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我是一名会计师,我需要每天将每个客户的付款与未结发票进行匹配,我在这个网站上找到了 Michael Schwimmer 发布的一个非常漂亮和优雅的 VBA 代码。 https://berndplumhoff.gitbook.io/sulprobil/excel/excel-vba-solutions/accounts-receivable-problem
代码运行完美,它可以自动计算并列出相加到特定总和的结果。但是,我希望 VBA 代码也返回发票号。代码将值数组传递给函数进行计算,然后将可能的解决方案返回到列 E,我不了解数组,所以不知道如何将发票编号数组传递给函数并返回结果。有人能帮忙吗?代码如下,也可以到link下载excel工作簿我提供了。提前致谢!
Private Sub cmbCalculate_Click()
Dim dGoal As Double
Dim dTolerance As Double
Dim dAmounts() As Double
Dim vResult As Variant
Dim m As Long
Dim n As Long
With Me
dGoal = .Range("B2")
dTolerance = .Range("C2")
ReDim dAmounts(1 To 100)
For m = 2 To 101
If (.Cells(m, 1) <> "") And (IsNumeric(.Cells(m, 1))) Then
dAmounts(m - 1) = .Cells(m, 1)
ReDim Preserve dAmounts(1 To m - 1)
Exit For
End If
ReDim Preserve dAmounts(1 To UBound(dAmounts) - 1)
vResult = Combinations(dAmounts, dGoal, dTolerance)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
.Range(.Cells(3, 4), .Cells(UBound(vResult) + 3, 4)) = vResult
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Function Combinations( _
Elements As Variant, _
Goal As Double, _
Optional Tolerance As Double, _
Optional SoFar As Variant, _
Optional Position As Long) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim dCompare As Double
Dim dDummy As Double
Dim vDummy As Variant
Dim vResult As Variant
If Not IsMissing(SoFar) Then
'Sum of elements so far
For Each vDummy In SoFar
dCompare = dCompare + vDummy
'Start elements sorted by amount
For i = 1 To UBound(Elements)
For k = i + 1 To UBound(Elements)
If Elements(k) < Elements(i) Then
dDummy = Elements(i)
Elements(i) = Elements(k)
Elements(k) = dDummy
End If
Set SoFar = New Collection
End If
If Position = 0 Then Position = LBound(Elements)
For i = Position To UBound(Elements)
'Add current element
SoFar.Add Elements(i)
dCompare = dCompare + Elements(i)
If Abs(Goal - dCompare) < (0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Goal achieved
k = 0
ReDim vResult(0 To SoFar.Count - 1, 0)
For Each vDummy In SoFar
vResult(k, 0) = vDummy
k = k + 1
Combinations = vResult
Exit For
ElseIf dCompare < (Goal + 0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Enough room for another element
'Call recursively starting with next higher amount
vResult = Combinations(Elements, Goal, Tolerance, SoFar, i + 1)
If IsArray(vResult) Then
Combinations = vResult
Exit For
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
dCompare = dCompare - Elements(i)
End If
'Amount too high
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
Exit For
End If
Next 'Try next higher amount
End Function
您可能只需使用 VLOOKUP 即可获得发票编号,但这里是一个 VBA 解决方案。我已将 Sofar
集合中的值从发票金额更改为该金额的索引号。该索引号然后从新数组 InvNo
更新 - 按截止日期排序
Sub cmbCalculate_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, dAmounts() As Double, sInvno() As String
Dim i As Long, dSum As Double
Dim dtDue() As Date
Set ws = Me
i = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim dAmounts(1 To i - 1)
ReDim sInvno(1 To i - 1)
ReDim dtDue(1 To i - 1)
' fill array
For i = 1 To UBound(dAmounts)
dAmounts(i) = ws.Cells(i + 1, "A")
sInvno(i) = ws.Cells(i + 1, "B")
dtDue(i) = ws.Cells(i + 1, "C")
dSum = dSum + dAmounts(i)
' sort array
Call BubbleSort(dAmounts, sInvno, dtDue)
Dim n: For n = LBound(dAmounts) To UBound(dAmounts): Debug.Print n, dAmounts(n), sInvno(n), dtDue(n): Next
Dim dGoal As Double, dTolerance As Double, vResult As Variant
dGoal = ws.Range("D2")
dTolerance = ws.Range("E2")
' check possible
If dGoal > dSum Then
MsgBox "Error : Total for Invoices " & Format(dSum, "#,##0.00") & _
" is less than Goal " & Format(dGoal, "#,##0.00")
' solve and write to sheet
vResult = Combinations2(dAmounts, sInvno, dtDue, dGoal, dTolerance)
If IsArray(vResult) Then
With ws
.Range("F3:H" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
.Range("F3").Resize(UBound(vResult), 3) = vResult
End With
MsgBox "Done"
MsgBox "Cannot find suitable combination", vbCritical
End If
End If
End Sub
Function Combinations2( _
Elements As Variant, _
Invno As Variant, _
Due As Variant, _
Goal As Double, _
Optional Tolerance As Double, _
Optional SoFar As Variant, _
Optional Position As Long) As Variant
Dim i As Long, n As Long, dCompare As Double
' summate so far
If IsMissing(SoFar) Then
Set SoFar = New Collection
For i = 1 To SoFar.Count
dCompare = dCompare + Elements(SoFar(i))
End If
If Position = 0 Then Position = LBound(Elements)
For i = Position To UBound(Elements)
SoFar.Add CStr(i)
dCompare = dCompare + Elements(i)
' check if target achieved
If Abs(Goal - dCompare) < (0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Goal achieved
Dim vResult As Variant
ReDim vResult(1 To SoFar.Count, 1 To 3)
For n = 1 To SoFar.Count
vResult(n, 1) = Elements(SoFar(n))
vResult(n, 2) = Invno(SoFar(n))
vResult(n, 3) = Due(SoFar(n))
Combinations2 = vResult
ElseIf dCompare < (Goal + 0.001 + Tolerance) Then
'Enough room for another element
'Call recursively starting with next higher amount
vResult = Combinations2(Elements, Invno, Due, Goal, Tolerance, SoFar, i + 1)
If IsArray(vResult) Then
Combinations2 = vResult
Exit For
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
dCompare = dCompare - Elements(i)
End If
'Amount too high
SoFar.Remove SoFar.Count
Exit For
End If
End Function
Sub BubbleSort(ByRef ar1 As Variant, ByRef ar2 As Variant, ByRef ar3 As Variant)
' sort both arrays
Dim d, s, i As Long, k As Long, dt As Date
For i = 1 To UBound(ar1)
For k = i + 1 To UBound(ar1)
If (ar1(k) < ar1(i)) Or _
(ar1(k) = ar1(i) _
And ar3(k) < ar3(i)) Then
d = ar1(i)
ar1(i) = ar1(k)
ar1(k) = d
s = ar2(i)
ar2(i) = ar2(k)
ar2(k) = s
dt = ar3(i)
ar3(i) = ar3(k)
ar3(k) = dt
End If
End Sub
关于arrays - 在VBA中返回数组的函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68364052/
在 C 中: int a[10]; printf("%p\n", a); printf("%p\n", &a[0]); 产量: 0x7fff5606c600 0x7fff5606c600 这是我所期望
我一直在尝试运行此循环来更改基于数组的元素的位置,但出现以下错误。不太确定哪里出了问题。任何想法或想法!谢谢。 var population = [[98, 8, 45, 34, 56], [9, 1
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