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现在 Java 8 已经发布,是否有 JavaFX 8 的(相当全面的)更新日志,如果有,它在哪里?
我唯一能找到的是 here其中 FX 是一个子类别,它显然不是一个完整的列表(我已经知道一些已经更改或已修复但不在那里的内容。)
我找到了 Java 8 what's new page您链接了 JavaFX 8 中新功能的一个很好的总结。
有关 Java 8 的 JavaFX 更改的更多详细信息,请参阅 JavaFX issue tracker .
RT-15332 App Model Allow application to catch exceptions thrown by FX application thread with an UncaughtExceptionHandler
RT-18024 Animation Evaluate TODOs in code, either removing or filing issues as appropriate
RT-18400 Build Support cross build for Linux embedded
RT-28089 Build Write Script to auto-generate the new repository layout
RT-138 Control Support component orientation in common UI controls
RT-10343 Control CSS add support for CSS3 @font-face
RT-16201 Control Creating an image icon only button should be able to specify the padding of the button via the api and not just through using CSS.
RT-16288 Control Add a TextField.setFont method
RT-16395 Control Support object oriented approach to styling UI components
RT-16472 Control insets should be a real property on Region
RT-16689 Control TextInputControl: css "-fx-columns" doesn't work
RT-17288 Control Add a TreeTable
RT-19451 Control TableView: Displaying hierarchical groups and data
RT-20906 Control Support setting min/pref/max sizes via css
RT-21355 Control Support user-defined pseudoclasses
RT-21709 Control Consider making available the CSS Styleable* classes as public API
RT-23074 Control Support bi-directional text in controls
RT-23075 Control Support complex characters in controls
RT-27480 Control Add DatePicker control
RT-27582 Control New modern theme for JavaFX (Modena)
RT-15109 Core Libraries ListChangeListener$Change.toString() is not implemented
RT-17053 Core Libraries Reintroduce SortedList/FilteredList and TransformationList
RT-18804 Core Libraries Add emptyObservableSet and emptyObservableMap in FXCollections
RT-19020 Core Libraries Default conversion from ObservableObjectValue<Integer> to ObservableIntegerValue etc.
RT-19049 Core Libraries Support standard Java Beans in SelectBinding
RT-19821 Core Libraries Need private API to allow discovery of installed listeners on properties for testing
RT-20653 Core Libraries Implement synchronized ObservableMap and synchronized ObservableSet
RT-20708 Core Libraries Provide debugging and/or error condition feedback mechanism in high-level binding routines
RT-21487 Core Libraries Add isEmpty() and length() methods to StringExpression
RT-23600 Core Libraries ObservableListBase
RT-25759 Core Libraries ObjectExpression does not have asString() method
RT-25996 Core Libraries "Primitive"Property to ObjectProperty<Primitive>
RT-27633 Core Libraries Add missing FXCollections methods for ObservableSet
RT-30831 Core Libraries Unsorted mode in the SortedList
RT-17714 FXML Support collection events in FXML
RT-25559 FXML In FXML, Allow event handlers to come from the namespace
RT-11561 Glass Some cursor images are incorrect on Windows, Linux and Mac
RT-20020 Glass Windows: support Aero Glass effects for top-level windows
RT-9372 Graphics Add Back-face Culling support to JavaFX
RT-9411 Graphics Define internal API for styled text
RT-17383 Graphics Printing
RT-17392 Graphics Multi-line, multi-style, rich text support
RT-17401 Graphics 3D geometry support
RT-17411 Graphics Complex text with BiDi support
RT-17663 Graphics Define javafx printing APIs
RT-18149 Graphics Integrate ICU library for opentype layout
RT-19040 Graphics Add native font rasterization for Mac
RT-21683 Graphics Allow to change line-to-line spacing
RT-24008 Graphics 3D attributes
RT-24009 Graphics Support for Hi-DPI displays
RT-24012 Graphics Text performance of the hardware pipeline must be equal or better than the software pipeline
RT-24013 Graphics Multi-Core scalability
RT-24644 Graphics Support Mesh and Predefined 3D Shapes
RT-24651 Graphics Need clean semantic for 2D/3D scenes mixing
RT-24654 Graphics Need to include lighting and material support for 3D primitives rendering
RT-24655 Graphics Need to support movable Camera
RT-24712 Graphics Support ATI/AMD GPU on the Linux platform
RT-25606 Graphics Port 3D features from demo/experimental repository to FX 8 3D sandbox
RT-26377 Graphics Implement SubScene
RT-24595 Localization L10N: Java FX must be localized in all the different languages as supported by the JRE
RT-28817 Media Add explicit dispose() method to MediaPlayer
RT-24014 Other FX needs to support a subset of the JRE supported systems
RT-24648 Other Define supported Linux configurations
RT-3290 Scenegraph need utility methods for converting to/from screen coordinates
RT-3518 Scenegraph multiline multistyle text node
RT-9383 Scenegraph Add proper constructors & factory methods to event classes, remove impl
RT-12723 Scenegraph Ability to Render a Node in an another Node (NodeView)
RT-14730 Scenegraph Drag and drop needs support for drag view
RT-16111 Scenegraph FileChooser: Need to be able to specify initial file name in save dialog
RT-17645 Scenegraph Make Image class support exceptions for both asynchronous and synchronous loading
RT-17942 Scenegraph Provide Affine class with matrix manipulation methods (multiply, premultipy, negate, etc.)
