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处理 - 将一起形成一个圆的多个图像按钮

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 17:13:08 32 4
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PImage[] imgs1 = {loadImage("AREA1_1.png"),loadImage("AREA1_2.png"),loadImage("AREA1_3.png")};
cp5.addButton("AREA_1") // The button
.setPosition(-60,7) // x and y relative to the group
.moveTo(AreaRingGroup); // add it to the group

之后 draw()

void AREA_1(){
if (port != null){

现在,我必须从将被视为 1 个圆圈的图像中添加大约 24 个小按钮。但是我认为我应该创建一个类,而不是像上面那样使用 cp5.addButton 添加它们。

我想扩展现有的 CP5 按钮类,因为我希望能够达到 cp5 参数;就像使用 .setImages() 按钮图像中的 3 个 mouseClick 条件。


  • 如何扩展 CP5 按钮类,以便我可以使用角度(因为我想以圆形方式放置按钮)而不是给出 x、y 位置。

  • 如何使用这个类来写串口,如上面void(AREA_1)的例子。


class myButton extends Button
myButton(ControlP5 cp5, String theName)
super(cp5, cp5.getTab("default"), theName, 0,0,0, autoWidth, autoHeight);

PVector pos = new PVector (0,0);
PVector center = new PVector(500,500);
PImage[] img = new PImage[3];
String lable;
int sizeX = 10, sizeY=10;
color imgColor;
Boolean pressed = false;
Boolean clicked = false;

myButton(float a, String theName)

//Angle between the center I determined and the position of the
a = degrees (PVector.angleBetween(center, pos));

//Every button will have 3 images for the 3 mouseClick conditions.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
(img[i] = loadImage(lable + i + ".png")).resize(sizeX, sizeY);



Laancelot 的想法不错,但是,由于 controlP5 的 OOP 架构,扩展 controlP5 的 Button 类以从 controlP5 草图实现您的目标可能是不可能的,或者至少是微不足道的。

我假设这与您此时发布的其他 LED 环相关问题有关(例如 this one)。

这可能是错误的(我很想看到一个解决方案),但是如果不 fork /修改 controlP5 库本身,继承链会变得有点棘手。

理想情况下,您只需要扩展 Button 并完成它,但是用于告知状态(如果按钮被按下/按下等)的方法是 Controller 父类(super class)的 inside()方法。要使用您的图像,您需要覆盖此方法并交换逻辑,以便它考虑到您的 png 按钮皮肤的 alpha 透明度(例如,如果光标下的像素是不透明的,那么它在里面,否则它不是)


public abstract class CustomController< T > extends Controller< T> {

public CustomController( ControlP5 theControlP5 , String theName ) {
super( theControlP5 , theControlP5.getDefaultTab( ) , theName , 0 , 0 , autoWidth , autoHeight );
theControlP5.register( theControlP5.papplet , theName , this );

protected CustomController( final ControlP5 theControlP5 , final ControllerGroup< ? > theParent , final String theName , final float theX , final float theY , final int theWidth , final int theHeight ) {
super(theControlP5, theParent, theName, theX, theY, theWidth, theHeight);

boolean inside( ) {
/* constrain the bounds of the controller to the dimensions of the cp5 area, required since PGraphics as render
* area has been introduced. */
//float x0 = PApplet.max( 0 , x( position ) + x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) );
//float x1 = PApplet.min( cp5.pgw , x( position ) + x( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) + getWidth( ) );
//float y0 = PApplet.max( 0 , y( position ) + y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) );
//float y1 = PApplet.min( cp5.pgh , y( position ) + y( _myParent.getAbsolutePosition( ) ) + getHeight( ) );
//return ( _myControlWindow.mouseX > x0 && _myControlWindow.mouseX < x1 && _myControlWindow.mouseY > y0 && _myControlWindow.mouseY < y1 );
// FIXME: add alpha pixel logic here
return true;


public class CustomButton<Button> extends CustomController< Button > {

protected CustomButton( ControlP5 theControlP5 , ControllerGroup< ? > theParent , String theName , float theDefaultValue , int theX , int theY , int theWidth , int theHeight ) {
super( theControlP5 , theParent , theName , theX , theY , theWidth , theHeight );
_myValue = theDefaultValue;
_myCaptionLabel.align( CENTER , CENTER );

