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wagtail - 将 HTML 查看添加到 Wagtail 上的 Draftail 编辑器

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 18:56:52 27 4
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当我们在 Wagtail 上使用 Hallo.js 时,我能够向编辑器添加一个按钮,以便您可以查看富文本字段的原始 HTML。

我的问题:这在 Draftail 中还有可能吗?

我已经浏览了文档 - 并成功地为 Draftail 编写了我自己的自定义函数,但它似乎只接受自定义按钮的 HTML 标签。

我看到 Draftail 将内容存储为 JSON 而不是 HTML,所以也许这限制了这个功能。



Unfortunately there is no such thing possible in this editor, since it doesn’t store its content as HTML. Having such a feature would also go the opposite way to the editor’s general direction – trying to enforce that end users can't alter the content in unforeseen ways.

It would technically be possible to write a toolbar extension that takes the editor’s content, converts it to HTML, allows you to edit that, then inserts whatever was entered back into the editor – but again that completely defeats the purpose of using this editor to start with.

If you need such a feature, you'll probably be better off using an editor like or

我想补充一点,使用 StreamFields 可以更好地处理任何“复杂”的 html 结构。 .

关于wagtail - 将 HTML 查看添加到 Wagtail 上的 Draftail 编辑器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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