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vhdl - 如何在 VHDL 中实例化通用设计的参数化版本?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 16:02:40 25 4
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我正在尝试理解 VHDL 中的泛型编程,并且我已经编写了一些简单的代码来实现这一点。我的目标是能够编写通用设计(通用的意思是未指定实体的输入/输出大小等特定事物),然后在顶级模块中实例化它并在实例化时指定设计约束。这样,我可以根据用户的需要编写一个设计来满足许多不同的参数约束。否则,我需要为每个文件编写一个单独的设计,每个文件只进行少量修改。这种灵 active 的一个明显用例是创建库。


-- array_adder.vhd
-- Computes and outputs the pointwise addition of two arrays.
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

package array_adder_pkg is
generic (array_size : integer;
precision_size : integer
type array_type is array (0 to array_size-1) of signed(precision_size-1 downto 0);

component array_adder is
port (a : in array_type;
b : in array_type;
c : out array_type
end component;
end package;
-----main code:-----------------------------------------------------------------
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity array_adder is
port (a : in array_type;
b : in array_type;
c : out array_type
end entity;
architecture fpga of array_adder is
comp: for i in 0 to array_size-1 generate
c(i) <= a(i) + b(i);
end generate;
end architecture;

-- top_level.vhd
package small_pkg is new work.array_adder_pkg
generic map (array_size => 3,
precision_size => 5
package large_pkg is new work.array_adder_pkg
generic map (array_size => 15,
precision_size => 9
use work.small_pkg.all;
use work.large_pkg.all;

library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity top_level is
end entity;
architecture fpga of top_level is
signal small_ina : work.small_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(1, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(2, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(3, work.small_pkg.precision_size));
signal small_inb : work.small_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(4, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(5, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(6, work.small_pkg.precision_size));
signal small_out : work.small_pkg.array_type;

signal large_ina : work.large_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(100, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(110, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(120, work.large_pkg.precision_size));
signal large_inb : work.large_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(50, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(30, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(80, work.large_pkg.precision_size));
signal large_out : work.large_pkg.array_type;
small_array_adder: work.small_pkg.array_adder
port map (a => small_ina,
b => small_inb,
c => small_out);

large_array_adder: work.large_pkg.array_adder
port map (a => large_ina,
b => large_inb,
c => large_out);
end architecture;

第一组无法编译,因为 array_adder 不知道 array_type 是什么。在 ModelSim 10.4b 中,我得到 (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "array_type"。 这并不奇怪,因为我从未实例化过 array_adder_pkg

所以,我尝试在 array_adder.vhd 中实例化一个默认包,这大部分是相同的,但我将包含它以使其完整。 top_level.vhd 保持不变。

-- array_adder2.vhd
-- Computes and outputs the pointwise addition of two arrays.
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

package array_adder_pkg is
generic (array_size : integer;
precision_size : integer
type array_type is array (0 to array_size-1) of signed(precision_size-1 downto 0);

component array_adder is
port (a : in array_type;
b : in array_type;
c : out array_type
end component;
end package;
-----main code:-----------------------------------------------------------------
package default_array_adder_pkg is new work.array_adder_pkg
generic map (array_size => 3,
precision_size => 7
use work.default_array_adder_pkg.all;

library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity array_adder is
port (a : in array_type;
b : in array_type;
c : out array_type
end entity;
architecture fpga of array_adder is
comp: for i in 0 to array_size-1 generate
c(i) <= a(i) + b(i);
end generate;
end architecture;

现在两个文件都可以编译,但是当我尝试在 ModelSim 中模拟 top_level.vhd 时,我得到错误 Fatal: (vsim-3714) At array depth 1, array lengths do not match .左边是 15(0 到 14)。右边是 3(0 到 2)。 这似乎表明 ModelSim 在实例化大小与默认大小不同时遇到了问题。为了进一步测试这一点,我在 top_level.vhd 中删除了第二个包实例化和所有与之关联的代码(即所有 large_pkg 内容和与之关联的组件实例化)。这次我将为您省去大部分冗余代码。同样,这会按预期进行编译,但是当我尝试模拟它时,我得到了 Fatal: (vsim-3807) Types do not match between component and entity for port "a".


有没有其他我想念的方法?或者,这不是 VHDL 目前支持的东西吗?



然后 VHDL-2008 允许无约束数组,这可以在这里帮助您。


library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

package array_pkg is
type signed_array is array (natural range <>) of signed;
end package;

use work.array_pkg.signed_array;

package array_adder_pkg is
array_size : positive;
precision_size : positive

subtype array_type is signed_array(0 to array_size-1)(precision_size-1 downto 0);

component array_adder is
array_size : positive := array_size;
precision_size : positive := precision_size
port (
a : in signed_array(0 to array_size-1)(precision_size-1 downto 0);
b : in signed_array(0 to array_size-1)(precision_size-1 downto 0);
c : out signed_array(0 to array_size-1)(precision_size-1 downto 0)
end component;
end package;

use work.array_pkg.signed_array;

entity array_adder is
array_size : positive;
precision_size : positive
port (
a : in signed_array(0 to array_size-1)(precision_size-1 downto 0);
b : in signed_array(0 to array_size-1)(precision_size-1 downto 0);
c : out signed_array(0 to array_size-1)(precision_size-1 downto 0)
end entity;

library ieee;

architecture fpga of array_adder is
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
comp: for i in 0 to array_size-1 generate
c(i) <= a(i) + b(i);
end generate;
end architecture;

entity top_level is end entity;

package small_pkg is new work.array_adder_pkg
generic map (array_size => 3,
precision_size => 5
package large_pkg is new work.array_adder_pkg
generic map (array_size => 3,
precision_size => 9

library ieee;

architecture fpga of top_level is
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

signal small_ina : work.small_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(1, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(2, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(3, work.small_pkg.precision_size));
signal small_inb : work.small_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(4, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(5, work.small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(6, work.small_pkg.precision_size));
signal small_out : work.small_pkg.array_type;

signal large_ina : work.large_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(100, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(110, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(120, work.large_pkg.precision_size));
signal large_inb : work.large_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(50, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(30, work.large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(80, work.large_pkg.precision_size));
signal large_out : work.large_pkg.array_type;
small_array_adder: work.small_pkg.array_adder
port map (a => small_ina,
b => small_inb,
c => small_out);

large_array_adder: work.large_pkg.array_adder
port map (a => large_ina,
b => large_inb,
c => large_out);
end architecture;


entity top_level is end entity;

library ieee;

architecture fpga of top_level is
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

package small_pkg is new work.array_adder_pkg
generic map (array_size => 3,
precision_size => 5
package large_pkg is new work.array_adder_pkg
generic map (array_size => 3,
precision_size => 9

signal small_ina : small_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(1, small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(2, small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(3, small_pkg.precision_size));
signal small_inb : small_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(4, small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(5, small_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(6, small_pkg.precision_size));
signal small_out : small_pkg.array_type;

signal large_ina : large_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(100, large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(110, large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(120, large_pkg.precision_size));
signal large_inb : large_pkg.array_type :=
(to_signed(50, large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(30, large_pkg.precision_size),
to_signed(80, large_pkg.precision_size));
signal large_out : large_pkg.array_type;
small_array_adder: small_pkg.array_adder
port map (a => small_ina,
b => small_inb,
c => small_out);

large_array_adder: large_pkg.array_adder
port map (a => large_ina,
b => large_inb,
c => large_out);
end architecture;

关于vhdl - 如何在 VHDL 中实例化通用设计的参数化版本?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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