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cuda - CUDA 中的每计数指令 (IPC) 和指令级并行 (ILP)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 16:49:59 26 4
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我观察到 IPC 下降,因为 ILP 在尝试加速我的加密内核时针对 32-bit int 操作上升。内核由 ADDXOR 操作的长序列相当展开的循环组成,每个 192 的吞吐量应为 160 ops Kepler 上每个周期的内核数(GTX Titan/780)。


IPC 达到了 3.28 的上限。使用 ILP 甚至会降低 IPC。显然 ILP 无法帮助实现我的目标——充分利用管道,所以我写了一些小实验。我把 ILP 4 的代码放在最后。


  • 结果是在 GTX Titan 上测得的。
  • cubin 检查输出以确保在优化过程中没有指令被删除。
  • Executed IPC 和 issued IPC 几乎一样,所以我只列出其中之一。

ADD 指令(XOR 具有相同的行为)

             | ILP 1  | ILP 2   | ILP 4  | ILP 8
IPC | 4.00 | 3.32 | 2.72 | 3.44
Issue Slot | 99.17% | 59.34% | 48.61% | 61.71%
Utilization | | | |
  • 我希望 ILP 248 会提供更好的性能,但事实并非如此。
  • 回想一下整数吞吐量是 160。每个 SM 的 4 warp 调度程序每个周期应该双重发出最多 5 指令,因此 IPC 应该向 5。我该如何解释我观察到的东西?当 IPC = 4 时,为什么 issue slot 的使用率为 99%?

Float/Int ADD 指令组合

如果我修改 ILP 4 的代码来执行两个 int ADD 和两个 float 添加:

IPC: 5.1
Issue slot utilization: 99.12%

奇怪的是,似乎 warp 调度程序在发出 float 操作方面做得更好。


  • 现有文献表明使用 ILP 有助于达到浮点运算的最佳性能。为什么 ILP 不适用于整数?我如何为整数运算执行此操作?
  • 我的内核理论上应该对每个候选对象执行 2.25 整数运算。这与我在 cuobjdump 中观察到的一致。有 2^48 个候选者,因此 GTX Titan 上的最小运行时间应该是 2.25 * 2^48/(2688 * 160/192)/876 MHz = 322.75s。这个估计合理吗?
  • 我的内核的测量性能是 523s。这确实意味着整数吞吐量仅为 160 * 3.28(测量 IPC)/5(最大 IPC)


__device__ int x[10];
__global__ void test(int flag = 0)
int a = x[0], b = x[1], c = x[2], d = x[3];
int _a = x[4], _b = x[5], _c = x[6], _d = x[7];

#pragma unroll 128
for (int i = 0; i < 51200; ++i)
asm volatile("add.u32 %0, %0, %1;": "+r"(a): "r"(_a));
asm volatile("add.u32 %0, %0, %1;": "+r"(b): "r"(_b));
asm volatile("add.u32 %0, %0, %1;": "+r"(c): "r"(_c));
asm volatile("add.u32 %0, %0, %1;": "+r"(d): "r"(_d));

int v = a + b + c + d;
if (flag * v == 1)
x[0] = v;


每个候选人需要 9/4 = 2.25 操作。 Cuobjdump 也验证了这一点。

d ^= d2(1, 3);                 // d2 is located in constant memory
s ^= d;
t ^= d2(1, 16);
u ^= d2(1, 17);
v ^= some_const;
flag_s = min(flag_s, s); // int min has throughput of 160
flag_t = flag_t || (s == t); // setp.or should be the same
flag_u = flag_u || (s == u);
flag_v = flag_v || (s == v);



我没有观察到每计数执行的指令数 (IPC) 与指令级并行度 的变化。总体而言,在不知道任何进一步信息但由 OP 自己提供的信息(例如,启动配置)的情况下,很难争论 OP 观察到的效果的原因。

在下面的代码中,我正在考虑使用 float 的示例,尽管我已经使用 int 测试了相同的代码,但没有改变概念结果。该代码使用ILP=1ILP=2 实现循环Multiply Add (MAD) 操作ILP=4


ILP         IPC            FLOPs
1 3.924 67108864
2 4.323 67108864
4 4.016 67108864

对于 N=8192。代码已使用 CUDA 8.0 编译并在 NVIDIA GT920M 上运行。可以看出,对于 ILP 的不同考虑值,IPC 几乎保持不变。 浮点运算(FLOPs)由代码估计,假设每 MAD 2 FLOPs 与 Visual Profiler 测量的一致。



#define N_ITERATIONS 8192

#include "Utilities.cuh"
#include "TimingGPU.cuh"

