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json - 使用 JSON 在 Excel 中导入数据

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:09:41 24 4
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我已经开发了一个从网站上抓取数据的代码,但由于我对 JSON 知之甚少,我可以得到如下图所示的输出:

enter image description here

Sub FetchTabularInfo()
Dim Http As New XMLHTTP60, Html As New HTMLDocument
Dim col As Variant, icol As New Collection
Dim csrf As Variant, I&

With Http
.Open "GET", "", False
Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With

With Html.querySelectorAll(".table tr a[onclick^='show_ngo_info']")
For I = 0 To .Length - 1
icol.Add Split(Split(.Item(I).getAttribute("onclick"), "(""")(1), """)")(0)
Next I
End With

For Each col In icol
With Http
.Open "GET", "", False
csrf = .responseText
End With

csrf = Split(Replace(Split(csrf, ":")(1), """", ""), "}")(0)

With Http
.Open "POST", "", False
.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
.send "id=" & col & "&csrf_test_name=" & csrf
End With

Debug.Print Http.responseText
Next col
End Sub


enter image description here


下面向您展示如何使用 json 解析器。我用 jsonconverter.bas .将代码从那里复制到名为 JsonConverter 的标准模块后,您需要转到 VBE>Tools>References>Add reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime。

在 json 响应中 {}是按键访问的字典; []是按索引访问的集合(或 For Each 以上)

Option Explicit

Public Sub FetchTabularInfo()
Dim Http As New XMLHTTP60, Html As New HTMLDocument
Dim col As Variant, icol As New Collection
Dim csrf As Variant, i&

With Http
.Open "GET", "", False
Html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With

With Html.querySelectorAll(".table tr a[onclick^='show_ngo_info']")
For i = 0 To .Length - 1
icol.Add Split(Split(.item(i).getAttribute("onclick"), "(""")(1), """)")(0)
Next i
End With

Dim r As Long, headers(), results(), ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
headers = Array("SrNo", "Name of VGO/NGO", "Address", "City", "State", "Tel", "Mobile", "Web", "Email")
ReDim results(1 To icol.Count, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

For Each col In icol
r = r + 1
With Http
.Open "GET", "", False
csrf = .responseText
End With

csrf = Split(Replace(Split(csrf, ":")(1), """", ""), "}")(0)

Dim json As Object
With Http
.Open "POST", "", False
.setRequestHeader "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
.send "id=" & col & "&csrf_test_name=" & csrf
Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)

Dim orgName As String, address As String, srNo As Long, city As String
Dim state As String, tel As String, mobile As String, website As String, email As String

On Error Resume Next
orgName = json("registeration_info")(1)("nr_orgName")
address = json("registeration_info")(1)("nr_add")
city = json("registeration_info")(1)("nr_city")
srNo = r '<unsure where this is coming from.
state = Replace$(json("registeration_info")(1)("StateName"), "amp;", vbNullString)
tel = IIf(IsNull(json("infor")("0")("Off_phone1")), vbNullString, json("infor")("0")("Off_phone1")) '<unsure where this is coming from. Need a csrf to test with
mobile = json("infor")("0")("Mobile")
website = json("infor")("0")("ngo_url")
email = json("infor")("0")("Email")
On Error GoTo 0

Dim arr()
arr = Array(srNo, orgName, address, city, state, tel, mobile, website, email)
For i = LBound(headers) To UBound(headers)
results(r, i + 1) = arr(i)
End With
Next col
With ws
.Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
.Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(results, 1), UBound(results, 2)) = results
End With
End Sub

关于json - 使用 JSON 在 Excel 中导入数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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