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clojure - Clojure中的动态范围?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 16:56:35 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在寻找一种惯用的方法来获取 Clojure 中的动态范围变量(或类似效果),以​​便在模板等中使用。

这是一个使用查找表将标记属性从某些非 HTML 格式转换为 HTML 的示例问题,其中表需要访问从其他地方提供的一组变量:

(def *attr-table* 
; Key: [attr-key tag-name] or [boolean-function]
; Value: [attr-key attr-value] (empty array to ignore)
; Context: Variables "tagname", "akey", "aval"
; translate :LINK attribute in <a> to :href
[:LINK "a"] [:href aval]
; translate :LINK attribute in <img> to :src
[:LINK "img"] [:src aval]
; throw exception if :LINK attribute in any other tag
[:LINK] (throw (RuntimeException. (str "No match for " tagname)))
; ... more rules
; ignore string keys, used for internal bookkeeping
[(string? akey)] [] )) ; ignore



我想模板中也存在类似的问题(例如对于动态 HTML),您不希望每次有人在模板中放入新变量时都重写模板处理逻辑。

;; Generic code, works with any table on the same format.
(defn rule-match? [rule-val test-val]
"true if a single rule matches a single argument value"
(not (coll? rule-val)) (= rule-val test-val) ; plain value
(list? rule-val) (eval rule-val) ; function call
:else false ))

(defn rule-lookup [test-val rule-table]
"looks up rule match for test-val. Returns result or nil."
(loop [rules (partition 2 rule-table)]
(when-not (empty? rules)
(let [[select result] (first rules)]
(if (every? #(boolean %) (map rule-match? select test-val))
(eval result) ; evaluate and return result
(recur (rest rules)) )))))

;; Code specific to *attr-table*
(def tagname) ; need these globals for the binding in html-attr
(def akey)
(def aval)

(defn html-attr [tagname h-attr]
"converts to html attributes"
(apply hash-map
(map (fn [[k v :as kv]]
(binding [tagname tagname akey k aval v]
(or (rule-lookup [k tagname] *attr-table*) kv)))
h-attr ))))

;; Testing
(defn test-attr []
"test conversion"
(prn "a" (html-attr "a" {:LINK ""
"internal" 42
:title "A link" }))
(prn "img" (html-attr "img" {:LINK "logo.png" })))

user=> (test-attr)
"a" {:href "", :title "A link"}
"img" {:src "logo.png"}

这很好,因为查找逻辑独立于表,因此它可以与其他表和不同的变量一起使用。 (当然,当我在一个巨大的条件下“手动”进行翻译时,通用表格方法大约是我所拥有的代码大小的四分之一。)


(defn attr-table [tagname akey aval]
[:LINK "a"] [:href ~aval]
[:LINK "img"] [:src ~aval]
[:LINK] (throw (RuntimeException. (str "No match for " ~tagname)))
; ... more rules
[(string? ~akey)] [] )))

In rule-match? The syntax-quoted function call is no longer a list:
- (list? rule-val) (eval rule-val)
+ (seq? rule-val) (eval rule-val)

In html-attr:
- (binding [tagname tagname akey k aval v]
- (or (rule-lookup [k tagname] *attr-table*) kv)))
+ (or (rule-lookup [k tagname] (attr-table tagname k v)) kv)))

如果没有全局变量,我们会得到相同的结果。 (并且没有动态范围。)

如果没有 Clojure 的 binding 所需的全局变量,是否还有其他替代方法可以传递在别处声明的变量绑定(bind)集? ?

有没有一种惯用的方法,比如 Ruby's binding
Javascript's function.apply(context) ?


我可能把它弄得太复杂了,这是我认为是上述功能的更实用的实现——没有全局变量、没有 evals 和没有动态范围:
(defn attr-table [akey aval]
[:LINK "a"] [:href aval]
[:LINK "img"] [:src aval]
[:LINK] [:error "No match"]
[(string? akey)] [] ))

(defn match [rule test-key]
; returns rule if test-key matches rule key, nil otherwise.
(when (every? #(boolean %)
(map #(or (true? %1) (= %1 %2))
(first rule) test-key))

(defn lookup [key table]
(let [[hkey hval] (some #(match % key)
(partition 2 table)) ]
(if (= (first hval) :error)
(let [msg (str (last hval) " at " (pr-str hkey) " for " (pr-str key))]
(throw (RuntimeException. msg)))
hval )))

(defn html-attr [tagname h-attr]
(apply hash-map
(map (fn [[k v :as kv]]
(lookup [k tagname] (attr-table k v))
kv ))
h-attr ))))




所以我最终得到了一个将表格扩展为函数和条件的宏。这保留了原始 eval 实现的灵 active ,但更高效,需要更少的编码并且不需要动态范围:
(deftable html-attr [[akey tagname] aval]
[:LINK ["a" "link"]] [:href aval]
[:LINK "img"] [:src aval]
[:LINK] [:ERROR "No match"]
(string? akey) [] ))))

(defn html-attr [[akey tagname] aval]
(= :LINK akey)
(in? ["a" "link"] tagname)) [:href aval]
(= :LINK akey)
(= "img" tagname)) [:src aval]
(= :LINK akey) (let [msg__3235__auto__ (str "No match for "
(pr-str [akey tagname])
" at [:LINK]")]
(throw (RuntimeException. msg__3235__auto__)))
(string? akey) []))

我不知道这是否特别实用,但肯定是 DSLish(制作一种微语言以简化重复性任务)和 Lispy(代码即数据,数据即代码),两者都与功能性正交。

关于最初的问题——如何在 Clojure 中进行动态范围界定——我想答案变成了惯用的 Clojure 方法是找到一个不需要它的重新表述。


您解决问题的方法似乎不是很实用,您正在使用 eval太频繁;这闻起来像糟糕的设计。

而不是使用传递给 eval 的代码片段,为什么不使用适当的功能呢?如果所有模式所需的变量都是固定的,则可以直接将它们作为参数传递;如果不是,您可以将绑定(bind)作为 map 传递。

关于clojure - Clojure中的动态范围?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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