#define BLOCKSIZE 512

//#define DEBUG

__global__ void kernel0(float * __restrict__ d_a, const float * __restrict__ d_b, const float * __restrict__ d_c, const int N) {

const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

if (tid < N) {

float a = d_a[tid];
float b = d_b[tid];
float c = d_c[tid];

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N_ITERATIONS; i++) {
a = a * b + c;

d_a[tid] = a;


__global__ void kernel1(float * __restrict__ d_a, const float * __restrict__ d_b, const float * __restrict__ d_c, const int N) {

const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

if (tid < N / 2) {

float a1 = d_a[tid];
float b1 = d_b[tid];
float c1 = d_c[tid];

float a2 = d_a[tid + N / 2];
float b2 = d_b[tid + N / 2];
float c2 = d_c[tid + N / 2];

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N_ITERATIONS; i++) {
a1 = a1 * b1 + c1;
a2 = a2 * b2 + c2;

d_a[tid] = a1;
d_a[tid + N / 2] = a2;


__global__ void kernel2(float * __restrict__ d_a, const float * __restrict__ d_b, const float * __restrict__ d_c, const int N) {

const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

if (tid < N / 4) {

float a1 = d_a[tid];
float b1 = d_b[tid];
float c1 = d_c[tid];

float a2 = d_a[tid + N / 4];
float b2 = d_b[tid + N / 4];
float c2 = d_c[tid + N / 4];

float a3 = d_a[tid + N / 2];
float b3 = d_b[tid + N / 2];
float c3 = d_c[tid + N / 2];

float a4 = d_a[tid + 3 * N / 4];
float b4 = d_b[tid + 3 * N / 4];
float c4 = d_c[tid + 3 * N / 4];

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N_ITERATIONS; i++) {
a1 = a1 * b1 + c1;
a2 = a2 * b2 + c2;
a3 = a3 * b3 + c3;
a4 = a4 * b4 + c4;

d_a[tid] = a1;
d_a[tid + N / 4] = a2;
d_a[tid + N / 2] = a3;
d_a[tid + 3 * N / 4] = a4;


/* MAIN */
int main() {

//const int N = 8192 * 64;
const int N = 8192;
//const int N = 1024;

TimingGPU timerGPU;

float *h_a = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
float *h_a_result_host = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
float *h_a_result_device = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
float *h_b = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
float *h_c = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));

for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
h_a[i] = 2.;
h_b[i] = 1.;
h_c[i] = 2.;
h_a_result_host[i] = h_a[i];
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < N_ITERATIONS; k++) {
h_a_result_host[i] = h_a_result_host[i] * h_b[i] + h_c[i];

float *d_a; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a, N*sizeof(float)));
float *d_b; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_b, N*sizeof(float)));
float *d_c; gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_c, N*sizeof(float)));

gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_a, h_a, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_b, h_b, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_c, h_c, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

/* KERNEL0 */
kernel0 << <iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE >> >(d_a, d_b, d_c, N);
#ifdef DEBUG
// --- Remember: timing is in ms
printf("Number of operations = %f; GFlops = %f\n", (float)N*(float)N_ITERATIONS, (1.e-6)*((float)N*(float)N_ITERATIONS) / timerGPU.GetCounter());
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_a_result_device, d_a, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) if (h_a_result_device[i] != h_a_result_host[i]) { printf("Error at i=%i! Host = %f; Device = %f\n", i, h_a_result_host[i], h_a_result_device[i]); return 1; }

/* KERNEL1 */
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_a, h_a, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
kernel1 << <iDivUp(N / 2, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE >> >(d_a, d_b, d_c, N);
#ifdef DEBUG
// --- Remember: timing is in ms
printf("Number of operations = %f; GFlops = %f\n", (float)N*(float)N_ITERATIONS, (1.e-6)*((float)N*(float)N_ITERATIONS) / timerGPU.GetCounter());
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_a_result_device, d_a, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) if (h_a_result_device[i] != h_a_result_host[i]) { printf("Error at i=%i! Host = %f; Device = %f\n", i, h_a_result_host[i], h_a_result_device[i]); return 1; }

/* KERNEL2 */
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_a, h_a, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
kernel2 << <iDivUp(N / 4, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE >> >(d_a, d_b, d_c, N);
#ifdef DEBUG
// --- Remember: timing is in ms
printf("Number of operations = %f; GFlops = %f\n", (float)N*(float)N_ITERATIONS, (1.e-6)*((float)N*(float)N_ITERATIONS) / timerGPU.GetCounter());
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_a_result_device, d_a, N*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) if (h_a_result_device[i] != h_a_result_host[i]) { printf("Error at i=%i! Host = %f; Device = %f\n", i, h_a_result_host[i], h_a_result_device[i]); return 1; }


return 0;


关于cuda - CUDA 中的每计数指令 (IPC) 和指令级并行 (ILP),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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