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转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 19:30:02 25 4
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所以,我有一个关于 Chisel 代码转换的理论问题。

我知道 Chisel 实际上是一组 Scala 定义,所以它被编译成 Java 字节码,Java 字节码又在 JVM 中运行,就像魔术一样,它吐出 Verilog 等效描述,甚至是旧版本 Chisel 的 C++ 描述。

关键是我无法弄清楚这种“魔法”是如何工作的。我的猜测是,从 Chisel 到 Verilog/C++ 的代码转换都是基于 Scala 反射的。但我不确定,因为我找不到与此主题相关的任何内容。




从根本上说,编写 Chisel 就是编写 Scala 程序来生成电路。你所描述的听起来有点像高级合成,它与凿子有很大的不同。 Chisel 不是将 Scala(或 Java)原语映射到硬件,而是执行 Scala 代码来构建 hardware AST然后编译成 Verilog。


// The body of a Scala class is the default constructor
// MyModule's default constructor has a single Int argument
// Superclass Module is a chisel3 Class that begins construction of a hardware module
// Implicit clock and reset inputs are added by the Module constructor
class MyModule(width: Int) extends Module {
// io is a required field for subclasses of Module
// new Bundle creates an instance of an anonymous subclass of Chisel's Bundle (like a struct)
// When executing the function IO(...), Chisel adds ports to the Module based on the Bundle object
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val in = Input(UInt(width.W)) // Input port with width defined by parameter
val out = Output(UInt()) // Output port with width inferred by Chisel

// A Scala println that will print at elaboration time each time this Module is instantiated
// This does NOT create a node in the Module AST
println(s"Constructing MyModule with width $width")

// Adds a register declaration node to the Module AST
// This counter register resets to the value of input port
// The implicit clock and reset inputs feed into this node
val counter = RegInit(

// Adds an addition node to the hardware AST with operands counter and 1
val inc = counter + 1.U // + is overloaded, this is actually a Chisel function call

// Connects the output of the addition node to the "next" value of counter
counter := inc

// Adds a printf node to the Module AST that will print at simulation time
// The value of counter feeds into this node
printf("counter = %d\n", counter)

关于凿码变换,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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