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awk - 提取最后一列最小值对应的行

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 17:36:32 33 4
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我需要帮助从文件中提取最后一列中具有最小数量的所有行,即在这种情况下为 7。



VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH : [102, 81, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH : [102, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH : [102, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 8
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111] 8
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111] 8
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 9
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 127, 88, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 9
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111] 9
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 110, 111] 9
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 10
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111] 10
VALID_PATH : [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111] 10

在这里,我想提取所有包含 7 的行,这是最后一列中的最小值(最小值),并将输出保存到另一个文件 File-2.txt 中,仅提取 [] 中包含的值,如下图。


102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 81, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111

我可以使用 awk 使用以下代码从最后一列中获取最小值为“7”:

awk 'BEGIN{getline;min=max=$NF}
END{print min,max}' File-1.txt

并仅打印方括号 [] 中的值,使用以下 awk 代码购买:

awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}' RS='[' FS=']' File-1.txt

但是,我被困在分配从第一个 awk 脚本中获得的最小值,即在这种情况下为 7 以提取 [] 中包含的相应数字,如 File-2.txt 所示。




awk '{Q=$NF;gsub(/.*\[|\]/,"");$NF="";A[Q]=A[Q]?A[Q] ORS $0:$0;MIN=MIN<Q?(MIN?MIN:Q):Q} END{print A[MIN]}' Input_file



awk '{
Q=$NF; ##### Making last field of Input_file as NULL.
gsub(/.*\[|\]/,""); ##### Using global substitution functionality of awk to remove everything till [ and then remove ] from the line as per your required output.
$NF=""; ##### Nullifying the last column of each line as you don't need them in your output.
A[Q]=A[Q]?A[Q] ORS $0:$0; ##### creating an array named A whose index is Q variable(whose value is already assigned previously to last column), creating array A with index Q and concatenating it's value in itself.
MIN=MIN<Q?(MIN?MIN:Q):Q} ##### Creating a variable named MIN(to get the minimum last value of each line) and comparing it's value to each line's last field and keeping the minimum value in it as per requirement.
END{print A[MIN]} ##### In end block of code printing the value of array A whose index is variable MIN to print all the lines whose index is variable named MIN.
' Input_file ##### Mentioning the Input_file here.

关于awk - 提取最后一列最小值对应的行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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