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haskell - Generics.SOP 等效于无处不在/mkT(替代产品)

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是否有模仿 SYB 的 generics-sop/everywhere 行为的 mkT 示例?

我正在尝试做的,但没有看到如何成功地做到这一点,是将 everywhere (mkT fixupSymbol) 中的 main 替换为等效的 Generics.SOP 构造,即,使用 Generics.SOP 递归到产品 (I (AbsAddr value)) 并将其替换为 (I (SymAddr label))

我可以将符号表传递给 gformatOperands ,从而污染 formatOperands 签名。这似乎不是最理想的。

如果没有 fixupSymbol ,输出将如下所示:

LD   B, 0x0000
LD C, 0x1234
CALL 0x4567

gensop % stack ghci
Using main module: 1. Package `gensop' component exe:gensop with main-is file: <...>/Main.hs
gensop-0.1: configure (exe)
Configuring gensop-0.1...
gensop-0.1: initial-build-steps (exe)
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: gensop
GHCi, version 8.6.3: :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( <...>/Main.hs, interpreted )
*Main> main
LD B, 0x0000
LD C, label1
CALL label2

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Main where

import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Text.Printf
import Generics.SOP
import Generics.SOP.TH (deriveGeneric)
import Data.Generics.Aliases (mkT)
import Data.Generics.Schemes (everywhere)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq

type Z80addr = Word16
type Z80word = Word8

class Z80operand x where
formatOperand :: x -> Text

main :: IO()
main = mapM_ T.putStrLn (foldl printIns Seq.empty $ everywhere (mkT fixupSymbol) insnSeq)
-- -------------------------------------------------^ Does this have a Generics.SOP equivalent?
printIns accum ins = accum |> T.concat ([mnemonic, gFormatOperands] <*> [ins])

mnemonic (LD _) = "LD "
mnemonic (CALL _) = "CALL "

-- Generics.SOP: Fairly straightforward
gFormatOperands {-elt-} =
T.intercalate ", " . hcollapse . hcmap disOperandProxy (mapIK formatOperand) . from {-elt-}
disOperandProxy = Proxy :: Proxy Z80operand

-- Translate an absolute address, generally hidden inside an instruction operand, into a symbolic address
-- if present in the symbol table.
fixupSymbol addr@(AbsAddr absAddr) = maybe addr SymAddr (absAddr `H.lookup` symtab)
fixupSymbol other = other

insnSeq :: Seq Z80instruction
insnSeq = Seq.singleton (LD (Reg8Imm B 0x0))
|> (LD (Reg8Indirect C (AbsAddr 0x1234)))
|> (CALL (AbsAddr 0x4567))

symtab :: HashMap Z80addr Text
symtab = H.fromList [ (0x1234, "label1"), (0x4567, "label2")]

-- | Symbolic and absolute addresses. Absolute addresses can be translated into symbolic
-- labels.
data SymAbsAddr = AbsAddr Z80addr | SymAddr Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

data Z80reg8 = A | B | C
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

-- | Cut down version of the Z80 instruction set
data Z80instruction = LD OperLD | CALL SymAbsAddr
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

-- | Load operands
data OperLD = Reg8Imm Z80reg8 Z80word | Reg8Indirect Z80reg8 SymAbsAddr
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

$(deriveGeneric ''SymAbsAddr)
$(deriveGeneric ''Z80reg8)
$(deriveGeneric ''Z80instruction)
$(deriveGeneric ''OperLD)

instance Z80operand Z80word where
formatOperand word = T.pack $ printf "0x%04x" word

instance Z80operand SymAbsAddr where
formatOperand (AbsAddr addr) = T.pack $ printf "0x04x" addr
formatOperand (SymAddr label) = label

instance Z80operand Z80reg8 where
formatOperand A = "A"
formatOperand B = "B"
formatOperand C = "C"

instance Z80operand OperLD where
formatOperand (Reg8Imm reg imm) = T.concat [formatOperand reg, ", ", formatOperand imm]
formatOperand (Reg8Indirect reg addr) = T.concat [formatOperand reg, ", ", formatOperand addr]
gensop.cabal 文件:
cabal-version:  >= 1.12
name: gensop
version: 0.1
build-type: Simple
author: scooter-me-fecit
description: No description.
license: GPL-3

executable gensop
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: Main.hs


ghc-options: -Wall


generics-sop没有为递归遍历方案提供等价物,例如这些函数。如果您需要在这个库中处理递归,可能的解决方案是实现它们。虽然,在 SOP 中定义这样的函数会带来一些困难,因为它对数据有一个核心的通用 View ,不区分递归节点和叶子。可以使用封闭类型族 (CTF) 和某些类型类机制来管理此设置中的递归。封闭型系列允许您:

  • 实现类型安全转换,这是定义 mkT 所必需的,
  • 解决递归和非递归节点的情况——不同
    类型类的实例——否则会重叠。 (另外一个选项
    正在对重叠实例使用编译指示,这是最近的 GHC 功能;
    Haskell 社区,所以这个解决方案通常被认为是

  • 使用 CTF 处理递归已在一篇未发表的论文“Handling Recursion in Generic Programming Using Closed Type Families”中进行了描述,该论文使用 generics-sop图书馆作为案例研究;它提供了在 SOP 中定义递归方案的示例。

