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visual-studio - 从 TFS 迁移到 VSTS - 验证许可证类型警告

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 16:04:17 29 4
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我们计划很快从本地 TFS 实例迁移到 VSTS。在迁移之前,我们运行先决条件验证任务并从 TFS 迁移器日志报告中获得以下警告:

“未知许可证类型:VS Enterprise 已找到用户:S-1-5-21-1229257200-2060469098-nnnnnnnnn-nnnnnn。用户被分配了默认的基本许可证。”

[Info @12:34:44.508] 验证已完成“填充许可证信息”,结果为警告,消息遇到无效的用户许可证并选择了默认许可证。请查看日志以获取更多详细信息。




根据详细信息。这应该是许可证问题。对于 VSTS 未检测到 VS Enterprise 的特定帐户,VSTS 为其分配了默认的基本许可证。 VSTS 有 5 个免费用户,它们具有默认的基本许可证。

根据警告级别和错误消息,这不会妨碍您的迁移。迁移完成后,您就可以处理特定帐户的许可证了。 Visual Studio 订阅链接发生在导入范围之外。通常 VSTS 会在用户登录后自动检测 Visual Studio 订阅。

你可以看看下面来自 MSDN 的解释:

TfsMigrator is unable to detect Visual Studio subscriptions (formerly known as MSDN benefits) when generating the identity map log file. Instead, it's recommended that you leverage the auto license upgrade feature post import. As long as a user's work account is linked correctly, VSTS will automatically apply their Visual Studio subscription benefits on their first login post import. You're never charged for licenses assigned during import, so this can be safely handled post import.

You don't need to repeat a dry run import if users don't automatically get upgraded to use their Visual Studio Subscription in VSTS. Visual Studio Subscription linking is something that happens outside of the scope of an import. As long as the work account gets linked correctly before or after the import then the user will automatically have their license upgraded on the next sign in. Once they've been upgraded successfully, next time you import the user will be upgraded automatically on the first sign in to the account.

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如果用户仍然遇到许可证问题,您可以联系我们的license support team .

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