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perl - 如何使用您编写的 perl 模块?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:12:09 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我刚刚编写了我的第一个 Perl 模块,但无法让它与我也制作的脚本一起工作。这是当我尝试运行正在使用我新创建的模块的脚本时 Perl 解释器显示的错误。

错误信息: did not return a true value at line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 5. 是我编写的 Perl 模块, 是尝试使用 模块的 Perl 脚本。

以下是 文件的代码:

package scraper_tools_v1;

use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Curl::Easy;

# Note this function expects a single parameter which should be in the form of a URL

sub getWebPage($)
# Setting up the Curl parameters
my $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy->new; # create a variable to store the curl object

# A parameter set to 1 tells the library to include the header in the body output.
# This is only relevant for protocols that actually have headers preceding the data (like HTTP).
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);

# Setting the target URL to retrieve with the passed parameter
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, @_);

# Declaring a variable to store the response from the Curl request
my $response_body = '';

# Creating a file handle for CURL to output to, then redirecting our output to the $response_body variable
open(my $fileb, ">",\$response_body) or die $!;
$curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $fileb);

# getting the return code from the header to see if the GET was successful
my $return_code = $curl->perform;

# capturing the response code from the GET request in the HTTP header, i.e... 200, 404, 500, etc...
# 200 is success
my $response_code = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

# if the return code is zero than the request was a success
if ($return_code == 0)
# A little debug output to keep you informed
print ("Success ". $response_code.": ".@_."\n");

# return whatever was contained on the web page that we just got using a GET
return $response_body;

print ("Failure ". $response_code.": ".@_."\n");

close($fileb); # close the file-handle


这是尝试使用上述模块的 脚本

use strict;
use warnings;
use scraper_tools_v1;

my %cat_links; # Hash that stores categories and their numbers (ID's)
my $web_page = scraper_tools_v1->getWebPage("");

my @lines = split(/\n/, $web_page);

foreach my $line (@lines)

if ($line =~ /<option value=\"{1}(.+)\">(.+)<\/option>/)
my $num = $1;
my $desc = $2;
$desc =~ s/\s+&amp;\s+/ & /;
$cat_links{$desc} = $num;

my @allTargetUrls; # make a new array to store all the links we need to extract listings from
$web_page = ''; # Reset this variable so we can reuse it.

my $totalNumberOfListings = 0;

foreach my $key (keys %cat_links)
my $target = "$cat_links{$key}&exact_phrase=0";
$web_page = scraper_tools_v1->getWebPage($target);

@lines = split(/\n/, $web_page);

foreach my $line (@lines)
my $pages;
if ($line =~ /We found (\d) listings for your search\./)
my $listingsInCat = $1;
print ("$cat_links{$key}, $listingsInCat");
$totalNumberOfListings += $listingsInCat;
if ($line =~ /Page 1 of (\d)/)
$pages = $1;

for (my $i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++)
#build the target urls
my $pageUrl = "$key&search=&exact_phrase=True&city=&state=&zipcode=&page=$i";
push(@allTargetUrls, $pageUrl);

print("Total number of listings = ".$totalNumberOfListings);



当你编写一个 Perl 模块时,你应该总是用以下行结束文件


导入模块时,Perl 在模块级别执行代码。如果您不返回真值(1 为真),那么您将收到您描述的错误。本质上,Perl 是在通知您模块中的初始化代码没有成功。

关于perl - 如何使用您编写的 perl 模块?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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