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google-api - 如何以编程方式访问谷歌搜索右侧数据?

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有没有办法以编程方式访问 Google 结果右侧的数据?


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2018 更新 - Knowledge Panels

When people search for a business on Google, they may see information about that business in a box that appears to the right of their search results. The information in the box, called the knowledge panel, can help customers discover and contact your business.

Knowledge Panel Example

Knowledge panels are powered by information in the Knowledge Graph.


您问题中的示例来自 Google's Knowledge Graph .

The Short Life of the Open Knowledge Graph提供了一个很好的解释为什么 Google 的知识图数据不公开以及为什么该项目正在关闭。

[Jack Menzel, a Product Management Director at Google,] explained that there was a couple of specific reasons why Google couldn’t “participate” in the Open Knowledge Graph project. First, some of the data in the Google Knowledge Graph are from closed datasets acquired from sources that did not granted Google the rights to redistribute them. Some other datasets have more open licenses, but still have share-alike or attribution constraints. Second, he reminded that – by principle – Google was blocking any kind of automatic extraction allowing to collect information about its search and ranking technologies because “they were the proprietary cores of what Google provides”.


  • 游离碱 ——将为您提供相同类型的信息,并允许您获得与 Google 搜索示例相同类型的结果。

    Freebase is an open, Creative Commons licensed repository of structured data of almost 23 million entities.

    An entity is a single person, place, or thing. Freebase connects entities together as a graph.

  • 维基数据 —— - 维基数据是一个开源项目,数据可以免费访问
  • YAGO -

    YAGO2s is a huge semantic knowledge base, derived from Wikipedia, WordNet, and GeoNames.

  • Wolfram Alpha -
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