gpt4 book ai didi - 什么时候禁用 View 状态是安全的?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 17:14:10 26 4
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什么时候禁用 View 状态是安全的?适用于哪些控件?在什么情况下?
在用户控件中,我禁用了 View 状态,但是如果我尝试单击此控件

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" 
OnClientClick="return confirm('¿Está seguro que desea eliminar el mensaje?');"
<asp:Image ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Content/Images/delete.png"
ToolTip="Eliminar mensaje" /> Eliminar
我收到 System.InvalidOperationException 异常。它位于 ListView 内。


归结为您是否希望页面在回发中记住内容。如果您在每个回发 View 状态上重新创建或分配值是不必要的


Dynamically inserted value on the controls (By binding or programmatically assigning) – The values of this controls will not retain when it is rerendered, e.g. Switching from view1 to view2. But you have to consider two things, if you think repopulating the values for every render is to heavy to implement then don’t disable the viewstate, if not then you may disable it and reinitialize your controls on render event. Why am I suggesting this? It’s because processing serverside code is much faster than transferring a large junk of data back to the server and unto the client on roundtrips.

On Datalist and DropDownList – If you are not using the OnSelectedIndex Change event then you may disable the viewstate.

On Gridviews – This is the hardest part to decide whether to disable viewstate or retain it. If you are just displaying data on it or even using it just for selection, then disable the viewstate. If you are using paging, edit or delete functionality then don’t. Gridview has the largest viewstate capacity so you should use it wisely. If you have to update as many as 5 columns then why not just open another view then set the values there to be updated rather than updating it on the gridview directly.

关于 - 什么时候禁用 View 状态是安全的?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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