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我需要使用 php 远程登录到 cisco 交换机并执行 show interface status
命令并获得结果。我尝试了一些在互联网上找到的 php 类,但它们都无法连接到设备。所以我尝试自己编写脚本,但我有同样的问题,我无法连接到设备。
主持人向我发送横幅消息,然后用 username:
我用 \r\n
发送我的用户名,等待一段时间并尝试读取数据,但在我看来主机只是忽略了我的换行符。这是我得到的回复(explode('\n') on response):
[0] => %
[1] => User Access Verification
[2] => Username: timeout expired!
$host = "switchName";
$name = "name";
$pass = "pass";
$port = 23;
$timeOut = 15;
$connected = false;
$skipNullLines = true;
$timeout = 125000;
function read_string()
global $fw,$host,$skipNullLines;
$string = "";
while( !feof($fw) )
$read = fgets($fw);
$string .= $read;
// Probably prompt, stop reading
if( strpos($read, ':') !== FALSE || strpos($read, '> (enable)') !== FALSE || strpos($read, $host.'#') !== FALSE)
{ break; }
$string = explode("\n", $string);
// Get rid of null lines
$ret = array();
for($i = 0; $i<count($string); $i++)
if( trim($string[$i]) == '' && $skipNullLines ) continue;
$ret[] = $string[$i];
return $ret;
function send_string($string, $force=false)
GLOBAL $timeout,$fw;
$string = trim($string);
// execute only strings that are preceded by "show" (if not forced)
if(!$force && strpos($string, 'show ') !== 0)
return 1;
fputs($fw, $string."\r\n");
$fw = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errorstr, $timeOut);
if($fw == false)
echo("Cant connect");
$connected = true;
stream_set_timeout($fw, $timeout);
// fputs($fw, $header1);
// usleep($timeout);
// fputs($fw, $header2);
// usleep($timeout);
send_string("test", true);
$connected = true;
stream_set_timeout($fw, $timeout);
send_string("name", true);
send_string("password", true);
好的,所以我不知道问题出在哪里,但是经过“几次”测试后,我能够编写适合我的类(class)。我不知道为什么其他 telnet 类不工作,尽管它们几乎相同。所以如果有人会有类似的问题,你可以试试这个:
class TELNET
private $host;
private $name;
private $pass;
private $port;
private $connected;
private $connect_timeout;
private $stream_timetout;
private $socket;
public function TELNET()
$this->port = 23;
$this->connected = false; // connected?
$this->connect_timeout = 10; // timeout while asking for connection
$this->stream_timeout = 380000; // timeout between I/O operations
public function __destruct()
if($this->connected) { fclose($this->socket); }
// Connects to host
// @$_host - addres (or hostname) of host
// @$_user - name of user to log in as
// $@_pass - password of user
// Return: TRUE on success, other way function will return error string got by fsockopen()
public function Connect($_host, $_user, $_pass)
// If connected successfully
if( ($this->socket = @fsockopen($_host, $this->port, $errno, $errorstr, $this->connect_timeout)) !== FALSE )
$this->host = $_host;
$this->user = $_user;
$this->pass = $_pass;
$this->connected = true;
stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 0, 380000);
stream_set_blocking($this->socket, 1);
return true;
// else if coulnt connect
else return $errorstr;
// LogIn to host
// RETURN: will return true on success, other way returns false
public function LogIn()
if(!$this->connected) return false;
// Send name and password
$this->SendString($this->user, true);
$this->SendString($this->pass, true);
// read answer
$data = $this->ReadTo(array('#'));
// did we get the prompt from host?
if( strtolower(trim($data[count($data)-1])) == strtolower($this->host).'#' ) return true;
else return false;
// Function will execute command on host and returns output
// @$_command - command to be executed, only commands beginning with "show " can be executed, you can change this by adding
// "true" (bool type) as the second argument for function SendString($command) inside this function (3rd line)
function GetOutputOf($_command)
if(!$this->connected) return false;
$output = array();
$work = true;
// Read whole output
// read_to( array( STRINGS ) ), STRINGS are meant as possible endings of outputs
while( $work && $data = $this->ReadTo( array("--More--","#") ) )
// CHeck wheter we actually did read any data
$null_data = true;
foreach($data as $line)
if(trim($line) != "") {$null_data = false;break;}
if($null_data) { break;}
// if device is paging output, send space to get rest
if( trim($data[count($data)-1]) == '--More--')
// delete line with prompt (or "--More--")
// if second line is blank, delete it
if( trim($data[1]) == '' ) unset($data[1]);
// If first line contains send command, delete it
if( strpos($data[0], $_command)!==FALSE ) unset($data[0]);
// send space
fputs($this->socket, " ");
// ak ma vystup max dva riadky
// alebo sme uz nacitali prompt
// IF we got prompt (line ending with #)
// OR string that we've read has only one line
// THEN we reached end of data and stop reading
if( strpos($data[count($data)-1], '#')!==FALSE /* || (count($data) == 1 && $data[0] == "")*/ )
// delete line with prompt
// if second line is blank, delete it
if( trim($data[1]) == '' ) unset($data[1]);
// If first line contains send command, delete it
if( strpos($data[0], $_command)!==FALSE ) unset($data[0]);
// stop while cyclus
$work = false;
// get rid of empty lines at the end
for($i = count($data)-1; $i>0; $i--)
if(trim($data[$i]) == "") unset($data[$i]);
else break;
// add new data to $output
foreach($data as $v)
{ $output[] = $v; }
// return output
return $output;
// Read from host until occurence of any index from $array_of_stops
// @array_of_stops - array that contains strings of texts that may be at the end of output
// RETURNS: output of command as array of lines
function ReadTo($array_of_stops)
$ret = array();
$max_empty_lines = 3;
$count_empty_lines = 0;
while( !feof($this->socket) )
$read = fgets($this->socket);
$ret[] = $read;
// Stop reading after (int)"$max_empty_lines" empty lines
if(trim($read) == "")
if($count_empty_lines++ > $max_empty_lines) break;
else $count_empty_lines = 0;
// Does last line of readed data contain any of "Stop" strings ??
$found = false;
foreach($array_of_stops AS $stop)
if( strpos($read, $stop) !== FALSE ) { $found = true; break; }
// If so, stop reading
if($found) break;
return $ret;
// Send string to host
// If force is set to false (default), function sends to host only strings that begins with "show "
// @$string - command to be executed
// @$force - force command? Execute if not preceeded by "show " ?
// @$newLine - append character of new line at the end of command?
function SendString($string, $force=false, $newLine=true)
$t1 = microtime(true);
$string = trim($string);
// execute only strings that are preceded by "show"
// and execute only one command (no new line characters) !
if(!$force && strpos($string, 'show ') !== 0 && count(explode("\n", $string)) == 1)
return 1;
if($newLine) $string .= "\n";
fputs($this->socket, $string);
$t2 = microtime(true);
$host = "hostname";
$name = "username";
$pass = "password";
$t = new TELNET();
echo("CONNECT:".$t->Connect($host, $name, $pass)."<br>");
print_r($t->GetOutputOf("show snmp"));
print_r($t->GetOutputOf("show users"));
print_r($t->GetOutputOf("show interface status"));
关于php - 使用 php Telnet 到 cisco 交换机,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10650037/
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