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arp - "permanent"输出中的 "arp -a"字是什么意思?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:35:09 29 4
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我正在尝试学习 ARP 协议(protocol)。我对 ARP 的看法是,它是一种有助于将 IP 寻址到确切 MAC 地址的协议(protocol)。


arp -a

我认为它将显示 IP 地址列表和匹配的 MAC 地址。在看到 permanent 这个词之前,我什么都懂.其他行标记为 ifscope , 一个标记为 permanent .

谁能告诉我是什么意思 permanent ?为什么这条线不一样?


Arp table


根据TCP/IP Guide :

There are two different ways that cache entries can be put into the ARP cache:

  • Static ARP Cache Entries: These are address resolutions that are manually added to the cache table for a device and are kept in the cache on a permanent basis. Static entries are typically managed using a tool such as the arp software utility.

  • Dynamic ARP Cache Entries: These are hardware/IP address pairs that are added to the cache by the software itself as a result of successfully-completed past ARP resolutions. They are kept in the cache only for a period of time and are then removed.

所以这个词 permanentarp -a output 表示该条目被手动添加到缓存中(静态)。

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