// isn't this fun ?
//public CustomButton setImage( PImage theImage ) {
// return super.setImage( theImage , DEFAULT );


我会建议一个更简单的解决方法:只需在环形布局中添加较小的按钮(使用 polar to cartesian coordinate conversion ):

import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 cp5;

void setup(){
size(600, 600);

cp5 = new ControlP5(this);

int numLEDs = 24;
float radius = 240;
for(int i = 0; i < numLEDs; i++){
float angle = (TWO_PI / numLEDs * i) - HALF_PI;
cp5.addButton(nf(i, 2))
.setPosition(width * 0.5 + cos(angle) * radius, height * 0.5 + sin(angle) * radius)
.setSize(30, 30);

void draw(){}

enter image description here


完全跳过 ControlP5 并为此类自定义行为创建您自己的按钮类可能会更简单。

假设您希望在环形布局中有一个方形按钮,该按钮也可以沿环旋转。这种轮换将使检查边界变得更棘手,但并非不可能。您可以使用 PMatrix2D 来跟踪按钮的二维变换矩阵。 ) 渲染按钮,但使用此变换矩阵的逆矩阵在 Processing 的全局坐标系与按钮的局部坐标系之间进行转换。这将使检查按钮是否再次悬停变得微不足道(因为转换为本地坐标的鼠标将在按钮的边界框内)。这是一个例子:

TButton btn;

void setup(){
size(600, 600);
btn = new TButton(0, 300, 300, 90, 90, radians(45));
void draw(){
btn.update(mouseX, mouseY, mousePressed);
class TButton{

PMatrix2D transform = new PMatrix2D();
PMatrix2D inverseTransform;

int index;
int x, y, w, h;
float angle;

boolean isOver;
boolean isPressed;

PVector cursorGlobal = new PVector();
PVector cursorLocal = new PVector();

color fillOver = color(192);
color fillOut = color(255);
color fillOn = color(127);

TButton(int index, int x, int y, int w, int h, float angle){
this.index = index;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.angle = angle;

transform.translate(x, y);
inverseTransform = transform.get();


void update(int mx, int my, boolean mPressed){
cursorGlobal.set(mx, my);
inverseTransform.mult(cursorGlobal, cursorLocal);
isOver = ((cursorLocal.x >= 0 && cursorLocal.x <= w) &&
(cursorLocal.y >= 0 && cursorLocal.y <= h));
isPressed = mPressed && isOver;

void draw(){
if(isOver) fill(fillOver);
if(isPressed) fill(fillOn);
rect(0, 0, w, h);



int numLEDs = 24;
TButton[] ring = new TButton[numLEDs];

TButton selectedLED;

void setup(){
size(600, 600);
float radius = 240;
float ledSize= 30;
float offsetX = width * 0.5;
float offsetY = height * 0.5;
for(int i = 0 ; i < numLEDs; i++){
float angle = (TWO_PI / numLEDs * i) - HALF_PI;
float x = offsetX + (cos(angle) * radius);
float y = offsetY + (sin(angle) * radius);
ring[i] = new TButton(i, x, y, ledSize, ledSize, angle);
println("click to select");
println("click and drag to change colour");

void draw(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < numLEDs; i++){
ring[i].update(mouseX, mouseY);

void onButtonClicked(TButton button){
selectedLED = button;
println("selected", selectedLED);

void mouseReleased(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < numLEDs; i++){

void mouseDragged(){
if(selectedLED != null){
float r = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);
float g = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 255);
float b = 255 - r;
selectedLED.fillColor = color(r, g, b);

class TButton{

PMatrix2D transform = new PMatrix2D();
PMatrix2D inverseTransform;

int index;
float x, y, w, h;
float angle;

boolean isOver;

