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这是上一个问题 I asked 的后续,但增加了额外的复杂性,因此是一个新问题。
我有两个组(以下示例中为 39 和 380 )。我需要做的是分配 889 人分成39组,由之间组成2 到 7 人与380组之间 2 到 6 人们。
但是,可以属于某些组的总人数存在限制。在下面的示例中,每行允许的最大值位于 X6 列中。
使用下面的例子。如果在第 2 行,X2 列分配了 6 个人,X4 列分配了 120 个人,那么总人数将为 18(6*3)+240(120*2) = 258,这样就可以了低于 324。
所以我对每一行所追求的是 X1*X2 + X3*X4(使 X5 列)的值小于或等于 X6,其中 X2 的总和为 39,X4 的总和为 380,总和X5 的值为 889。理想情况下,任何解决方案都应尽可能随机(因此,如果重复,您将获得不同的解决方案),并且当值与 889、39 和 380 不同时,该解决方案将起作用。
DF <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 7, ncol = 6))
DF[,1] <- c(2:7,"Sum")
DF[7,2] <- 39
DF[2:6,3] <- 2:6
DF[7,4] <- 380
DF[7,5] <- 889
DF[1:6,6] <- c(359, 324, 134, 31, 5, 2)
DF[1,3:4] <- NA
DF[7,3] <- NA
DF[7,6] <- NA
homeType=rep(c("a", "b"), times=c(39, 380))
H <- vector(mode="list", length(homeType))
for(i in seq(H)){
H[[i]]$type <- homeType[i]
H[[i]]$n <- 0
# Place people in houses up to max number of people
npeople <- 889
for(i in seq(npeople)){
placed_in_house <- FALSE
house_num <- sample(length(H), 1)
if(H[[house_num]]$type == "a"){
if(H[[house_num]]$n < 7){
H[[house_num]]$n <- H[[house_num]]$n + 1
placed_in_house <- TRUE
if(H[[house_num]]$type == "b"){
if(H[[house_num]]$n < 6){
H[[house_num]]$n <- H[[house_num]]$n + 1
placed_in_house <- TRUE
# move people around to get up to min number of people
for(i in seq(H)){
while(H[[i]]$n < 2){
knock_on_door <- sample(length(H), 1)
if( H[[knock_on_door]]$n > 2){
H[[i]]$n <- H[[i]]$n + 1 # house i takes 1 person
H[[knock_on_door]]$n <- H[[knock_on_door]]$n - 1 # house knock_on_door loses 1 person
Ha <- H[which(lapply(H, function(x){x$type}) == "a")]
Hb <- H[which(lapply(H, function(x){x$type}) == "b")]
Ha_T <- data.frame(t(table(data.frame(matrix(unlist(Ha), nrow=length(Ha), byrow=T)))))
Hb_T <- data.frame(t(table(data.frame(matrix(unlist(Hb), nrow=length(Hb), byrow=T)))))
DF_1 <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 7, ncol = 6))
DF_1[,1] <- c(2:7,"Sum")
DF_1[7,2] <- 39
DF_1[2:6,3] <- 2:6
DF_1[7,4] <- 380
DF_1[7,5] <- 889
DF_1[1:6,6] <- c(359, 324, 134, 31, 5, 2)
for(i in 1:nrow(Ha_T)){DF_1[as.numeric(as.character(Ha_T[i,1]))-1,2] <- Ha_T[i,3]}
for(i in 1:nrow(Hb_T)){DF_1[as.numeric(as.character(Hb_T[i,1])),4] <- Hb_T[i,3]}
DF_1$X5[1:6] <- (as.numeric(as.character(DF_1$X1[1:6]))*DF_1$X2[1:6])+(as.numeric(as.character(DF_1$X3[1:6]))*DF_1$X4[1:6])
DF_1$X7 <- DF_1$X2+DF_1$X4
DF_1[1,3:4] <- NA
DF_1[7,3] <- NA
DF_1[7,6] <- NA
"So what I am after for each row is a value of X1*X2 + X3*X4 (to make column X5) that is less or equal to X6 with the sum of X2 being 39, the sum of X4 being 380 and the total sum of X5 being 889. "
"I am not actually filling the number of houses completely. I am just assigning the number of children into houses. This is why 'a' is 2 to 7 and 'b' is 2 to 6, as 'a' households will also include 1 adult and 'b' households 2. For a given area I know how many 2 to 8 person households there are (419), and how many 2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8 person households exist (359,324,134,31,5,2). I also know the total number of households with either 1 (39) or 2 (380) adults, and how many children there are (889 in my example)."
DT <- data.table(HS1 = 2:7, # type 1 house size
NH1 = 0, # number of type 1 houses with children
HS2 = 1:6, # type 2 house size
NH2 = 0, # number of type 2 houses with children
C = 0, # number of children in houses
MaxNH = c(359, 324, 134, 31, 5, 2)) # maximum number of type1+type 2 houses
NR = DT[,.N]
repeat {
while (DT[, sum(C) < 889]) {
DT[, MaxH1 := (MaxNH - NH1 - NH2)]
DT[, MaxH2 := (MaxNH - NH1 - NH2)]
DT[1,MaxH2 := 0 ]
DT[MaxH1 > 39 - sum(NH1), MaxH1 := 39 - sum(NH1)]
DT[MaxH2 > 380- sum(NH2), MaxH2 := 380- sum(NH2)]
if (DT[, sum(NH1)] >= 39) DT[, MaxH1 := 0]
if (DT[, sum(NH2)] >= 380) DT[, MaxH1 := 0]
if (DT[, all(MaxH1==0) & all(MaxH2==0)]) { # check if it is not possible to assign anyone else to a group
print("No solution found. Check constraints or try again")
# If you wish to preferentially fill a particular type of house, then change the probability weights in the next line accordingly
newgroup = sample(2*NR, 1, prob = DT[, c(MaxH1, MaxH2)])
if (newgroup > NR) DT[rep(1:NR, 2)[newgroup], NH2 := NH2+1] else DT[rep(1:NR, 2)[newgroup], NH1 := NH1+1]
DT[, C := HS1*NH1 + HS2*NH2]
if (DT[, sum(C)==889]) break
DT[,1:6, with=F]
# HS1 NH1 HS2 NH2 C MaxNH
#1: 2 7 1 0 14 359
#2: 3 7 2 218 457 324
#3: 4 14 3 76 284 134
#4: 5 9 4 14 101 31
#5: 6 2 5 3 27 5
#6: 7 0 6 1 6 2
colSums(DT[, .(NH1, NH2, C)])
# NH1 NH2 C
# 39 312 889
关于将值随机分配到满足多个标准的不同大小组的数据框/矩阵中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38975836/
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