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java - 使用递归返回最小值和最大值及其在数组列表中的位置

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:15:08 24 4
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我需要编写一个递归函数,返回 ArrayList 中最大和最小的元素以及相应的索引。要返回这四项,我需要返回一个对象,该对象是名为 MinMaxObject 的内部类的一个实例,它具有四个已定义的私有(private)变量:max、min、maxPos、minPos,类型为 double、double、int 和 int。


public static void main(String args[]) {

Scanner console = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Please enter a file name");
String fileName =;

try {
File fileRef = new File(fileName);
Scanner tokens = new Scanner(fileRef);
double input = tokens.nextDouble();

ArrayList<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>();

while (tokens.hasNextLine()) {

System.out.println("For Loop");
for (int counter = 0; counter < list.size(); counter++) {

} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

// 2 functions, one initialize & one to call the original recursion
//can start at beggining and recurse to the end or vice versa
//updates the min and max as it goes
//update minPos and maxPos as well

public class MinMaxObject {
private double min;
private double max;
private int minPos;
private int maxPos;

public MinMaxObject(double newMin, double newMax, int newMinPos, int newMaxPos){
min = newMin;
max = newMax;
minPos = newMinPos;
maxPos = newMaxPos;

public double getMin(){
return min;

public void setMin(double newMin){
min = newMin;

public double getMax(){
return max;

public void setMax(double newMax){
max = newMax;

public int getMinPos(){
return minPos;

public void setMinPos(int newMinPos){
minPos = newMinPos;
public int getMaxPos(){
return maxPos;

public void setMaxPos(int newMaxPos){
maxPos = newMaxPos;



最简单的方法是遍历 arraylist,但由于您需要递归,所以它有点复杂。因为这是家庭作业,而且因为我很懒,所以我不会给你可编译的 Java 代码。这是一个近似值。我也不打算给你整个方法,因为你应该从这里弄清楚剩下的部分。

private int min = 0;
private int max = 0;
findMinMax(int index, List<int> list)
//in recursion always start your method with a base-case
if(index >= list.Count)
return ;

//find min and max here

//this is called tail recursion, it's basically the same as a loop
findMinMax(index + 1, list);

关于java - 使用递归返回最小值和最大值及其在数组列表中的位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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