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excel - 如何将 Excel VBA 类集合合并到接口(interface)/工厂方法中?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:22:15 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我已经使用类模块快一年了,现在我对它们感到很舒服。现在我正在尝试将工厂方法合并到从工作簿表中提取数据中。我在 here 主题上找到了一些很棒的指南, here , 和 here ,但我不确定在哪里合并该类的集合。
类(class)模块 OrigClass

Option Explicit

'Col position references for input table, only includes cols with relevant data
Private Enum icrColRef
icrName = 2
icrCost = 4
End Enum

'UDT mirrors class properties
Private Type TTestClass
Name As String
Cost As Long
End Type

Const WS_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const NR_TBL As String = "Table1"

Private msTestClass As Collection
Private TestClass As TTestClass

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set msTestClass = New Collection
End Sub

Public Sub Add(Item As OrigClass)
msTestClass.Add _
Item:=Item, _
End Sub

Public Function Extract() As OrigClass
Dim tblInputs As ListObject
Dim i As Integer
Dim Item As OrigClass

Set tblInputs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WS_NAME).ListObjects(NR_TBL)

For i = 1 To tblInputs.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Set Item = New OrigClass

With Item
.Name = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrName).Value
.Cost = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrCost).Value
End With

msTestClass.Add Item
Next i
End Function

Public Function Item(i As Variant) As OrigClass
Set Item = msTestClass.Item(i)
End Function

Public Function Count() As Integer
Count = msTestClass.Count
End Function

Friend Property Let Name(Val As String)
TestClass.Name = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = TestClass.Name
End Property

Friend Property Let Cost(Val As Long)
TestClass.Cost = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Cost() As Long
Cost = TestClass.Cost
End Property
我刚开始为一个类构建一个接口(interface),同时还试图保留集合组件,但我遇到了运行时错误......我可能会 create a separate collection class ,但我认为我的问题更多是关于范围管理不善而不是封装:
类(class)模块 CTestClass
Option Explicit

'Col position references for input table, only includes cols with relevant data
Private Enum icrColRef
icrName = 2
icrCost = 4
End Enum

''UDT mirrors class properties
Private Type TTestClass
Name As String
Cost As Long
End Type

Const WS_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const NR_TBL As String = "Table1"

Private msTestClass As Collection
Private TestClass As TTestClass

Implements ITestClass
Implements FTestClass

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set msTestClass = New Collection
End Sub

Public Sub Add(Item As CTestClass)
msTestClass.Add _
Item:=Item, _
End Sub

Public Function Create() As ITestClass
With New CTestClass
' 2) now in Locals window, Me.msTestClass is <No Variables>
Set Create = .Self
' 4) Me.msTestClass is again <No Variables>, and
' Create (as Type ITextClass) is Nothing
' Create (as Type ITextClass/ITextClass) lists property values as
' <Object doesn't support this property or method>, aka runtime error 438
End With
End Function

Private Function FTestClass_Create() As ITestClass
Set FTestClass_Create = Create
End Function

Public Function Extract() As ITestClass
Dim tblInputs As ListObject
Dim i As Integer
Dim Item As CTestClass

Set tblInputs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WS_NAME).ListObjects(NR_TBL)

For i = 1 To tblInputs.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Set Item = New CTestClass

With Item
.Name = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrName).Value
.Cost = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrCost).Value
End With

msTestClass.Add Item
Next i
' 1) in Locals window, Me.msTestClass is populated with all table records
End Function

Public Function ITestClass_Item(i As Variant) As ITestClass
Set ITestClass_Item = msTestClass.Item(i)
End Function

Public Function ITestClass_Count() As Integer
ITestClass_Count = msTestClass.Count
End Function

Friend Property Let Name(Val As String)
TestClass.Name = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = TestClass.Name
End Property

Friend Property Let Cost(Val As Long)
TestClass.Cost = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Cost() As Long
Cost = TestClass.Cost
End Property

Public Property Get Self() As ITestClass
Set Self = Me
' 3) Me.msTestClass is again populated with all table records (scope shift?), but
' Self is set to Nothing
End Property

Private Property Get ITestClass_Name() As String
ITestClass_Name = Name
End Property

Private Property Get ITestClass_Cost() As Long
ITestClass_Cost = Cost
End Property
接口(interface)模块 ITestClass
'Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False     <-- revised in text editor
Option Explicit

Public Function Item(i As Variant) As ITestClass
End Function

Public Function Count() As Integer
End Function

Public Property Get Name() As String
End Property

Public Property Get Cost() As Long
End Property
工厂模块 FTestClass
'Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False     <-- revised in text editor
Option Explicit

Public Function Create() As ITestClass
End Function
Sub TestFactory()
Dim i As ITestClass
Dim oTest As FTestClass

Set oTest = CTestClass.Create
' 5) oTest is <No Variables>, no properties are present
' as if the variable was never set

