gpt4 book ai didi

python - PAHO MQTT Python 客户端 - 缺少确认,保证为订户交付

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 17:48:34 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我正在查看 Paho MQTT 客户端(用于 Python),我想我了解发布者的 QoS 设置,例如传感器或任何数据源确实有意义 - 毕竟您希望能够确保(由代理/服务器)收到消息。

我也认为从订阅者的角度来看,请求例如QoS“2”,以确保 MQTT 服务器确实将每条消息发送给订阅者,但我正在努力解决这个问题:订阅者似乎没有办法表示成功(或不)​​处理收到的消息消息,换句话说,似乎缺少某种明确确认的方式?

用例 - 成功处理消息



现在,如果订阅者(固定的 client_id)在处理数据时失败,它将重新启动,然后重新连接到 MQTT 代理,代理通过 id 识别这个特定的客户端并再次开始推送消息 - 从订阅者断开连接后的下一条消息开始- 就代理而言,它确实成功传递了最后一条消息(不知道,订阅者崩溃了)。


如果上述假设成立,那么我最好不要使用固定的 client_id,而是使用“clean_session”和随机的 client_id;这样,代理开始传递所有消息,这些消息是为特定主题保留的。这当然会将跟踪成功处理的消息的责任放在订阅者身上。

需要这样做吗?或者是否有一种方法可以明确确认订户成功处理消息,以便代理可以重新传输应该需要 - 我对 Paho Python 库特别感兴趣。


编辑 1:


def _handle_on_message(self, message):
matched = False
with self._callback_mutex:
topic = message.topic
except UnicodeDecodeError:
topic = None

if topic is not None:
for callback in self._on_message_filtered.iter_match(message.topic):
with self._in_callback:
callback(self, self._userdata, message)
matched = True

if matched == False and self.on_message:
with self._in_callback:
self.on_message(self, self._userdata, message)


编辑 2:

@hardlib 确实是正确的——当回调函数内部失败时,客户端代码不会向代理确认


on_message 订阅者回调

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
print(msg.topic+" "+str(msg.payload)+ " mid:" + str(msg.mid))
num = ''.join(x for x in str(msg.payload) if x.isdigit())
if int(num) % 3 == 0:
print("Going to show myself out now (sys.exit(1))")


while True:
count += 1
logging.debug("At: " + str(count))
msg = "message: {counter}".format(counter=count)
mqttc.publish("paho/stacko", msg, qos=2, retain=False)



root@14f00c2576b2:/usr/src/app# python
DEBUG:root:Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b''
DEBUG:root:At: 1
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m1), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received CONNACK (0, 0)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 1)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 1)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 1)
DEBUG:root:At: 2
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m2), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:At: 3
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m3), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 3)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 3)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 3)
DEBUG:root:At: 4
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m4), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 4)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 4)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 4)
DEBUG:root:At: 5
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m5), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:At: 6
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m6), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 6)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 6)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 6)
DEBUG:root:At: 7
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m7), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 7)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 7)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 7)
DEBUG:root:At: 8
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m8), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 8)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 8)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 8)
DEBUG:root:At: 9
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m9), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 9)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 9)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 9)
DEBUG:root:At: 10
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m10), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (11 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 10)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 10)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 10)
DEBUG:root:At: 11
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m11), 'b'paho/stacko'', ... (11 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREC (Mid: 11)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREL (Mid: 11)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBCOMP (Mid: 11)


root@ca7dcaaed68f:/usr/src/app# python
DEBUG:root:Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c0, k60) client_id=b'client_02'
DEBUG:root:Received CONNACK (0, 0)
Connected with result code 0
DEBUG:root:Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0) [(b'#', 2)]
DEBUG:root:Received SUBACK
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m1), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 1)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 1)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 2'
paho/stacko b'message: 2' mid:1
Num: 2
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBCOMP (Mid: 1)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m2), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 3'
paho/stacko b'message: 3' mid:2
Num: 3
Going to show myself out now (sys.exit(1))

root@ca7dcaaed68f:/usr/src/app# python
DEBUG:root:Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c0, k60) client_id=b'client_02'
DEBUG:root:Received CONNACK (1, 0)
Connected with result code 0
DEBUG:root:Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0) [(b'#', 2)]
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m3), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 3)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m4), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 4)
DEBUG:root:Received SUBACK
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 3)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 4'
paho/stacko b'message: 4' mid:3
Num: 4
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBCOMP (Mid: 3)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 4)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 5'
paho/stacko b'message: 5' mid:4
Num: 5
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBCOMP (Mid: 4)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m5), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 6'
paho/stacko b'message: 6' mid:5
Num: 6
Going to show myself out now (sys.exit(1))

root@ca7dcaaed68f:/usr/src/app# python
DEBUG:root:Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c0, k60) client_id=b'client_02'
DEBUG:root:Received CONNACK (1, 0)
Connected with result code 0
DEBUG:root:Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0) [(b'#', 2)]
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:Received SUBACK
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m6), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 6)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 6)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 7'
paho/stacko b'message: 7' mid:6
Num: 7
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBCOMP (Mid: 6)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m7), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 7)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 7)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 8'
paho/stacko b'message: 8' mid:7
Num: 8
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBCOMP (Mid: 7)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m8), 'paho/stacko', ... (10 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 8)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 8)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 9'
paho/stacko b'message: 9' mid:8
Num: 9
Going to show myself out now (sys.exit(1))
root@ca7dcaaed68f:/usr/src/app# python
DEBUG:root:Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c0, k60) client_id=b'client_02'
DEBUG:root:Received CONNACK (1, 0)
Connected with result code 0
DEBUG:root:Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0) [(b'#', 2)]
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 2)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 8)
DEBUG:root:Received SUBACK
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m9), 'paho/stacko', ... (11 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 9)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 9)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 10'
paho/stacko b'message: 10' mid:9
Num: 10
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBCOMP (Mid: 9)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 5)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBLISH (d0, q2, r0, m10), 'paho/stacko', ... (11 bytes)
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBREC (Mid: 10)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 10)
DEBUG:root:Message!!!! b'message: 11'
paho/stacko b'message: 11' mid:10
Num: 11
DEBUG:root:Sending PUBCOMP (Mid: 10)
DEBUG:root:Received PUBREL (Mid: 2)


MQTT(至少是 Mosquitto)在持久性方面确实按预期工作:如果客户端重新连接,它可以“追赶”自上次连接以来错过的那些消息。然而,即使为订阅者和发布者都设置了 qos=2,崩溃前的最后一条消息也不会被重新处理



然后您可以在客户端重新启动时检查此存储并尝试再次处理它。如果您在重新连接(使用固定的 client_id)之前执行此操作,那么您不必担心在尝试处理失败的消息时传递新消息。


还要更详细地查看代码,对于 QOS2,传递确认的最后一段似乎仅在 on_message 完成后发送,因此如果您在处理消息时崩溃 on_message 然后代理应该重新传递该消息。

关于python - PAHO MQTT Python 客户端 - 缺少确认,保证为订户交付,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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