    SYB everywhere支持相互递归的数据类型族。以下实现允许将它们指定为类型级列表。
    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeFamilies, DataKinds,
    TypeApplications, ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses,
    ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, AllowAmbiguousTypes,
    FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances,
    UndecidableSuperClasses, TypeOperators, RankNTypes #-}

    import Generics.SOP
    import Generics.SOP.NS

    import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
    import Data.Type.Equality

    type family Equal a x :: Bool where
    Equal a a = 'True
    Equal _ _ = 'False

    class DecideEq (eq :: Bool) (a :: *) (b :: *) where
    decideEq :: Maybe (b :~: a)
    instance a ~ b => DecideEq True a b where
    decideEq = Just Refl
    instance DecideEq False a b where
    decideEq = Nothing

    type ProofCast a b = DecideEq (Equal a b) a b

    castEq :: forall a b. ProofCast a b => b -> Maybe a
    castEq t = (\d -> castWith d t) <$> decideEq @(Equal a b)

    type Transform a b = (Generic a, Generic b, ProofCast a b, ProofCast b a)

    mkT :: Transform a b => (a -> a) -> b -> b
    mkT f x = maybe x id $ castEq =<< f <$> castEq x

    type family In (a :: *) (fam :: [*]) :: Bool where
    In a ([a] ': fam) = 'True
    In [a] (a ': fam) = 'True
    In a (a ': fam) = 'True
    In a (_ ': fam) = In a fam
    In _ '[] = 'False

    class CaseEverywhere' (inFam :: Bool) (c :: * -> Constraint)
    (fam :: [*]) (x :: *) (y :: *) where
    caseEverywhere' :: (forall b . c b => b -> b) -> I x -> I y

    instance c x => CaseEverywhere' 'False c fam x x where
    caseEverywhere' f = I . f . unI
    instance (c x, Everywhere x c fam) => CaseEverywhere' 'True c fam x x where
    caseEverywhere' f = I . f . everywhere @fam @c f . unI

    class CaseEverywhere' (In x fam) c fam x y => CaseEverywhere c fam x y
    instance CaseEverywhere' (In x fam) c fam x y => CaseEverywhere c fam x y

    caseEverywhere :: forall c fam x y . CaseEverywhere c fam x y
    => (forall b . c b => b -> b) -> I x -> I y
    caseEverywhere = caseEverywhere' @(In x fam) @c @fam

    type Everywhere a c fam =
    (Generic a, AllZip2 (CaseEverywhere c fam) (Code a) (Code a))

    everywhere :: forall fam c a . Everywhere a c fam
    => (forall b . c b => b -> b) -> a -> a
    everywhere f = to . everywhere_SOP . from
    everywhere_SOP = trans_SOP (Proxy @(CaseEverywhere c fam)) $
    caseEverywhere @c @fam f

    首先,可以通过 SYB 论文中的一个小规模示例来检验这一点。已实现的基于 SOP 的 everywhere ,与 SYB 的相比,额外接受两个类型参数,通过显式类型应用程序传递。第一个将一系列相互递归的数据类型指定为类型列表。遍历将仅将那些类型在该列表中指定的节点视为递归。需要第二个参数来为编译器提供类型转换的“证明”对象。 T Transform 的同义词约束用于允许其部分应用。
    data Company = C [Dept]
    data Dept = D Name Manager [SubUnit]
    data SubUnit = PU Employee | DU Dept
    data Employee = E Person Salary
    data Person = P Name Address
    data Salary = S Float
    type Manager = Employee
    type Name = String
    type Address = String

    class Transform a b => T a b
    instance Transform a b => T a b

    type CompanyF = '[Company, Dept, SubUnit, Employee]

    increase :: Float -> Company -> Company
    increase k = everywhere @CompanyF @(T Salary) (mkT (incS k))

    incS :: Float -> Salary -> Salary
    incS k (Sal s) = Sal (s * (1 + k))

    定义 everywhere/ mkT函数已准备好在您的代码中使用,但它遗漏了一些 Generic实例。申请 everywhereinsnSeq , 你需要一个 Generic (Seq Z80instruction)实例。然而你无法获得它,因为 Data.Sequence模块不导出它的内部表示。一个可能的修复方法是应用 fmap到序列。所以现在你可以写:
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}


    type Z80 = '[SymAbsAddr, Z80reg8, Z80instruction, OperLD]

    main :: IO()
    main = mapM_ T.putStrLn (foldl printIns Seq.empty $
    fmap (everywhere @Z80 @(T SymAbsAddr) (mkT fixupSymbol)) insnSeq)

    您应该提供 Generic遍历的所有类型节点的实例,递归和非递归。所以接下来,这需要 Generic Word8 的实例, Word16 , 和 Text .而 Generic Text可以通过 deriveGeneric 生成实例,其他人不能,因为他们特殊的 GHC 表示。所以你必须手动完成;这个定义很简单:
    $(deriveGeneric ''Text)

    instance Generic Word8 where
    type Code Word8 = '[ '[Word8]]
    from x = SOP (Z (I x :* Nil))
    to (SOP ((Z (I x :* Nil)))) = x

    instance Generic Word16 where
    type Code Word16 = '[ '[Word16]]
    from x = SOP (Z (I x :* Nil))
    to (SOP ((Z (I x :* Nil)))) = x

    此代码是样板代码,但最新的 GHC 扩展 DerivingVia可以很好地简化这一点,减少第二个定义。希望通过独立派生的可能性来改进这个有用的功能,因此可以改为:
    deriving via Word8 instance Generic Word16

    整个代码现在运行良好, main产生预期的结果。

    关于haskell - Generics.SOP 等效于无处不在/mkT(替代产品),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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