For Each i In oTest ' <-- Runtime error 438, Object doesn't support this property or method
Debug.Print i.Name
Debug.Print i.Cost
Next i
End Sub
@freeflow 指出我没有说明引入界面的意图。
每个模型都有一个或多个输入表,每个表包含 10-30 个字段/列的唯一集合。输出数据计算不同,以及对各种输入字段的依赖关系。但是,输出数据的格式全部相同,并且始终包含相同的十几个字段。
我展示的示例旨在成为单个接口(interface) ITestClass用于将数据写入输出表。实现它的类 CTestClass可以被认为只是包含输入数据的几个表(在几个模型中)之一。我计划对更多类对象建模,每个输入表一个。



Sub TestFactory()
Dim i As ITestClass
Dim oTest As FTestClass

Set oTest = CTestClass.Create
' 5) oTest is <No Variables>, no properties are present
' as if the variable was never set

For Each i In oTest ' <-- Runtime error 438, Object doesn't support this property or method
Debug.Print i.Name
Debug.Print i.Cost
Next i
End Sub

您似乎有兴趣使您的类像集合一样可迭代。我会把你指向 this SO question .缺点是……很难。
关于错误:语句的结果 Set oTest = CTestClass.Create是获取一个暴露单个方法的 FTestClass 接口(interface): Public Function Create() As ITestClass .其中,没有提供任何迭代并导致错误。
(边栏:接口(interface)类通常以字母“I”开头。在这种情况下, FTestClass 的更好接口(interface)名称是“ITestClassFactory”)
由于 CTestClass 的 VB_PredeclaredId 属性设置为“True”,因此任何 Public CTestClass 中声明的方法(或字段)被暴露...并被认为是其默认接口(interface)。 CTestClass.Create()是您感兴趣的工厂方法。
创建工厂方法(在 VBA 中)的一个目的是支持类实例的参数化创建。由于 Create函数目前没有参数,不清楚创建过程中除了 Set tClass = new CTestClass 之外还能发生什么.但是,有一些参数可以指示 Create 期间发生的情况。 .
Public Function Create(ByVal tblInputs As ListObject, OPtional ByVal nameColumn As Long = 2, Optional ByVal costColumn As Long = 4) As ITestClass
换句话说, CTestClass依赖于 ListObject为了成为 CTestClass 的有效实例.工厂方法的签名通常包含类的依赖项。使用上述工厂方法,不再需要 Extract功能 - Public或其他。还要注意(在下面的代码中) ThisWorkbook引用不再是对象的一部分。现在, tblInputs ListObject可以来自任何地方。并且可以轻松修改重要的列号。此参数列表允许您使用带有假数据的工作表来测试此类。
重组: CTestClass包含 CollectionCTestClass实例。声明 TestClassContainer 似乎更清楚。暴露 Create 的类上面的功能。然后容器类可以公开一个 NameCostPairs简单地暴露 msTestClass 的属性 Collection .创建容器类将 TestClass 本质上简化为一个数据对象(所有属性,无方法),从而实现有用的关注点分离。让调用对象处理集合的迭代。
Option Explicit

Private Type TTestClassContainer
msTestClass As Collection
End Type

Private this As TTestClassContainer

'TestContainer Factory method
Public Function Create(ByVal tblInputs As ListObject, Optional ByVal nameCol As Long = 2, Optional ByVal costCol As Long = 4) As TestClassContainer
Dim i As Integer
Dim nameCostPair As CTestClass

Dim newInstance As TestClassContainer

With New TestClassContainer
Set newInstance = .Self
For i = 1 To tblInputs.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Set nameCostPair = New CTestClass
nameCostPair.Name = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, nameCol).Value
nameCostPair.Cost = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, costCol).Value

newInstance.AddTestClass nameCostPair
Next i
End With

Set Create = newInstance

End Function

Public Sub AddTestClass(ByVal tstClass As CTestClass)
this.msTestClass.Add tstClass
End Sub

Public Property Get Self() As CTestClass
Set Self = Me
End Property

Public Property Get NameCostPairs() As Collection
Set NameCostPairs = this.msTestClass
End Property

CTestClass(不再需要 VB_PredeclaredId 设置为 'True')
Option Explicit

Implements ITestClass

''UDT mirrors class properties
Private Type TTestClass
Name As String
Cost As Long
End Type

Private this As TTestClass

Public Property Let Name(Val As String)
this.Name = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = this.Name
End Property

Public Property Let Cost(Val As Long)
this.Cost = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Cost() As Long
Cost = this.Cost
End Property

Private Property Get ITestClass_Name() As String
ITestClass_Name = Name
End Property

Private Property Get ITestClass_Cost() As Long
ITestClass_Cost = Cost
End Property
Option Explicit

Sub TestFactory()
Const WS_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const NR_TBL As String = "Table1"

Dim tblInputs As ListObject

Set tblInputs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WS_NAME).ListObjects(NR_TBL)

Dim container As TestClassContainer
Set container = TestClassContainer.Create(tblInputs)

Dim nameCostPair As ITestClass
Dim containerItem As Variant
For Each containerItem In container.NameCostPairs
Set nameCostPair = containerItem
Debug.Print nameCostPair.Name
Debug.Print nameCostPair.Cost
End Sub

关于excel - 如何将 Excel VBA 类集合合并到接口(interface)/工厂方法中?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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