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Autohotkey - 如何仅调整特定程序的音量?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:34:27 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我找到了 THIS具有用于仅从 Volume Mixer 控制 Windows Media Player 音量的代码的线程。


SetTitleMatchMode, 3
SndVolWasStarted = 0

;Turn off SndVol after 1 second
Loop {
Sleep, 10
If SndVolWasStarted = 1
GetKeyState, StateF1, F1
GetKeyState, StateF2, F2
If (StateF1 = "D" or StateF2 = "D")
SndVolStartTime = %A_Now%
Else {
If ((A_Now - SndVolStartTime > 1) and WinExist("ahk_class #32770"))
WinClose, ahk_class #32770
IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32770
SndVolWasStarted = 0

;Hotkey to decrease volume
IfWinExist, Windows Media Player
IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32770
Run, "%A_WinDir%\System32\SndVol.exe" -r 88888888
WinWait, ahk_class #32770
SndVolWasStarted = 1
ToolbarWindowNumber = 322
msctls_trackbarNumber = 321
Loop {
ControlGetText, ControlName, ToolbarWindow%ToolbarWindowNumber%, ahk_class #32770
If ControlName = Mute for Windows Media Player
ControlSend, msctls_trackbar%msctls_trackbarNumber%, {Down}, ahk_class #32770 ; Use {Down 2} to change sound level faster
} Else {
If ToolbarWindowNumber < 328
ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
} Else {
If ToolbarWindowNumber = 328
ToolbarWindowNumber = 3210
msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
} Else {
If ToolbarWindowNumber < 3242
ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
} Else {
MsgBox, 16, AutoHotkey, ERROR: Application's volume control was not found!`nThis could occur if the Volume Mixer has more than 20 opened applications

;Hotkey to increase volume
IfWinExist, Windows Media Player
IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32770
Run, "%A_WinDir%\System32\SndVol.exe" -r 88888888
WinWait, ahk_class #32770
SndVolWasStarted = 1
ToolbarWindowNumber = 322
msctls_trackbarNumber = 321
Loop {
ControlGetText, ControlName, ToolbarWindow%ToolbarWindowNumber%, ahk_class #32770
If ControlName = Mute for Windows Media Player
ControlSend, msctls_trackbar%msctls_trackbarNumber%, {Up}, ahk_class #32770 ; Use {Up 2} to change sound level faster
} Else {
If ToolbarWindowNumber < 328
ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
} Else {
If ToolbarWindowNumber = 328
ToolbarWindowNumber = 3210
msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
} Else {
If ToolbarWindowNumber < 3242
ToolbarWindowNumber := ToolbarWindowNumber + 2
msctls_trackbarNumber := msctls_trackbarNumber + 1
} Else {
MsgBox, 16, AutoHotkey, ERROR: Application's volume control was not found!`nThis could occur if the Volume Mixer has more than 20 opened applications

我试过了,它可以与 Windows Media Player 一起使用,但我无法在 Google Chrome 上使用它。

我在 IfWinExist, Windows Media Player 上更改了一些代码并将其更改为 IfWinExist, Google Chrome但没有调整Chrome的音量。

我正在运行 Windows 10 64 位


  • 全部替换 IfWinExist, Windows Media PlayerIfWinExist ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
  • 全部替换 If ControlName = Mute for Windows Media Playerif (ControlName ~= "Mute for.*- Google Chrome")

  • 您可以使用 Autohotkey Window Spy 实用程序来查找值。右键单击任务栏托盘通知区域中的任何 AHK 图标,然后选择“Window Spy”。

    或者使用真棒 nircmd实用程序:
    ^#Up::run nircmd changeappvolume focused +0.1
    ^#Down::run nircmd changeappvolume focused -0.1
    ^#Numpad0::run nircmd muteappvolume focused 2

    Ctrl+Win+Up = 提高事件应用的音量
    Ctrl+Win+Down = 降低事件应用程序的音量
    Ctrl+Win+Numpad 0 = 静音/取消静音事件应用程序

    替换 focused使用 app exe 名称来控制特定的应用程序,例如 chrome.exe , vlc.exe

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