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SASHELP View 与 SQL 字典表的性能

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 20:01:00 26 4
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为什么 SAS 使用例如 sashelp.vcolumn 与等效的 SQL 表 dictionary.columns 从数据步骤 View 创建数据集需要更长的时间?

我使用 fullstimer 做了一个测试,它似乎证实了我对性能差异的怀疑。

option fullstimer;

data test1;
set sashelp.vcolumn;
where libname = 'SASHELP' and
memname = 'CLASS' and
memtype = 'DATA';

proc sql;
create table test2 as
select *
from dictionary.columns
where libname = 'SASHELP' and
memname = 'CLASS' and
memtype = 'DATA';

NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set SASHELP.VCOLUMN.
WHERE (libname='SASHELP') and (memname='CLASS') and (memtype='DATA');
NOTE: The data set WORK.TEST1 has 5 observations and 18 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.67 seconds
user cpu time 0.23 seconds
system cpu time 0.23 seconds
memory 3820.75k
OS Memory 24300.00k
Timestamp 04/13/2015 09:42:21 AM
Step Count 5 Switch Count 0

NOTE: Table WORK.TEST2 created, with 5 rows and 18 columns.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
user cpu time 0.01 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 3267.46k
OS Memory 24300.00k
Timestamp 04/13/2015 09:42:21 AM
Step Count 6 Switch Count 0

SASHELP 使用的内存稍高,但差异不大。请注意时间——使用 SASHELP 比使用 SQL 字典长 22 倍。当然,这不仅仅是因为内存使用量的差异相对较小。

在@Salva 的建议下,我在新的 SAS session 中重新提交了代码,这次在数据步骤之前运行 SQL 步骤。内存和时间的差异更加明显:
                | sql       | sashelp
real time | 0.28 sec | 1.84 sec
user cpu time | 0.00 sec | 0.25 sec
system cpu time | 0.00 sec | 0.24 sec
memory | 3164.78k | 4139.53k
OS Memory | 10456.00k | 13292.00k
Step Count | 1 | 2
Switch Count | 0 | 0


其中一些(如果不是全部)是 SQL 和数据步骤之间的开销差异。例如:

proc sql;
create table test2 as
select *
from sashelp.vcolumn
where libname = 'SASHELP' and
memname = 'CLASS' and
memtype = 'DATA';


SAS page about Dictionary Tables给出了一些可能是主要解释的信息。

When querying a DICTIONARY table, SAS launches a discovery process that gathers information that is pertinent to that table. Depending on the DICTIONARY table that is being queried, this discovery process can search libraries, open tables, and execute views. Unlike other SAS procedures and the DATA step, PROC SQL can mitigate this process by optimizing the query before the discovery process is launched. Therefore, although it is possible to access DICTIONARY table information with SAS procedures or the DATA step by using the SASHELP views, it is often more efficient to use PROC SQL instead.

关于SASHELP View 与 SQL 字典表的性能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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