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我一直在准备 SCJP,现在是 Oracle 认证专业 Java SE 程序员考试。
不幸的是我不相信自己。我希望有人确认所有信息是否准确或是否有遗漏。经过一些反馈/更正后,我认为这对于其他试图理解 Java 集合的人来说将是一个很好的练习。
import java.util.*;import java.lang.*;class MyItem implements Comparable{ private String name; MyItem(String n){ name = n; } public String toString(){return name;} public String getName(){return name;} public boolean equals(Object obj){ if(this==obj) return true; else if(obj==null) return false; else if(getName() != ((MyItem)obj).getName()) return false; else return true; } public int hashCode(){ return 5; } public int compareTo(MyItem b){return b.getName().compareTo(getName());}}public class MyCollections{ public static void main(String[] args){ MyHashMap.main(args); System.out.println("HashMap: Hash=Unsorted, Unordered. Map=key/value pair\n##\n"); MyHashtable.main(args); System.out.println("Hashtable: Thread Safe. Hash=Unsorted, Unordered. Map=key/value pair\n##\n"); MyTreeMap.main(args); System.out.println("TreeMap: Tree=sorted. Map=key/value.\n##\n"); MyLinkedHashMap.main(args); System.out.println("LinkedHashMap: Linked=Maintains Insertion Order. Hash=unsorted, unordered. Map=key/value pair.\n##\n"); MyHashSet.main(args); System.out.println("HashSet: Hash=Unsorted, Unordered. Set=Unique. Define=equals/hashCode\n##\n"); MyTreeSet.main(args); System.out.println("TreeSet: Tree=Sorted. Set=Unique. Define=Comparable/Comparator\n##\n"); MyLinkedHashSet.main(args); System.out.println("LinkedHashSet: Liniked=Maintains Insertion Order. Hash=Unsorted. Set=Unique. Define=equals/hashCode\n##\n"); MyArrayList.main(args); System.out.println("ArrayList: List=Queue. Maintains insertion order, Allowed duplicates\n##\n"); MyVector.main(args); System.out.println("Vector: Thread Safe. ArrayList. Maintains Insertion Order, Allows duplicates\n##\n"); MyLinkedList.main(args); System.out.println("LinkedList: Linked=Maintaines Insertion Order. List=Queue. Advanced ArrayList with more methods.\n##\n"); MyPriorityQueue.main(args); System.out.println("PriorityQueue: Define=Comparable/comparator\n##\n"); }}class MyHashMap{ public static void main(String[] args){ HashMap c = new HashMap(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.put(5, new MyItem("Five")); c.put(1, new MyItem("One")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(3, new MyItem("Three")); c.put(4, new MyItem("Four")); c.put(1, new MyItem("1")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(9, new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.put(7, new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyHashtable{ public static void main(String[] args){ Hashtable c = new Hashtable(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.put(5, new MyItem("Five")); c.put(1, new MyItem("One")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(3, new MyItem("Three")); c.put(4, new MyItem("Four")); c.put(1, new MyItem("1")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(9, new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.put(7, new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyTreeMap{ public static void main(String[] args){ TreeMap c = new TreeMap(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.put(5, new MyItem("Five")); c.put(1, new MyItem("One")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(3, new MyItem("Three")); c.put(4, new MyItem("Four")); c.put(1, new MyItem("1")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(9, new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.put(7, new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyLinkedHashMap{ public static void main(String[] args){ LinkedHashMap c = new LinkedHashMap(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.put(5, new MyItem("Five")); c.put(1, new MyItem("One")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(3, new MyItem("Three")); c.put(4, new MyItem("Four")); c.put(1, new MyItem("1")); c.put(8, Eight); c.put(9, new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.put(7, new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyHashSet{ public static void main(String[] args){ HashSet c = new HashSet(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.add(new MyItem("Five")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Three")); c.add(new MyItem("Four")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.add(new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyTreeSet{ public static void main(String[] args){ TreeSet c = new TreeSet(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.add(new MyItem("Five")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Three")); c.add(new MyItem("Four")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyLinkedHashSet{ public static void main(String[] args){ LinkedHashSet c = new LinkedHashSet(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.add(new MyItem("Five")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Three")); c.add(new MyItem("Four")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.add(new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyArrayList{ public static void main(String[] args){ ArrayList c = new ArrayList(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.add(new MyItem("Five")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Three")); c.add(new MyItem("Four")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.add(new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyVector{ public static void main(String[] args){ Vector c = new Vector(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.add(new MyItem("Five")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Three")); c.add(new MyItem("Four")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.add(new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyLinkedList{ public static void main(String[] args){ LinkedList c = new LinkedList(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.add(new MyItem("Five")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Three")); c.add(new MyItem("Four")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Nine")); c.remove(3); c.add(new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}class MyPriorityQueue{ public static void main(String[] args){ PriorityQueue c = new PriorityQueue(); MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight"); c.offer(new MyItem("Five")); c.offer(new MyItem("One")); c.offer(Eight); c.offer(new MyItem("Three")); c.offer(new MyItem("Four")); c.offer(new MyItem("One")); c.offer(Eight); c.offer(new MyItem("Nine")); System.out.println(c.peek()); System.out.println(c.poll()); c.offer(new MyItem("Seven")); System.out.println(c);//output? }}
对于初学者,您应该 refactor你的代码。基本上,无论你在哪里使用“复制粘贴”,都不要这样做。
private static void fill(Collection c) {
MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight");
c.add(new MyItem("Five")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Three"));
c.add(new MyItem("Four")); c.add(new MyItem("One")); c.add(Eight); c.add(new MyItem("Nine"));
c.remove(3); c.add(new MyItem("Seven"));
class MyVector{
public static void main(String[] args){
Vector c = new Vector();
接下来,对您的 map 执行类似的操作:
private static void fill(Map<?,?> map) {
MyItem Eight = new MyItem("Eight");
map.put(5, new MyItem("Five")); map.put(1, new MyItem("One")); map.put(8, Eight); map.put(3, new MyItem("Three"));
map.put(4, new MyItem("Four")); map.put(1, new MyItem("1")); map.put(8, Eight); map.put(9, new MyItem("Nine"));
map.remove(3); map.put(7, new MyItem("Seven"));
关于java - 我可以请人验证我的 SCJP 考试 Collection 吗,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6907249/
我之前遇到的关于 SO 的问题已经将近 2 年了。 我刚刚为 SCJP 6 购买了 Kathy Sierra 和 Bert Bates 的书。但它发生了,所以现在在我阅读博客时,我听说 SCJP“PL
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只是想知道 SUN 是否提供任何可用于 SCJP 的好东西(免费或付费)??我听说微软正在提供这样的好东西。有人对此有任何想法吗? 干杯,对战 最佳答案 你可以把它写在你的简历上。大部分就是这样。 肯
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public class Person { private String name; public Person(String name) { this.name =
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