Long, _
lpBytesRead As Long, _
ByVal nTimeOut As Long) As Long

Private Sub testPipe()
Dim ms As String
Dim mr As String
Dim returncode As Long

ms = "Message from client;Hello World"

returncode = namedPipeMessageExchange("testpipe", ms, mr)

If returncode <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Sent: " & ms
Debug.Print "received: " & mr
End If

End Sub

Public Function namedPipeMessageExchange(pipe As String, messageToSend As String, messageReceived As String) As Long
Dim res As Long, myStr As String, i As Long, cbRead As Long, sm As String
Dim numBytes As Long, bArray() As Byte, temp As String

Dim b() As Byte
Dim blen As Long
b = StrConv(messageToSend, vbFromUnicode)
blen = UBound(b) - LBound(b) + 1
If blen = 0 Then b = Array(1)

numBytes = 1000000
ReDim bArray(numBytes) 'Build the return buffer

'Call CallNamedPipe to do the transaction all at once
res = CallNamedPipe("\\.\pipe\" + pipe, b(0), blen, _
bArray(0), numBytes, _
cbRead, 3000) 'Wait up to 3 seconds for a response

If res > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve bArray(0 To cbRead - 1)
messageReceived = StrConv(bArray, vbUnicode)
'Debug.Print "received: " & messageReceived
Debug.Print "Error number " & Err.LastDllError & _
" attempting to call CallNamedPipe.", vbOKOnly
End If

namedPipeMessageExchange = res
End Function
c# (服务器)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

public class PipeServer
private static int numThreads = 4;

public static void Main()
int i;
Thread[] servers = new Thread[numThreads];

Console.WriteLine("\n*** Named pipe server stream with impersonation example ***\n");
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for client connect...\n");
for (i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
servers[i] = new Thread(ServerThread);
while (i > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < numThreads; j++)
if (servers[j] != null)
if (servers[j].Join(250))
Console.WriteLine("Server thread[{0}] finished.", servers[j].ManagedThreadId);
servers[j] = null;
servers[j] = new Thread(ServerThread);
//i--; // decrement the thread watch count
Console.WriteLine("\nServer threads exhausted, exiting.");

private static void ServerThread(object data)
NamedPipeServerStream pipeServer =
new NamedPipeServerStream("testpipe", PipeDirection.InOut, numThreads, PipeTransmissionMode.Message);

int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

// Wait for a client to connect

Console.WriteLine("Client connected on thread[{0}].", threadId);

List<byte> intext = new List<byte>();
byte[] x = new byte[1024*16];
int read = 0;
read = pipeServer.Read(x);
Array.Resize(ref x, read);

} while (!pipeServer.IsMessageComplete);

string receivedText = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(intext.ToArray());

string sentText = "I am the server!";

Console.WriteLine("Received Text: "+receivedText);
Console.WriteLine("Sent Text: " + sentText);

// Catch the IOException that is raised if the pipe is broken
// or disconnected.
catch (IOException e)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", e.Message);

关于Excel VBA : Communicating via named pipe,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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