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python - 如何在 folium 中创建相对于 map 的固定大小的标记?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 17:37:12 27 4
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我有要在 map 上显示的图片。目前,我正在将 MarkerCustomIcon 一起使用,例如

marker = folium.Marker(location=(lat,long),icon=folium.features.CustomIcon(sprite_url,icon_size=(64,64)))

但是,图标始终为 64x64。我很乐意将它设置为 64 x 64,缩放级别为 16,如果缩小或放大,则分别变小或变大。

这可能吗?如果是这样,我该怎么做?我读过 imageOverlay 但来自 documentation I read听起来我只能用它在整个 map 上叠加一张图像,而且我有数千个数据点要绘制。


它本身并不受 folium 的支持,而且在可预见的 future 或永远不会有这种支持,尽管似乎有一些回旋余地。

See here the answer to when the question was first raised in 2015:

A wider answer to this question before closing:

When zooming two things can happen: either one reprojects the elementgeometries into the new zoom level (elements features like size remainconstant) or one scales the whole overlay (but then elementsshrink/expand and one needs to adjust for that if it's desirable).

Since reprojection of the geometries is computationally moredemanding, scaling and adjusting the size of elements is an easier andquicker way:

.attr("r", 5 / this._scale)

The code above will set a radius (for SVG circle element) to always be5 pixels.

关于python - 如何在 folium 中创建相对于 map 的固定大小的标记?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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