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ada - Ada 编程语言在军队中仍然有用吗?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:03:06 35 4
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我现在知道很多编程语言。回到我 18 岁的时候,我几乎加入了美国空军,并且对 Ada 进行了测试。那是十多年前的事了。 Ada 编程语言在军队中是否仍然像以前一样重要?

我想知道新的军事软件项目是否仍然使用 Ada 作为他们的首选语言进行编程。


今天,Ada 仍有新项目正在开发中。要求 Ada 的授权在几年前就被取消了,但对于某些应用程序,Ada 是唯一可靠(“可信”)的选项。

Ada the Language: Alive and in Flight - October 10, 2016摘录:

The Changing Context for DOD Software Development For nearly two decades, the Ada programming language has been a cornerstone of efforts by the Department of Defense (DOD) to improve its software engineering practices. DOD created Ada in the 1970s to serve as a department-wide standard that would satisfy its special requirements for embedded and mission-critical software, and would also encourage good software engineering. Both the new language and the new software engineering ideas associated with it met with some criticism, and both have evolved as a result. Today, Ada is the most commonly used language for mission-critical defense software, which includes weapon systems and performance-critical command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) systems. DOD's inventory contains nearly 50 million lines of Ada code in these applications (Hook et al., 1995). Given the long operational life of such systems, DOD has made a significant investment in Ada technology. Ada is the second most commonly used language (after Cobol) for DOD automated information systems, which include payroll and logistics programs. The DOD inventory contains more than 8 million lines of Ada code in these applications (Hook et al., 1995).

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