PVector cursorGlobal = new PVector();
PVector cursorLocal = new PVector();

color fillColor = color(255);

TButton(int index, float x, float y, float w, float h, float angle){
this.index = index;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.angle = angle;

transform.translate(x, y);
inverseTransform = transform.get();


void update(int mx, int my){
cursorGlobal.set(mx, my);
inverseTransform.mult(cursorGlobal, cursorLocal);
isOver = ((cursorLocal.x >= 0 && cursorLocal.x <= w) &&
(cursorLocal.y >= 0 && cursorLocal.y <= h));

void mouseReleased(){
if(isOver) onButtonClicked(this);

void draw(){
if(isOver) {
fill(red(fillColor) * .5, green(fillColor) * .5, blue(fillColor) * .5);
rect(0, 0, w, h);

String toString(){
return "[TButton index=" + index + "]";


这还不错,但很容易变得复杂,对吧?您在 draw() 中应用什么全局转换:可能需要由按钮处理?如果在调用 .draw() 时按钮嵌套在一堆 pushMatrix()/popMatrix() 调用中怎么办?等等……

这可以更简单吗?当然,LED 在环形布局上显示为旋转的正方形,但点亮的重要部分是圆形的。无论角度如何,旋转的圆看起来都一样。检查鼠标是否悬停是微不足道的,正如您在 Processing RollOver example 中看到的那样: 简单地检查圆的位置和光标之间的距离是否小于圆的半径。


int numLEDs = 24;
CButton[] ring = new CButton[numLEDs];

CButton selectedLED;

void setup(){
size(600, 600);
float radius = 240;
float ledSize= 30;
float offsetX = width * 0.5;
float offsetY = height * 0.5;
for(int i = 0 ; i < numLEDs; i++){
float angle = (TWO_PI / numLEDs * i) - HALF_PI;
float x = offsetX + (cos(angle) * radius);
float y = offsetY + (sin(angle) * radius);
ring[i] = new CButton(i, x, y, ledSize);
println("click to select");
println("click and drag to change colour");

void draw(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < numLEDs; i++){
ring[i].update(mouseX, mouseY);

void onButtonClicked(CButton button){
selectedLED = button;
println("selected", selectedLED);

void mouseReleased(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < numLEDs; i++){

void mouseDragged(){
if(selectedLED != null){
float r = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 255);
float g = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 255);
float b = 255 - r;
selectedLED.fillColor = color(r, g, b);
class CButton{

int index;
float x, y, radius, diameter;

boolean isOver;

color fillColor = color(255);

CButton(int index, float x, float y, float radius){
this.index = index;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius= radius;

diameter = radius * 2;

void update(int mx, int my){
isOver = dist(x, y, mx, my) < radius;

void mouseReleased(){
if(isOver) onButtonClicked(this);

void draw(){
if(isOver) {
fill(red(fillColor) * .5, green(fillColor) * .5, blue(fillColor) * .5);
ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter);

String toString(){
return "[CButton index=" + index + "]";


enter image description here

在你的 NeoPixel 环形图像上使用这些圆形按钮,也许还有一点发光可能看起来非常好,并且在 Processing 草图中比采用 ControlP5 路线更容易实现。不要误会我的意思,这是一个很棒的库,但对于自定义行为,有时使用您自己的自定义代码更有意义。

要考虑的另一个方面是整体交互。如果此接口(interface)将用于设置 LED 环的颜色一次,那么它可能没问题,尽管需要 numLEDs * 3 交互才能将所有 LED 设置为自定义颜色。如果这是用于自定义逐帧 LED 动画工具,那么交互会在几帧后变得疲惫不堪。

关于处理 - 将一起形成一个圆的多个图像按钮,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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