RT-19834 Scenegraph The solid white background created in a Stage should be created - if needed - in the Scenegraph
RT-24506 Scenegraph Public API for Region backgrounds and borders
RT-29848 Scenegraph Add a static GridPane.setFillWidth(Node, boolean) method
RT-12100 Swing Swing components inside JavaFX
RT-27887 Swing introduce a node to embed Swing into JavaFX
RT-9782 WebView Workers API is incomplete
RT-14947 WebView websockets not working in WebEngine
RT-17666 WebView Webview and HTMLEditor should support printing their content
RT-21499 WebView Add WebView.scale property
RT-22153 WebView Allow setting custom user-agent
RT-22913 WebView Implement and enable accelerated compositing to improve WebView rendering performance
RT-25644 WebView Implement WebSocket traffic tunneling through HTTP(S) proxies that require authentication
RT-28499 WebView WebView doesnot support HTML5 <input type=file multiple
RT-29584 WebView Implement window.localStorage
RT-29834 WebView Move JSObject into javafx-ui-common
RT-30236 WebView Open WebView sources
关于javafx - 是否有 JavaFX 8 更新日志?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22508186/
这是真的: log(A) + log(B) = log(A * B) [0] 这也是真的吗? O(log(A)) + O(log(B)) = O(log(A * B)) [1] 据我了解 O(f
0 引言 我常以为 配置 INFO 日志级别时, 应用程序代码中日志器(logger) debug 级的日志代码,不会被执行(比如,实验1中的printTestLog函数)。但今天线上的问题,
日志 日志是构建工具的主要界面。如果日志太多,真正的警告和问题容易被隐藏。另一方面,如果出了错,你需要找出相关的信息。Gradle 定义了6个日志级别,如表 18.1,“日志级别”所示。除了那些您通
日志 关键进程日志如下…(将 替换为启动服务的用户,将 替换为计算机名称) NameNode: $ HADOOP_HOME / logs / hadoop- -namenode- .log Da
我正在探索项目的 git 历史 FFMpeg .我在提交之间对每个文件执行了更改 517573a67088b5c7a25c18373434e3448892ee93和 80bb65fafab1d2f5f
我不知道如何在 loggly 中使用正则表达式进行搜索。例如,使用表达式 /24nonstop.+7554/ 记录我想查找的内容. { "level_name": "WARNING", "ex
有没有办法为 API 调用打开日志记录? 我们有一个第三方应用程序在使用我们的商店时遇到问题,希望获得一些调试信息。 ~我已经搜索了 bt 一无所获。 我正在使用 1.7 最佳答案 在一段受控的时间内
我正在尝试获取 SVN 中所有副本/移动/等的固定路径的日志历史记录(如果可能的话,递归地)。实际上,我试图避免 peg revisions ,并将日志应用于路径而不是对象。 svn 手册提出了这个问
如何在命令行中运行 NAnt 脚本并在日志文件中获取每个任务的时间? using nant task or NAnt -buildfile:testscript.build testnanttarg
是否有任何默认方式来记录哪些用户代理访问了您的服务器?我需要编制一份访问我们网站的浏览器列表,以便我们知道我们最能支持什么。 谢谢! 最佳答案 日志CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT ,也许在 A
我在我的应用程序中使用 Spring 发送电子邮件。 我想在发送电子邮件时记录 imap 服务器操作。 我尝试按如下方式在我的 applicationContext.xml 中实现日志:
我已经运行一个 pod 一个多星期了,从开始到现在没有重启过。但是,我仍然无法查看自它启动以来的日志,它只提供最近两天的日志。容器是否有任何日志轮换策略以及如何根据大小或日期控制轮换? 我尝试了以下命
背景: 我正在设置我的第一个 flex 堆栈,尽管我将开始简单,但是我想确保我从良好的体系结构开始。我最终希望有以下解决方案:托管指标,服务器日志(expressjs APM),单页应用程序监视(AP
常规的 hg log 命令给出每个变更集至少 4 行的输出。例如 changeset: 238:03a214f2a1cf user: My Name date: Th
我在我的项目中使用 Spring iBatis 框架。然后使用 logback 进行记录。然后,在检查日志文件时,我可以看到系统正在使用的数据库...出于安全目的我想隐藏它 这是示例日志.. 12:2
我想使用 hg log 生成一个简短的变更日志,涵盖最新版本的变更。发行版标有“v”前缀,例如“v0.9.1”或“v1.0”。是否可以使用 revsets 选择以“v”开头的最后两个标签之间的范围,不
我是 PHP 的新手,所以如果有一个简单的答案,请原谅我。我在 stackoverflow 中搜索过任何类似的问题,但找不到任何帮助。 我正在开发一个现有的基于 php 的应用程序,我只需要能够将对象
我有一个名为 Radius 的程序可以验证用户登录。运行在CentOS服务器上 日志在/var/log/radius.log 中 它们如下 Mon Jul 24 22:17:08 2017 : Aut
我最近从使用“日志”切换到“日志”。 到目前为止,还不错,但我缺少一项关键功能——在运行时更改最低级别的能力。 在“logging',我可以调用 myLogger.setLevel(logging.I
假设我们有速度关键的系统(例如统计/分析、套接字编程等),我们如何设计跟踪和日志。 更具体地说,日志和跟踪通常会降低性能(即使我们有关闭机制或冗长的扩展机制)。在这种情况下,是否有任何关于如何“放置”